Benefits of Personality Profiling- Part 2

The following post is an excerpt from Frank’s newest book, The Soft Science of Tennis.

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Frank Giampaolo


The Benefits of Personality Profiling Include:

  • Customizing the Athlete’s Developmental Plan
  • Assessing Mental Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Assessing Emotional Efficiencies and Deficiencies
  • Identifying Information Processing / Listening Skills
  • Facilitating Conflict Avoidance and Resolution
  • Empowering Communication Strategies
  • Encouraging the Development of Synergy and Harmony within their Entourage
  • Monitoring Self-Awareness and the Awareness of Other Personality Profiles
  • Acknowledging and Respecting Differing Brain Designs
  • Identifying Productive Communication Avenues
  • Assisting in Identifying Motivational Factors
  • Improving Productivity and Efficiency


Benefits to Athletes:

In the soft science realms of confidence, trust, and self-esteem, there’s power to be gained from athletes celebrating their profile. Gaining the knowledge of how they see the world makes the soft science of personality profiling helpful in working with varying styles of coaches and teachers. The quicker those athletes understand their cognitive design the more successful they will be at understanding their style of play and customizing their developmental pathway.

The following chapter gets into the nitty-gritty of how your athlete’s cognitive design affects their performance. Hold on tight because I’m about to blow your mind as I uncover commonalities of each typography.


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