The Customized Peak Performance Cycle

The following post is an excerpt from The Tennis Parent’s Bible.  Thanks for visiting, Frank Giampaolo

International Player Evaluation by Frank Giampaolo

The Customized Peak Performance Cycle Versus The Old School Obsolete Cycle

In high level tennis, there is often a very fine line between competitive success and failure. A poor start, an initial lack of focus, or a bout of wavering confidence can cause a seemingly winnable match to quickly slip away. The will to properly prepare for competition usually makes the difference. For players to achieve consistent positive match results, their preparation must include ritualistic, inflexible routines. Success in tournaments is directly related to the quality of preparation. Champions become champions because they’re the few who are actually willing to put in the grueling hours of pre-match preparation. Spectacular achievements are preceded by spectacular preparation. Remember the old saying “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”? Make today be the last day that you go into an event unprepared. Below are two different match preparation cycles.

The Customized Peak Performance Cycle:

  • Rest
  • Review Match Logs/Match Video Analysis
  • Retool: Stroke Components
  • Movement Components
  • Tactical Components
  • Emotional/Focus Components
  • Pattern Repetition
  • Practice Sets/ Tie-Breakers
  • Tournament
  • Take Home another Trophy


The Old School Obsolete Cycle

  • Rest
  • Refuse To Do Match Analysis
  • Ignore Your Issues
  • Take Privates (While the coach feeds right to you)
  • Pay Good Money to Boom Back & Forth in Academies
  • Play King of the Hill
  • Play Points (Winners move up, losers drop down)
  • Tournament
  • Lose Early


Which one of these cycles best represents your (or your player’s) cycle? It’s easy to see that The Customized Peak Performance Cycle is what will produce the results you want to see. Need help getting started? Pick up your copy of my International Player Evaluation or email for a custom evaluation package.

Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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Confronting Gamesmanship


The following post is an excerpt from The Tennis Parent’s Bible.  Thanks for visiting, Frank Giampaolo


Confronting Gamesmanship

Q: How do we begin to educate our daughter about cheaters?

A: Communicating about possible/probable scenarios and pre-setting your child’s correct response (protocols) is a great start.  Rehearse the solutions by setting up actual practice sets whereby the opponent is allowed to apply gamesmanship and your child has to rehearse their response sequence. Many parents and players are unaware that counter gamesmanship tactics are a learned behavior.

Q: My son wants harmony on the court, so he won’t do anything to stop a cheater.  What can we do?

A: Explain to your son that harmony is seldom found in a competitive environment.  Help your son to develop protocols- these are preset solutions to dealing with gamesmanship. Developing protocols to handle cheaters is similar to an actor memorizing a script. Remind him that when he is being bullied, manipulated or cheated out of a match that is rightfully his, there is no harmony. The best way for your child to make friends in the tennis world is by beating their brains out first.  Then guess what?…They all want to be his friend.

Q: What should my daughter do if her opponent is hooking?

A:If the opponent brings unfair play into the match your child must deal with it swiftly and professionally. I recommend confronting every bad call. At the higher levels, cheaters hook in the first few games simply to see if your child is tough enough to confront them or not. If your child does nothing, they are guaranteeing that the opponent will hook later in the match at the most important times. Explain to your daughter that the hook in that second set tiebreaker could have been avoided had the protocols been followed earlier in the match. Remind her that by confronting the gamesmanship head on, she is essentially saying “No, not today, hooking will not be tolerated.”

Q: My son allows opponents to hook him time after time and then proceeds to get angry and play worse.  How do we explain to him that his fear of confrontation is the reason he is getting so angry?

A:You are right, by allowing opponents to hook, your son is manifesting internal anger. This anger stops the positive and confident attitude essential to playing at the peak performance level.  The brain cannot solve two complicated tasks simultaneously. This is called channel capacity. Not only is your son losing the points that are being stolen from him, he is donating additional points due to channel capacity- his negative self-condemnation overtakes his performance goals.  Explain to him confronting gamesmanship is part of the competitive arena and that he must have pre-set protocols to deal with it. (Dealing with confrontation is a life issue- it is likely present in all areas of his life- not just tennis.)

Q: My child is scared to call an umpire onto the court. How can we help?

A: I know I sound like a broken record, but pre-setting match protocols is as important as developing motor programs for mechanical strokes.  The solution to dealing with an on-court controversy (calling an umpire to the court) should already be pre-wired before the match begins.  Be sure your child is clear about the actual rules and regulations of competitive play. This requires reading the rules and regulations of the game.  Once your child is aware of the official protocol of calling an umpire to her court, she will be more confident in her proactive action.  Remind her that she works too hard to allow cheaters to cheat.  Calling an umpire onto the court is demanding fair play.

Q: When should we begin to develop counter-gamesmanship skills?

A:  As early as possible. Pre-set protocols are like preventative medicine.  Deciding when to set aside time for mental and emotional development depends on your child’s growth development schedule.  Some children are mature enough to understand and implement counter-gamesmanship tactics at age 7, while others are still not mature enough at age 17. However, most players will lose many emotional matches to cheaters, before they are ready to learn counter-gamesmanship.

Q: What can we do if my son doesn’t call out balls out? He is essentially cheating himself out of matches.

A: Discuss the ramifications of the fear of confrontation. Why is avoiding confrontation such a problem at the competitive levels? Juniors who cheat themselves severely complicate games, sets, matches and of course tournaments. Explain to your son that elongating and complicating early round matches drains your son’s physical, mental and emotional batteries- leaving nothing left for the tougher, later rounds.  It is in his best interest to learn to call out balls out, especially because, strong competitors will see your son as being inexperienced and weak- thus fueling their confidence. (Remind your son that by not calling out balls out, he is helps his opponent in two ways- giving them free points and building their confidence.)

True Story:My daughter, Sarah, was playing a phenom in a G14 designated tournament. She was beating the phenom 6-0, 2-0…Sarah began to feel sorry for opponent because she was crying hysterically…  So Sarah decided to give her a few points and started to call out ball good … As soon as this phenom saw Sarah GIVING her points…she turned on her gamesmanship tactics -of which she was known for… She started stealing points from Sarah.  What should have been a routine win, became dramatic  2nd set grudge match- the phenom began cheating like crazy(Score changing, line calls, intimation, the works…)  Sarah learned her lesson and never felt sorry for an opponent again- out balls were out!

Q: My daughter is easily intimidated out of competing. Is this fair?

A: Yes, intimidation is fair. At the higher levels, tennis is a game of intimidation. Top opponents who recognize that stroke for stroke they haven’t got the game to beat your daughter will seek out any weakness in your daughter’s game- it is their job.  If your daughter has terrific strokes but is an inexperienced emotional competitor, it is your responsibility to assist them in developing a “thick skin.”

Dealing with gamesmanship should be part of your child’s basic training. The first step in handling gamesmanship is devising customized solutions (protocols) for each form of gamesmanship.  The second step is rehearsing those solutions on the practice court to gain confidence in applying pre-set counter gamesmanship solutions in a real match.

To progress into the higher levels of the game, mental and emotional skill set development is crucial.

Parents, if you’re not taking an active role in helping to develop these critical components in your child, please don’t blame your child when tournament after tournament they lose as a result of gamesmanship.

Thanks, Frank

Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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Controlling the Controllable

Thanks for visiting, Frank Giampaolo

Raising Athletic Royalty

Maximizing your player’s chances to perform in a calm, relaxed peak performance level, demands that the athlete and entourage control their controllables. While letting go of the uncontrollable variables. Junior tennis players and well intending parents often sabotage any real chance of success by cluttering their mind with irrelevant thoughts. Match day focus is a learned behavior that should be developed and practiced with pre-set protocols.

“Practice in the manner in which you’re expected to perform” and then… Perform in the manner in which you’ve practiced.”

A pre-match warm up and/or match time performance can be sabotaged by focusing on non-controllable external variables While it is important to give these outside influences a nod, dwelling on them will surely ruin any chance of peak performance.

List 5 elements a player cannot control:






List 5 elements a player can control:






 “A player’s thoughts will either push them towards their performance goals or pulls them away from their performance goals.”

Attitude controls the mind and the mind controls the emotions and the body’s fluid movement. An optimistic attitude “frees the player up” to play at peak performance. I teach twin brothers, Jarred and Evan.  Jarred has a positive can do attitude- he optimistically performs his pre-match rituals before each event and chooses to see the positive in every situation. While, Evan has a pessimistic attitude before each event and choose to obsess about everything that he believes is wrong or could go wrong.

Evan’s pre-match conversations includes: I am really, really tired, I think I’m getting sick, it is going to be too hot or too windy or too cold, my start time is too early or too late, the drive to event is too long, my draw horrible, the courts are terrible, my racquets are strung incorrectly, they made my breakfast wrong, I have too much homework to focus on tennis…etc.

A negative attitude can destroy your player’s ability to perform to their best ability. The pre-requisite for peak performance is maintaining a positive attitude and proper pre-match preparation. Players, parents and coaches need to focus on being positive and proactive.

Example of Non Controllable Elements:

  • Opponent antics
  • Referees availability
  • Weather
  • Court surface
  • Draw
  • Outcomes
  • Rankings
  • Start times
  • Site distractions
  • Example of Controllable Elements:
  • Wandering mind
  • Emotions
  • Footwork
  • Opponent profiling
  • Effort
  • Attitude
  • Game plans
  • Proper pre-match preparation
  • Pre-match and match day protocols

“Taking control of what can be controlled will keep you on script, increase self-confidence and assist you in getting the results you are cable of getting. “

Thank you, Frank


Contact: Frank Giampaolo



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Mental versus Emotional Toughness

What is The difference Between Mental Toughness And Emotional Toughness in Sports?

Mental Toughness is:

  • Mental Components Relate to Analytical match Decisions
  • Three Tiers of Match Strategy
  • Assembling Game Plans
  • Strategies to Play against the 4 Main Patterns of Play
  • Customizing the Top Seven Patterns
  • Positioning to Maximize Success
  • Opponent Awareness (Style of Play, Strengths and Weaknesses, Top Seven Patterns and Frustration Tolerance Levels)
  • Shot Selection (Hitting the shot the moment demands.)


Emotional Toughness is:

  • Emotional Components Relate to Athletes Ability to Handle Competitive Anxiety
  • Controlling Anger/ Fear/Nervousness
  • Staying Unflappable Under Adversity
  • Closing Out a Set/Match/Tournament
  • Concentrating for the Duration
  • Playing at Peak Performance vs Weaker Players
  • Overcoming Choking or Panicking
  • Successfully Handling Hardship (Injuries, the elements, bad luck, gamesmanship, or an aggravated opposing playing style)


Diagnosing the correct cure begins with discovering the actual stressor.

Thanks, Frank


Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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Causes of lack of mental toughness

The following post is an excerpt from The Tennis Parent’s Bible.  Thanks for visiting, Frank Giampaolo


If I had a dime for every phone call I received like this…


“Hi my name is Mrs. Johansson. My child lost again to a no-body!  I hear that you can help.”  Her voice cracks as she chokes back her emotions, “Chloe is so good but chokes and loses to seemingly less talented player? “

“Why do you think I ask? “

“Chloe’s just not mentally tough! “she adds.

As we dig deeper, we uncover that Chloe’s issues aren’t mental at all.  What makes the mental toughness component so mysterious and confusing is actually quite simple. The answers lie in the true cause of the breakdown versus the actual visible signs of distress.  The signs of on-court distress manifest in emotional breakdowns.

  • On-court breakdowns may include:
  • Hyperventilating,
  • Throwing the racquet,
  • Screaming,
  • Crying ,
  • Fast and mindless  play

The actual cause of the distress includes the four causes of error’s which include:

  1. Mechanical Flaws,
  2. Inappropriate Shot Selection
  3. Poor movement and Spacing
  4. Weak Focus/Emotional issues

Listed below are 3 examples of common match play scenarios where by the on-court outbursts are incorrectly labeled as mental issues.

Examples of Mislabeled Breakdowns

  1. Joey is out of shape. By the third match, his lack of fitness manifests in anger on court. Parents and coaches don’t recognize the lack of fitness issues; instead they say “Joey has mental issues- he is just not mentally tough.”
  2. Sarah has emotional control issues. When hooked by a creative line caller, her emotions pull her focus toward the drama of the hook and away from her actual “mental” performance goals needed to close out the match. Parents and coaches don’t see the emotional disconnect and say “Sarah has mental issues- she is just not mentally tough.”
  3. Mikey has a flawed forehand grip on his two handed backhand. This flaw leads to a rolling racket face through the strike zone. Under stress, Mikey’s muscles tighten and inhibit the smooth relaxed motion needed for him to roll the racket face within the millisecond window through the strike zone. As a result, his backhand deserts him when he needs it the most. This “mechanical flaw” leads Mikey to panic and play faster and faster without any between point rituals. Parents and coaches don’t see the mechanical breakdown and cry “Mikey chokes under pressure. He is just not mentally tough.”

As illustrated above, an on–court outburst has an underlying cause that is very different than the visual actions of distress displayed.  Identifying the underlying problem and proper training to improve the flaw is the only way to become a more mentally tough competitor.

The most efficient training method uses the “school methodology”- systematically shifting through all aspects of training- stroke production, pattern play, fitness, etc.( Just as a school child is shifted from subject to subject daily- such as from math to science to history to language etc.)

All too often, tennis coaches focus only on fundamental stroke production or a singular component hour after hour, week after week, and year after year, while expecting the player to develop a COMPLETE GAME through osmosis.  It just does not work that way. The player’s game becomes unevenly developed and a lack of confidence ensues.

Thanks Frank!


Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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Smart Training

The following post is an excerpt from Blunders and Cures e-booklet.  Week in and week out two of the most common parent question are related to academy enrollment and training schedules.  These blunders are worth repeating. Thanks, FrankBlunders & Cures by Frank Giampaolo

BLUNDER: Putting Yourself in the Crowd to Get Ahead of the Crowd

In my opinion, group clinics or academies are terrific for intermediate players seeking repetition, socialization, and tons of fun. But, while it may be cheaper, large group training isn’t always in your best developmental interest.

The top juniors spend about 20 percent of their time in group situations. Top players at an academy usually are sparing or working with a private coach. When is that last time you saw a phenom in a large group standing in line to hit one forehand every five minutes?

CURE: Simply doing what everyone else does, will not likely get you ahead.  The key to accelerating your growth is to customize your training to your exact needs.

Ask Yourself?

Am I hitting for hours at an academy and hardly improving?  if I lose while playing a set, do I get sent down to the  loser court? If so, doesn’t that stop me from developing the weaknesses in my game? Lastly, with my current situation, am I getting the results I truly feel I am capable of?

Write down your Personal Action Plan:

BLUNDER: Believing Weekly Lessons Are Enough

I teach two players from Los Angeles. Both players come for 2 hours of private lessons each week, but that’s where their similarities end. The players and parents hold opposing views on how to raise a tennis champion. The Johnsons believe that they need to make their 12-year old Kelly 100 percent self-sufficient. Mrs. Johnson says, “It’s up to her to do it, I can’t force her.” As a result, Kelly only hits about two hours a week.

In the other family, Mr. Asari believes that no one gets famous all by themselves. He and his son spend approximately 15 hours on the ball machine, playing practice sets, serving baskets, going for runs, hitting the gym, and watching tennis on TV each week.

Both players get the same 2 hours’ worth of weekly lessons. However, the critical factor in the formula is not the lesson time, but rather what the player chose to do each week around that lesson.


CURE: Each week plan to arrange practice matches, ball machine drills, practice serving drills and off court training. Ask your entourage if they can help you reinforce your required developmental plan.

Ask Yourself?

Is your weekly practice schedule more like that of the Johnson’s or the Asari’s? List three things you can do to improve your chances of success.  List three positive people you can enlist to assist?

Thanks Frank !


Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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Interview with Frank Giampaolo

Tennis Coach Alex Slezak on-line interview with Frank Giampaolo during the writing of :Raising Athletic Royalty

Raising Athletic Royalty

How did your career begin?

While attending Ohio State University, my friends were talking about this great new opportunity working for the Greyhound Bus Factory after graduation. The starting pay was a whopping $9/hour versus the $4 minimum wage- this was in 1985. I wanted no part of that! Around that time my father was changing careers and moving to Southern California. I was packed and sitting in the car 2 days before we left!

On my first Day in California, I drove out to The Vic Braden Tennis College. I mentioned that I wanted to learn how to seriously teach this game and asked if I could sit and observe Vic’s classroom sessions and on-court lessons. I went back every day for two weeks. After that, I was offered a position. My years at the tennis college and the National Tennis Research Center in Coto De Caza taught me everything I didn’t even know… I needed to know.

How have you grown as a coach?

Back then, tennis teaching was primarily focused on fundamental stroke development and repetition. The growth came by developing the other components that are commonly found in champions. I went deeper. I traded in the financially rewarding academy approach for my current spiritually rewarding customization approach.

How have you grown as a coach?

Back then, tennis teaching was primarily focused on fundamental stroke development and repetition. The growth came by developing the other components that are commonly found in champions. I went deeper. I traded in the financially rewarding academy approach for my current spiritually rewarding customization approach.

What’s the greatest factor in your success?

Understanding each individual’s preferred intelligence. We are all born with a genetic predisposition to excel at a certain style of play. Our brain type (or personality profile) and body type play the most significant role in maximizing potential at the quickest rate. Also, shifting focus from fundamental stroke production to the mental and emotional components of the game has helped my players win 77 National titles in the past 10 years.

Why did you write the Tennis Parent’s Bible?

I was a successful high performance coach and then became a tennis parent. My step-daughter, Sarah Fansler, went from a 10-year-old beginner to playing the US Open by the age of 15. She won 10 National titles as a junior. Along that journey, I realized that being a tennis parent is 1000 times more difficult than being a coach! There were great USPTA and PTR coach workshops and great junior developmental programs, but zero tennis parental educational avenues. So…. I took it as a challenge to write my first book.

How big is the factor of the parent in developing a champion?

Well, without a well-informed tennis parent, and/or “hired gun” the most gifted junior on the planet has no chance. Uneducated tennis parents waste thousands of dollars, hours, and tears. Interestingly though, most tennis parents of ranked juniors are successful, type A personalities. They don’t feel they need anyone’s help because in the past, they played on their high school or college squad. These parents sadly sabotage any real chance of their child’s success without ever realizing it.

I was coaching at the Australian Open, talking with an incredibly successful tour coach about tennis parents and I asked him, “Where they would look for the next big talent?” …With a half-smile he said, “Well, first I’d start at an orphanage…”

What’s the best advice to give a parent?

Leave the ego at home and make it a point to get educated. A tennis parent who views the role of a tennis parent as a part-time hobby usually has a hobbyist as a junior player. The National and ITF champs I know have a primary tennis parent. Raising athletic royalty is a full-time job. These parents are the teams management system. They work as the human resources department hiring and firing coaches, trainers and hitters. They are the bank, the accountants, the nutritionists, the designated driver, the airline and hotel booking agent, they register their player for events, wash clothes, get rackets strung, purchase equipment, pay coaches and tournament fees. They organize the schedules and find practice partners. They are even the psychologist, the match charter, and the match videographer. Their laundry list of jobs makes them the most important figure in a junior tennis champion’s life.

What’s the best advice for a player dealing with their parents?

Number one is to read the above tennis parent job description list! Most juniors haven’t taken the time to actually look into everything their parents are doing for them. I often remind juniors that their folks can go to Hawaii and stay at the Ritz for a week every two months for the same amount of money they’re spending on their child’s tennis dream. Realize that if you’re going to have an attitude towards your parents that attitude should be gratitude.

How has the game evolved over your career?

The physical, mental and emotional evolution of the athlete is number one. I was part of a tennis magazine shoot regarding how equipment is changing the game. We shot several top ATP pros serving with wood, aluminum and modern graphite frames. The result was that the modern pros can hit 130 mph with graphite, aluminum or wood. Modern string technology surely makes a difference in spin and control, but players around the globe are training harder. They are bigger, stronger, and faster. They develop the mental and emotional components now more than ever. So from my point of view it’s the player more so than the equipment.

Where do you see the future of the game going?

Great question!  I know what I’d like to see!

On the Woman’s professional side I’d like to see the development and implementation of secondary strokes. In my opinion, it’s such a one dimensional slugfest.

On the Men’s professional side, I’d like to see taller players attack deep down the middle. It would take away the speedsters passing shot angles. The Isners, and Querreys of the game have massive wing spans and it sure would be a tough assignment to pass or lob them.

From the high performance junior development side, I’d like to see juniors occasionally trade in the typical lesson sequence (rallying back & forth for 45 minutes, volleying for 10 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of serves) with a different plan. I’d like to see future training sessions look like this: serve and return for 30 minutes, then work on their attacking, transition game for 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of rallying.

What are your thoughts on the transition balls and 10 & under tennis?

My overall feeling is that they are both terrific for any age beginners. I have my staff use them in the 55 & over beginner classes as well. The issue is finding the exceptions and progress them towards the real game ASAP. Remember, not all beginners enter the game with the same athletic history. For example, I’ve had two 28-year-old beginners in the same group; one is a top accountant who has never played a sport in her life, the other gal is a three-time Olympic gold medalist. Yes, they both signed up for my beginner class, but have opposing athletic histories. Also, I have two 7-year-old players; one just wants to look cool in his Nike Rafa outfit (He doesn’t even want to hit!), the other has a very different growth development schedule (He’s sure he can beat the 16-year-olds in the advanced program and is mad that he’s not in that group!).

How would you define the mental aspects of the game?

The mental component is simply the X’s & O’s of strategy and tactics. It involves dissecting opponents and executing the shot the moment demands. The mental tennis is understanding the different patterns of shot sequences and knowing when to apply them against different styles of opponents.

How would you define the emotional aspects of the game?

The emotional components deal with a player’s ability to focus on their performance goals for the duration of a whole game, a whole set, a whole match or even for the entire tournament. It’s handling stress. It’s composure under adversity. It’s one’s ability to close out leads and handle gamesmanship. It’s dealing with the subtle differences between choking and panicking on-court.

How do you plans on impacting the game in the future?

My plan is to continue to take the Tennis Parents Workshops, the High Performance Mental Emotional Workshops and the Coaches Information Exchanges around the world. I’ll be heading back to Israel, New Zealand, and Australia next year as well many new countries. Of course, I’ll be here booking “crash courses” in the US.

Thanks Frank


Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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Parental Match Time job Description

The following post is an excerpts from Match Day Preparation. Thanks for visiting, Frank

Matchday preparation


Charting or videotaping your child’s match provides valuable insight for future training.  It also is provides an opportunity to positively channel parent’s/coach’s nervous energy during a match.  (Players are very adept at reading their parent’s/coach’s emotions (nonverbal communication) while playing.)

  • Benefits of Match Analysis:
  • Strengths and weaknesses in stroke production
  • Implementation of strategies and tactics
  • Actual causes of errors
  • Dissecting the opponent/opponent awareness
  • Movement, spacing and fitness
  • Emotional control
  • Focus control such as lapses in concentration
  • Between point and changeover rituals


  • Assist your child in their static stretching, nutrition and hydration requirements.
  • Wait an appropriate amount of time before discussing the match.
  • Begin match analysis with an over-view of their positive performance goals with an optimistic tone of voice.
  • If not present- replace “Did You Win?” with “Did you hit your performance goals. Did you execute the correct shots at the right times?”
  • Remind your child to complete their match logs.

Education begins with you! Thanks for visiting, Frank


Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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Match Day Preparation



There is often a very fine line between competitive success and failure. A poor start, an initial lack of focus, or a bout of wavering confidence can cause a seemingly winnable match to quickly slip away. The will to properly prepare for competition usually makes the difference. For players to achieve consistent positive match results, their preparation must include ritualistic, inflexible routines.

The Mental Emotional Tennis Work Book series are designed for the player to read and take the proper steps to accelerate their game. Match Day Preparation contains information to help players of all levels find this state of readiness that enables them to transform from a normal person into a tennis warrior.

The below blog introduces the match day parental role.

 “Research shows that for better or worse…parents are the child’s greatest influence in life.”

PARENTAL MATCH DAY JOB DESCRIPTION: The Parent’s Primary Role is to De-Stress their Child

  • Stress Increases Muscle Contractions
  • Stress Decreases Fluid Movement
  • Stress Impairs Judgment
  • Stress Reduces Problem Solving Skills

Parents, remember that athletes perform best in a calm relaxed mental state.


  • Equipment preparation & nutrition/hydration requirements
  • Warm up routines (Primary/Secondary Strokes) and imagery
  • Keeping the player away from other players and parents
  • Discuss styles of play, strengths and weaknesses instead of the opponents past success
  • Emphasize the importance of executing the correct shot the moment demands
  • Quality preparation is a life skill. It is the foundation for success.

As you can see, education begins with you!



Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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The following post is an excerpt from The Tennis Parent’s Bible.  Thanks for visiting, Frank Giampaolo




At the center of mental toughness lies concentration.  When players fully concentrate, they can better anticipate proper execution of strokes and strategy.  The ability to maintain a consistent state of concentration often separates the seemingly great athletes from the actual champions.

Concentration is a habit that can be learned and improved. Here are some keys to improving concentration:

  • Practice in the manner in which you are expected to perform.
  • Set task-specific goals and be accountable for them each training session.
  • Train your mind to spot past, present, and future thoughts so you can perform “in the moment.”
  • In matches, focus on the task rather than your personal form.
  • Apply rituals to avoid self-doubt and a wandering mind.
  • Train your eyes to spot tendencies.
  • When appropriate, listen carefully to digest a coach’s information.
  • Concentrate on work ethic and attitude.

Concentration has two unique requirements: Depth and Length.  Hours before a match begins, a top competitor will commit his undivided attention to the upcoming match situation, organizing his tactical plans and the various functions of each component.


Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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