Managing Without Guidance

The following post is an excerpt from The Tennis Parent’s Bible.  Thanks for visiting, Frank Giampaolo

Managing Without Guidance

Would you expect a talented, beginner athlete to be a world champion without proper coaching? Not likely. As a parent, plan on seeking out assistance and guidance through this journey. In today’s world, coaching has moved past the athletic playing fields and into every aspect of life. One of the best kept secrets of the successful junior tennis champion is a knowledgeable, educated primary tennis parent.
Parental coaching can be done in-person, by phone, in groups or in private, customized settings. Wonderful skills can be developed through attending seminars, Googling topics of interest, watching the Tennis Channel, accompanying your youngster to college or professional matches or purchasing instructional DVD’s and books!
Serena Williams said her parents learned how to coach her by watching Vic Braden instructional videos. Seek out those who can help you make clearer decisions for your child and your family. Like gasoline and fire, your education can accelerate your child’s success!


Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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Return of Serve

The following post is an excerpt from Championship Tennis.  Thanks for visiting, Frank Giampaolo


Championship Tennis Cover

Return of Serve Mind Set


Regardless of the type of opponent or a player’s style of play, the most important thing regarding the return of serve is to simply start the point. This may seem obvious, but unfortunately, most players are overly aggressive and try to end the point with their first strike. The psychological task on a return of serve is twofold. First, when returning first serves, the returner’s goal is to demoralize opponents by consistently getting the ball back in play. Big servers are accustomed to receiving free points. A steady return sends this message: No free or cheap points today. Also, the return of the second serve provides the opportunity to punish the server for delivering a weak ball. As mentioned previously, offensive, short-ball options may include crushing a winner, hitting a chip and charge, placing a drop shot, or using the side-door pattern.

Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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Cultivating Life Lessons

The following post is an excerpt from The Tennis Parent’s Bible.  Thanks for visiting, Frank Giampaolo

Cultivating Life Lessons

Choosing to embark on this journey has lifelong benefits. It is widely known that having your child participate in the game of tennis is cultivating life lessons. Tennis is an individual, elite sport. Participation in the game of tennis breeds leaders. Congratulations for developing leadership qualities in your child.

The game of tennis teaches the ability to understand and develop the following traits:

1) Time management

2) Adaptability and flexibility skills

3) Ability to handle adversity

4) Ability to handle stress

5) Courage

6) A positive work ethic

7) Perseverance

8) Setting priorities

9) Goal setting

10) Sticking to commitments

11) Determination

12) Problem solving skills

13) Spotting patterns and tendencies

14) Discipline

15) The understanding of fair play and sportsmanship

16) The development of focus

17) Persistence

18) The importance of preparation

19) Dedication and self-control

20) Positive self-image

My favorite life lesson of the top 20 is persistence. As a coach, to see a talented player without persistence or the willingness to sacrifice and work hard is my worst nightmare! That is why at every level it is often the less talented who are willing to pay the price with smart work, and they have all the trophies!

“Nothing is more common than unsuccessful tennis players with tons of physical talent.”

Finding a way through a tough opponent even though you’re having a bad day is persistence. Staying in the right side of your brain even when things are clearly not going well is persistence. Staying engaged until the very last point is persistence. Now you know my favorite life lesson. What’s yours?

Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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Pre-Match Visualization and Imagery

The following post is an excerpt from Match Chart Collection.  Thanks for visiting, Frank GiampaoloMatch Day Preparation by Frank Giampaolo


Warming up doesn’t stop at the physical. Players need to build up their “wall of defenses” in preparation for the continuous onslaught of mental and emotional challenges that competitive tennis encompasses. What we think about often dictates what we create. A mental, emotional no-no is to obsess about the next opponent’s past success, ranking or seeding. Winning tough matches begins with a winning mind set.

Pre-match visualization topics are unlimited, but some of the best visualization exercises include the following:

  1. Perfectly executed primary and secondary strokes
  2. Top seven favorite perfectly executed patterns
  3. The three pillars of between-point rituals
  4. Successful patterns of play against the four main styles of opponents
  5. Preset protocols for common emotional issues

To learn more visit my book Championship Tennis (Human Kinetics Publishing or Amazon)


Begin your pre-match visualization by arriving on site early enough to set aside 20 minutes to mentally rehearse the performance goals you’ve been rehearsing on the practice court.

  • Start this self-hypnosis by seeking out a quiet area away from other competitors and distractions- with closed eyes; take several deep and relaxing breaths.
  • Then create a vivid mental image of numerous tasks being performed successfully. Let’s call this your positive movie. To build confidence and reduce pre-match stress, you should mentally rerun the “movie” several times to reinforce the positive thoughts.

Make a list of your Top 5 Visualization Rituals.


Positive constructive visualization actually trains a player to perform
the skills imagined without hesitation.

ntact: Frank Giampaolo


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Pre-Match Warm-Up Rituals

The following post is an excerpt from Match Chart Collection.  Thanks for visiting, Frank Giampaolo

Frank Giampaolo

 Pre-Match Warm-Up Rituals

Before each PGA tournament round, Tiger Woods warms up every club in his golf bag, just in case he needs it. In the high performance tennis world, players who routinely warm up both their primary and secondary strokes have a major advantage in tightly contested matches. Grooving fundamentals before a match is important, but let’s go deeper.

A first-set tiebreak can often come down to a player executing a winning secondary stroke such as a swing volley or topspin lob.  To confidently perform secondary shots at crunch time, without hesitation, stems from properly warming them up before the match. Players who neglect their secondary strokes have a very different mind-set when faced with the same exact situation. Instead of instinctively moving forward to hit the swing volley to take the tiebreaker, they hesitate and are caught thinking, “I don’t remember the last time I hit one of these? Can I make it? Should I go for it?”  Now guess who misses the easy shot, gets upset and blows another breaker?


Obviously, any stroke has to be developed on the practice court long before tournament competition begins. Once developed properly, it should be placed into your match day tool belt.



Make a brand new normal warm up routine. Leave the old school warm up routine behind and begin to warm up in the manner that you are expected to perform.


The 5 different forehands and backhands:

  1. Primary drive ground strokes
  2. High and heavy ground strokes
  3. Short angle/side door ground strokes
  4. Slice and drop shots
  5. Defensive lobs

The 3 different serves:

  1. Flat serve
  2. Slice serve
  3. Kick serve

The 5 different volleys:

  1. The basic punch volley
  2. The swing volley
  3. The drop volley
  4. The half volley
  5. The transition mid court volley.

The 2 different overheads:

  1. Stationary, service box overheads
  2. The turn and run, scissor kick overhead with movement

The 5 different approach shots:

  1. Serve and volley
  2. Return and charge
  3. Moon-ball approach to swing volley
  4. Traditional approach to volley
  5. Spot a vulnerable opponent and steal the volley


Let’s return to the golf analogy. Tiger Woods knows that each day’s course conditions dictate his upcoming club options. Within your tennis world, your warm up is often dictated by the style of opponent you’ll be facing in the up-coming match. For example, if you know that your next opponent is a Moon Ball/ Pusher, it might be wise to warm up your swing volleys, side doors and drop shots.


Often, what separates two talented players is the time and

energy put into properly preparing for battle.

Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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Equipment Preparation

The following post is an excerpt from Match Chart Collection.  Thanks for visiting, Frank GiampaoloChampionship Tennis Cover

Equipment Preparation

Are you a serious competitor? If you are a serious contender, the following list of Match Day Equipment Essentials should be included in your bag (or with you) during competition. Circle Yes or No by the tools that are currently found in your racket bag.


  1. Three rackets freshly strung and re-gripped.? Yes/No
  2. Extra sets of strings (your brand and gauge) and extra vibration dampeners? Yes/No
  3. A first aid kit composed of Band-Aids, athletic tape, elastic bandages, appropriate pain reliever, plastic bags for ice, liquid Band-Aid, hair ties etc.? Yes/No
  4. Extra shoelaces, socks, and shirts; and a fresh towel(s)? (You may need an extra towel to soak in ice water to cool you down in very hot temperatures.) Yes/No
  5. Water, sports drinks, fruit (banana), and energy bars/gels to be used as quick energy and/or to bridge between meals. ? Yes/No
  6. Performance goals, match notes and cheat sheets (Reminders). Such as: How to beat moon-ball/pushers, match logs for post-performance analysis, past opponent notes, to possibly assist with matches in future rounds. Yes/No


Pre-Pack your tennis bag with the above Match Day Equipment Essentials that can permanently be left in your bag? List any essentials that you wish to add to your bag? Make a check list of your essentials and review before each match.








Review and Organize:

Prior to your match: Review your list of the Match Day Equipment Essentials (Preferably the night before your match.) Pack your perishable Match Day Essentials the day of your match – ice, food, drinks etc.








Plan to check and re-check your tennis bag long before you leave for the tournament site.
Waiting until the last minute adds un-needed stress that can steal your emotional energy before even getting to the tournament.


Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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Organizing Practice Sets

The following post is an excerpt from Match Chart Collection.  Thanks for visiting, Frank GiampaoloMatch Day Preparation by Frank Giampaolo

Organizing Practice Sets

The art of winning tournaments begins with the science of organizing practice sets. To win an event, a player will usually have to defeat several types of opponents. Worthy adversaries will apply a variety of playing styles along with their own unique strategies, tactics, ball speeds, and playing tempos.

List the four styles of players found in tournament competition.





(Answer:  Hard hitting base-liner, Retriever/pusher, All-court net rusher and Drop shot artist)


Have you noticed a singular style of opponent that continually gets the best of you in tournament play?

(Example: Retriever/Pusher)

Now, begin organizing by looking deeper into playing practice sets. Develop and rehearse the actual patterns needed to defuse the exact style of opponent that sends you home early.

List 3 patterns of play that systemically pulls the crafty opponent out of their comfort zone.




Examples Include: 1. Short angle/side door pattern, 2. Moon-ball approach to swing volley, 3. Drop shot to passing shots and lobs.

Readiness breeds confidence. Developing and rehearsing the game plans to defeat every style of opponent is essential to winning championships.


Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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The following post is an excerpt from Match Day Preparation.  Thanks for visiting, Frank GiampaoloMatchday preparation


High-performance athletes seeking optimum performance understand the value of proper nutrition and hydration. Uneducated players skipping the pre match nutrition and hydration requirements can expect to fall victim to:

  1. Lethargic play, decreased strength and reaction time
  2. Low physical, mental, and emotional endurance
  3. Impaired concentration, court awareness, and problem-solving skills
  4. Emotional breakdowns
  5. Delayed muscle repair and recovery
  6. Serious risk of dehydration and possible heatstroke (with as little as 1 to 2 percent dehydration)

Now that I have your attention, let’s dig deeper into this topic.
Answer the following questions Yes or No


  1. I begin hydrating the day before the match? Yes/No
  2. I hydrate after rising on match day? Yes/No
  3. I hydrate throughout the warm up routine and during the match? Yes/No
  4. I re-hydrate after the match to prepare for the next day’s match? Yes/No



Proper fluid intake on a normal day is approximately 6-8 glasses of fluids (48-64 ounces).   On a training day, more water/diluted sports drink will be needed. The exact amount of fluid is specific to each individual. Fluid loss from sweat and weather conditions (cold, heat and wind) require additional fluid intake. The below chart illustrates how easy it is to stay hydrated with a healthy diet.

NOTE: If you have a medical condition check with your doctor about individual fluid requirements.



Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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Understanding Opponents

The following post is an excerpt from Match Day Preparation.  Thanks for visiting, Frank Giampaolo0623P_4547

Looking Past Strokes

Player A has great stroke components but flawed mental and/or emotional components.

Player B has average looking stroke components, but an incredible proficiency in spotting and attacking mental and/or emotional flaws. (This is an example of profiling an opponent during play.)

During the warm up, the uneducated player/parents/coaches may think Player A has the match in the bag.  But what they do not realize is that Player B often wins because of their ability to identify and execute a game plan exposing their opponent’s weakness.


List 3 reasons why knowing an opponent’s preferred patterns of play is a critical mental component necessary to tip a close match in your favor.




(One example: Spotting and shutting down the opponent’s “go-to” preferred shots /patterns and force them into attempting to beat you with an un-grooved, unproven and un-sure style of play.)


Common Question: “Is it ok to look at the draw or not?”

The answer depends on what you do with the information! Looking at the draw is a terrific way to use the above opponent profiling tools.  This information will assist you in organizing your performance goals and game plans. But if looking at the draw only pulls you and your entourage into an outcome oriented frame of mind, it can be detrimental to your game.


Ignorance is not an excuse. Knowledge is power!
(That is why your parents bought you this book.)


Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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The following post is an excerpt from Match Day Preparation.  Thanks for visiting, Frank GiampaoloFrank Giampaolo

Opponent Profiling(*)

Top competitors are continually seeking an advantage. One of the best strategic (mental) and calming (emotional) advantages comes from scouting an upcoming opponent. Casually observing is one thing, but profiling the opponent is a skill set. Each playing style has an inherent group of strengths and weaknesses. Opponent awareness is an important part of match day preparation. Player profiling involves looking past strokes.

NOTE: Opponent profiling prior to match is not always possible.

Answer the following questions with a simple Yes or No.

  1. Scout an upcoming opponent beforehand? Yes/No
  2. Scout opponent’s primary style of play? Yes/No
  3. Scout opponent’s preferred serve patterns (especially on mega points)? Yes/No
  4. Scout opponent’s preferred return of serve position and shot selection on both first and second serve returns? Yes/No
  5. Scout opponent’s favorite go-to rally pattern? Yes/No
  6. Scout opponent’s dominant short-ball option? Yes/No
  7. Scout opponent’s preferred net rushing pattern? Yes/No
  8. Scout opponent’s stroke strengths and weaknesses? (Advanced players should also consider the strengths and limitations of strike zones)? Yes/No
  9. Scout opponent’s movement, agility and stamina strengths and weaknesses? Yes/No
  10. Scout opponent’s frustration tolerance, focus, and emotional stability? Yes/No
  11. Do you continue to scout (pay attention to) these critical clues during the match? Yes/No


(*) Opponent profiling should continue from the pre-match phase, all the way through the actual match and into the post-match. A smart player is continually looking for a crack in their opponent’s game. This includes the physical, mental and emotional components of the game.




Contact: Frank Giampaolo



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