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Tennis Parent Coach


The Psychology of Tennis Parenting


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Successful Parental Habits

Tennis parents rarely get the spotlight, but without their influence and leadership, most athletes wouldn’t even make their local high school squad. I chatted with the parents of my top nationally ranked juniors to find out what they had in common. These parents teach their children ownership of their tennis careers. Below are six commonalities found in the parents of top competitors.


  • After each tennis lesson, these parents ask their athletes to teach them the concepts they’ve just learned. Learning by teaching solidifies their knowledge, which improves confidence. Communication skills enhance memorization.
  • For each private lesson their athlete takes, they schedule a hitting session or a practice match utilizing those improvements. Solidifying stroke adjustments takes repetition. Memorizing new material in the form of plays and patterns takes time.
  • Successful tennis parents have their athletes play sets with paid college hitters. The parent hires the hitter and instructs them to play the style their child has trouble with in competition.
  • These parents ask them to rehearse their secondary tools, and contingency game plans in group training sessions. They know if their player doesn’t rehearse their plan B, it likely won’t hold up under pressure.
  • If their child despises playing a retriever, they ask their coaches to stop simply grooving to each other in practice and develop the keep-away patterns used to pull retrievers out of their game.
  • Successful tennis parents replace some of the hours of drilling with completing practice sets. Practicing in the manner, they’re expected to perform requires a different set of skills than most academy training. Software management stems from being judged, and that involves competition. Being a great competitor is different from being a great stationary ball striker.

Tennis Coaching Nurturing Happiness


The Psychology of Tennis Parenting


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Nurturing Happiness




“Winning isn’t the way to happiness … Happiness is the way to winning.”


Teach Happiness

At the heart of a tennis parent’s job description is to teach happiness. Happier athletes are more likely to play longer, develop deeper skill sets, perform more freely, become successful tennis athletes, and become accomplished adults. Neuroscientists report that just hearing another person laugh triggers mirror neurons in the brain—these mirror neurons insight laughter. Interestingly, to date, Harvard University’s most popular class is a happiness course taught by Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar.

Solution: Parental guidance greatly influences an athlete’s success, especially through modeling – children do what you do and not necessarily what you say. So, if you want to nurture happier athletes, the first step is to show happiness. Focus on the positive and avoid stressing the negative. Your happiness or disappointment affects your athlete tremendously. Joy and laughter are contagious, so laugh with your children daily. There is a time and a place for correction but be sure to lighten the mood on tournament days and enjoy the journey.

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting

Released on January 28, 2023

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting


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The most important and neglected component of the competitive tennis athlete is their mental and emotional aptitude. Yet, year after year, most athletes and their parents ignore the psychological aspects of the game of tennis. The Tennis Parent’s Bible was my first attempt to call attention to this issue. With great success and professional recognition, the importance of mental and emotional development is finally acknowledged, but a lack of implementation is still an issue over a decade later.

Parents of high-performance athletes have a detailed job description. While their job doesn’t typically involve the development of the sports mechanics or athleticism, it does comprise the mental and emotional aptitude needed to navigate competitive pressures. I wrote The Psychology of Tennis Parenting as a psychological guidance system to assist parents with developing the software their athletes need to maximize their full potential.

I am a Philomath, which is a lover of learning. For the past two decades, I’ve traveled around the world coaching top athletes and examining the role of parenting athletes, and identifying ways to improve those systems. Though I have written many books to help athletes, parents, and coaches fine-tune their training routines, those athletes that have found the most success have had a parent eager to direct the team.

Athletes need mental clarity at crunch time, and this book provides the mental and emotional training pathways lacking in most athletes’ development. A successful athlete on-court is also an accomplished person off-court. Parents devoting time and energy to developing strong mental and emotional skill sets are raising confident and resilient future leaders.

Praise Effort Not Results

Released on January 28, 2023

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting


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Chapter One Excerpt- Nurturing Happiness


Praise Effort, Not Results

When parents say, “Ethan, if you win the whole event, we’ll buy you a new computer game!”

The reality is that winning is out of Ethan’s control. An athlete can influence winning a tournament but can’t control it. There are far too many variables to manage in a match. Outcome goals create an anxious environment and obstruct the learning process. Parents should instead encourage process goals and view each match as a learning experience. The research is very consistent: praise effort, not results.

Solution: Replace this outcome bribe with an attainable goal, “Ethan, if you hit your three performance goals each match this event, we’ll buy you a new computer game.” Now Ethan is given a goal within his control.

After the tournament, parents should avoid discussing the laundry list of mistakes their athletes made during the match. This negative list of faults destroys your athlete’s self-esteem and confirms that they are broken and unworthy. Parents should send their match notes to their athlete’s coach, and the coach can address the issues during practice. Avoid a post-match verbal attack.

Lastly, parents avoid using their friend’s success against them. Praising their rival’s positive results compounds the pressure. Praising your athlete’s effort instead keeps them focused on the improvement process.

Available Now The Psychology of Tennis Parenting

Released on January 28, 2023

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting




It’s our job as parents and coaches to teach the science of achievement and the art of fulfillment. The Psychology of Tennis Parenting will help the reader uncover how to juggle both topics. Your family’s happiness depends on your ability to navigate the waters. As I’ve said a thousand times:

Educated parents about the developmental process are the ship’s motors…uneducated parents about the developmental process are the ship’s anchors.”

If your athlete is already competing, you have seen that winning titles requires more than just athletic ability. The prerequisite is a healthy mental state: emotional fitness and psychological strength matter. Our emotions determine our course of action, and these pages assist you in shaping the mental and emotional state of the athlete and their entourage of coaches and trainers.

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting is a tool to assist the parents and coaches in forming their athlete’s life skills and positive character traits. Changing bad habits is the prelude to winning higher-level matches. After all, winning and losing doesn’t just happen. The quality of one’s preparation determines success.

This book will teach parents how to educate their children to advocate for themselves, be assertive under pressure, make good decisions, and, most importantly, apply gratitude along the journey.

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Released on January 28, 2023

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting

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Released on January 28, 2023

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting

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Check out the Table of Contents:


CHAPTER 1: Nurturing Happiness

  • Teach Happiness
  • Happiness is a State of Being
  • The Habit of Happiness
  • Gratitude
  • Heart-Based Parenting
  • Praise Effort not Results


CHAPTER 2: Behind the Curtain

  • The Multi-Sport Theory
  • Successful Parental Habits
  • Old School Parenting
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Mentors
  • Teach Independence vs Dependence
  • Chicken Blood


CHAPTER 3: Parental Dialog

  • The Investment
  • Parental Insecurities
  • Post-Match Banter
  • Always and Never
  • Correct Conversations
  • The Psychology of Listening
  • Ask Don’t Tell


CHAPTER 4: Stacking Momentum

  • Preparation
  • Stacking Momentum
  • Executing Momentum
  • Fueling Momentum
  • Heart Rate Monitoring
  • Training Blocks


CHAPTER 5: Mindset Matters

  • Decisions Not Situations
  • Substandard Loyalties
  • Why We Choke
  • Argumentative Athlete
  • Practice Being Likeable
  • Unplug to Reboot


CHAPTER 6: Thriving Versus Suffering

  • The Suffering
  • Intangibles
  • Negative Character Traits
  • Psychosomatic Dramas
  • Parental Stressors
  • Thriving vs Suffering
  • Spotting Anomalies


CHAPTER 7: Sabotaging Athletic Performance

  • When Advice Creates Drama
  • Suffering Defeat X 3
  • Life Skills Through Tennis
  • Knowledge Versus Wisdom
  • Discomfort Is Good
  • What If’s
  • Visiting Their Peak Level


CHAPTER 8: Change Equals Improvement

  • Avoidance versus Exposure
  • Competitive Pressure Triggers
  • Comfort Is Where Dreams Go to Die
  • Changing Inner Belief
  • Losing to Lesser Players
  • Trimming the Fat
  • The Pain of Changing


CHAPTER 9: Frustration Tolerance

  • Understanding frustration
  • Managing Frustration
  • Desensitizing To Hardships
  • Did You win?
  • Perfectionism


CHAPTER 10: Concentration and Focus

  • Regulating Focus
  • Overthinking Mechanics
  • Limiting Distraction
  • Time Traveling
  • Living in the Present
  • Relaxed Observation


CHAPTER 11: Mental Fitness

  • Cherish the Obsession
  • Hey Jude
  • Mental Fitness
  • Monkey Mind
  • Constructing Confidence
  • Tennis on TV

CHAPTER 12: Match Day Concepts

  • The Cause of Poor Play
  • Assuming a Lack of Effort
  • The Losers Draw
  • Procrastination
  • Cheaters
  • Peaceful Warrior


CHAPTER 13: Self-Coaching

  • Flipping Negative Inner Dialogue
  • Rock Paper Scissors
  • Positive Inner Dialogue
  • Identifying Internal Obstacles
  • Monitoring Outer Dialogue
  • Attention Seeking Negative Dialogue
  • Contaminating Thoughts


CHAPTER 14: Getting Good Vs. Earning Good

  • Getting Good Versus Earning Good
  • Replacement Thoughts
  • Attention to Details
  • Defeat Stimulates Growth
  • Learn to Die
  • Maximizing Progress
  • Dealing with Adversity


CHAPTER 15: Emotional Toughness

  • The Emotional Questionnaire
  • Where Attention Goes …Energy Flow
  • Experience Matters
  • Nurture the Warrior Mentality
  • Teaching Emotional Health
  • Performance Anxiety
  • Red Flags


CHAPTER 16 : Staring Down Fear

  • Self-Sabotage
  • Handling Fear
  • The Fault Finder
  • Staring Down Fear
  • Run Towards the Fire
  • Operating Under Pressure


CHAPTER 17 : Anticipation

  • Rudimentary Anticipation
  • The Secret of Pattern Recognition
  • Cognitive Ease
  • Situational Observation
  • Emotional Detachment
  • Modern Intelligence


CHAPTER 18: Anticipating Success

  • Training Anticipation
  • Set Them Up for Success
  • Mental Rehearsals
  • Parental Behavior
  • Kobe’s Approach
  • Six Anticipatory Skills


CHAPTER 19: Leadership

  • Characteristics of Leaders
  • Relationship Building
  • Reality Check
  • Get into their World
  • Pattern BlocksTraining Time

More Expert Industry Testimonials

Released on January 28, 2023

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting

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In our ever-changing world, raising an exceptional athlete seems to have more and more challenges. Frank paints a beautiful roadmap that navigates the difficult relationships between player, parent, and coach. He gives parents some tremendous ideas on how they can best help their child reach their potential. Frank has done a number of camps with our high-performance juniors and their families, and we receive nothing but rave reviews. I highly recommend this book for all families with young athletes.

Bob Hochstadter, President USTA Southern California


“Frank is a big asset to the Southern California Tennis Association in the world of player development and The Psychology of Tennis. Our parents, players, and coaches are lucky to have his knowledge, drive and passion front and center. Those that work with his philosophy and understanding of the game; instantaneously become better. I have seen it over and over. There are very few coaches that capture your attention and make the game easier to understand at any level. I wish that I would have had him with me as I pursued my dreams and aspirations. Simple and realistic concepts that will help you, the parent/player, navigate the game successfully. Take advantage of every opportunity you get to hear Frank speak or read his material. You will get better.”

Trevor Kronemann, Executive Director SCTA/USTA


The Psychology of Tennis Parenting is amazing! Every parent and coach need to read this book repeatedly and apply its lessons with their children and their students. Kudos to Frank for bringing his knowledge and wisdom to the world to help parents and their most prized possessions, their children. I highly recommend this book if you want to improve in all areas of life.

Jeff Salzenstein, Former Top 100 ATP Singles and Doubles Player, Stanford All-American, USTA High Performance Coach, Performance Coach, And Speaker


“This is a must-read for every tennis parent. Frank cuts right to the chase on navigating the tricky times ahead and creating a game plan as a supportive parent. He not only gives real-world examples but also backs them up with science. This will be my go-to recommendation to anyone looking to step up their role as a tennis parent.”

Danny Bryan, LSU Mens Head Coach, Louisiana


“For decades it has been abundantly clear that parents can play either a very positive or even a very negative role in the development of tennis playing juniors. Most fall in between but ALL can improve but most need help. Frank has stepped to the plate once again to assist. It is safe to say that any parent who reads and applies even a small part of this book will benefit for a lifetime.”

Joe Dinoffer, President, On Court Off Court, Texas

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Released on January 28, 2023

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting

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“As a coach, navigating the relationships between Coach, Player and Parents are tricky at best. Everyone wants the best result for the player, and The Psychology of Tennis Parenting provides a clear road map. A must-read for serious parents and coaches!”

Chuck Gill, USPTA President (Past), Florida


“A much-needed book about a very important subject. Frank organized years of expertise and knowledge in a masterpiece for any tennis parent”.

Cassiano Costa, Ph.D. Costa performance, Florida


Being a tennis parent was the most challenging job in my 50 years of tennis coaching and playing. We care so much for our junior players that we often don’t realize the consequences of our love.

Frank has a unique perspective that can assist you in being the best tennis parent you can be. In turn, your junior player will get the best care, direction, and love from you – to be the best they can be. This is a MUST-READ for every tennis parent!

Ken DeHart, PTR Hall of Fame/PTR International Master Pro, 2 Time PTR International Pro of the Year/USPTA Master Pro, USPTA Life Time Achievement Award Winner, 4 Time USPTA Divisional Pro of the Year, California

“If your child loves tennis and is competing, do yourself a favor and invest in Frank’s newest book, The Psychology of Tennis Parenting. Frank walks you through the competitive junior tennis minefield so that you and your child will enjoy the process.”

Jorge Capestany, master coach, owner TennisDrillsTV, Michigan

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting

Released on January 28, 2023

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting

Pre-order your eBook copy for only 0.99 Cents on Amazon



“Frank Giampaolo has done it yet again. I have had the pleasure of reading most of his 10 great books, but “The Psychology of Tennis Parenting” is his best and most relevant publication to date! He absolutely nails it when addressing one of the most important challenges facing youth sports today – that of the role of the parent in the development of the athlete.

Frank understands the importance of the parent’s role in this development. We all want the best for our children, but often our good intentions produce less-than-desirable results. This is the main reason that 70% of our youth leave their sport by the time they reach high school, and tennis is no exception.

The vast experience Frank has gained working with athletes of all abilities and with their parents has given him valuable insight into specific and positive ways to address the challenges of competition. Parents of successful athletes play a critical role in their child’s development and in their ability to thrive under pressure, both on and off the court.

“This extremely well-written book provides a tangible and indispensable road map for all – the athlete, the parent, and the coach. It feels good that information is presented in a positive manner we can all take to heart without feeling we are being talked down to. In fact, it is a “must-read!” Thank you, Frank Giampaolo, for this incredible contribution!”

Dick Gould, Emeritus: Men’s Tennis Coach; Director of Tennis Stanford University (1966-2018), California


“Few coaches have Frank’s experience and expertise when it comes to understanding the mental and emotional components of high-performance tennis. More than just technique and tactics, he delves deeper to develop a player’s psychological capabilities. This book will be an indispensable resource if you’re a parent or coach with an aspiring junior.”

Jon Levey, Editor Tennis Magazine,, Connecticut


“Success in junior tennis and beyond requires a ‘Trust triangle’ between the player, parent, and coach. Each can maximize their potential by understanding their role. People go through all sorts of schooling and education to be prepared for any field of endeavor. Unfortunately, parents are thrust into the minefield-laden world of junior competitive tennis with less education than even the simplest jobs.

Frank’s new book provides a practical guide for the critical job of tennis parenting. Good intentions don’t cut it. This is required reading for any parent serious about doing what is best for their child and not adding to the current high drop-out and burn-out rate statistics.”

Wayne Elderton, Tennis Director-North Vancouver Tennis Centre, Tennis Canada Head Course Facilitator-British Columbia

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