The following post is an excerpt from Frank’s newest book, The Soft Science of Tennis. Click Here 


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“Ground Breaking! The ‘In the Trenches’ research, wisdom, and inspiration are becoming Franks trademarks. As a fellow trench pro for 40 years using the court as a laboratory, I believe it’s the job of the coach to get in the world of the student, not the student getting into the world of the coach. The Soft Science of Tennis will change the way you look at yourself, your loved ones, and your students forever.”

Angel Lopez, Director of Tennis/Head Tennis Professional, San Diego Tennis and Racquet Club/Angel Lopez Tennis Academy


“Communication is at the center of a healthy parent-child and athlete-coach relationship. Sadly, many parents and coaches aren’t the best communicators. In Frank’s latest book, he gives concrete evidence and advice to both parents and coaches so they can do a better job interacting with their developing players. Frank is a regular on the ParentingAces Podcast – our audience loves his brutal honesty and no-nonsense approach to helping athletes develop to their full potential. The Soft Science of Tennis is one more valuable addition to any Tennis Parent’s home library.”

Lisa Stone, Atlanta, Georgia Owner, ParentingAces


“Coaches and Parents will love Frank Giampaolo’s The Soft Science of Tennis! Frank provides a clear picture of how to work with athletes from the player’s perspective and learning style. He discusses Mental and Emotional strategies that players need in order to perform on the court as well as in life. He, then, gives the reader strategies to implement them! Coaches and players will greatly benefit!  If you want to take your players to the next level, I highly recommend The Soft Science of Tennis!”

Linda LeClaire, Hilton Head, South Carolina, Energy Coach, Mental Coach, author of The Confidence Factor and Yes, God Speaks to Women, Too! A Message of Health, Healing, and Hope


“Well done Frank! Yet again you have written another wonderful and insightful body of work. By utilizing The Soft Science of Tennis, coaches, and parents will drive athletic performance, productivity, boost morale, and have a greater impact on the athlete’s results.”

Neil Biddle, United Kingdom, PTR Professional, Great Britain National tester, Director: The Tennis Coaches Network

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Tennis Industry Testimonials

The following post is an excerpt from Frank’s newest book, The Soft Science of Tennis. Click Here 


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“Frank is a master at coaching tennis. What I absolutely love about him is his outside of the box thinking that makes you say, “Wow this is very interesting! The Soft Science of Tennis is another home run.”

Monty Basnyat, San Francisco Ca. Tennis Director, Certified Mental Toughness Specialist USTA High-Performance Coach, US Professional Tennis Association – Elite Pro, Past President Norcal USPTA Division


 “The Soft Science of Tennis is a well-written book of powerful thoughts, ideas and ways for advancing athletes to the highest level! Solid progression and flow with each chapter starting at the beginning with Creating Exceptional Culture to Non-Verbal Communication to Personality Profiling and on and on!”

Mike Casey, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Director of Tennis, Discovery Land Company, El Dorado Beach Club


The Soft Science of Tennis is the must-read book for any coach, parent, and player. As a coach, it helps you identify the areas that’ll take you from good to great. The valuable insight shared through situational stories hits home on what coaches face daily with players. After reading this book, I saw an immediate impact on my effectiveness as a coach creating a better environment for my players.”

Susan F. Nardi, Los Angeles, California, Director of Jr Tennis Griffin Club, PTR Tester, USPTA Elite Professional


“The Soft Science of Tennis is a must read for coaches and players aspiring to achieve their full potential in tennis. The book is thoughtfully and skillfully written to help every player develop an understanding of the key emotional skills essential for optimum performance. Frank Giampaolo continues to deliver great work to the Tennis World in his latest book!”

John Craig, Newport Beach, California, USPTA Division President, Performance Plus Tennis


“Frank has such a gift for seeing and explaining how to work with athletes. The Soft Science of Tennis Makes a complicated methodology ingeniously simple.”

Pat Whitworth, Suwanee, Georgia USPTA Master Professional- Southern Executive Director


“I’m sure Frank Giampaolo has another best seller on his hands with his new book: The Soft Science of Tennis. During my decades of coaching high school tennis, I suspected I wasn’t the only coach who struggled with discovering the athlete’s unique learning preferences. Congratulation to Frank! You have made the emotional and mental aspect of sports extremely accessible to coaches, parents, and players with this insightful new book, The Soft Science of Tennis.”

John Danise, Sebastian, Florida, PTR Professional, Executive Director FHSTCA, Past board member USTA

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The Soft Science of Tennis

The following post is an excerpt from Frank’s newest book, The Soft Science of Tennis. Click Here 

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“For almost two decades, I’ve coached against Frank Giampaolo. In the last few years, I’ve had access to his publications and gained tremendous insight into his coaching mind. His most recent book, The Soft Science of Tennis, delves into the brain in ways that can make all coaches better. Knowing how our students learn is step one. Showing us how to approach these students with our information, Frank provides step two.

As a player, a larger toolbox means you are able to solve more problems on-court. In coaching, a larger toolbox means we have more approaches to transfer our information effectively. The Soft Science of Tennis is a chainsaw in the world of coaching artistry. With it, we can carve, sculpt and chisel away the unnecessary bark of our students and quickly get to the core of things. Kudos to Frank for taking time to step away from the court to transfer this wisdom to the parenting, coaching community.”

Craig Cignarelli, St. Petersburg, Florida, WTA Tour Coach


“Frank Giampaolo has done it again… Just when you thought things couldn’t get better, they have! The Soft Science of Tennis will truly impact the athletes, parents, and coaches. This is a book of wisdom, and Frank is passing this on with his usual energetic exuberance. I recommend this for club professionals, directors, parents, and students. This is not just about tennis, it is about life, I say Well Done!”

Alec Horton, Los Angeles, California Director of Tennis Operations, Griffin Club


“Serious players know that tennis mirrors life. Great players train with that in mind. No one understands this better than Frank Giampaolo, who’s pioneering insights about applying ‘soft skills’ on-court will undoubtedly bring out the best in players and coaches alike.”

P.J. Simmons, New York, New York Founder, The Tennis Congress


“Franks latest book The Soft Science of Tennis is 100% the next book you must read! Communication is key, and Frank’s ability to communicate in all the ways in which we can communicate better is outstanding in this book. It’s easy and fun to read, and you will get hooked on his message.”

Bill Riddle, Nashville, Tennessee – PTR/ USPTA Elite Tennis Professional International Speaker/ Presenter


“Frank has hit it out of the park again. I am lucky enough to know Frank personally, and I can say without reservation that he “gets it”. Frank spends a great deal of effort listening to others. This is his trick to shaping his ideas and thoughts regarding the dissection of the inner workings of tennis players.

Once again, he has climbed deep into the weeds to explain a very important facet of our sport and our players that is the inner mental and emotional that most teaching professionals won’t spend the time researching. This aspect is so critical to the success of players.  I particularly love the story of how Frank came to the VBTC.  I have heard him tell it me several times and it never gets old.  Thanks, Frank for another groundbreaking piece. Keep them coming.”

Lane Evans, Hendersonville, North Carolina, USPTA Southern President, USPTA Tester & National Fitness & Wellness Committee Chairman




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Why Character Building Matters

The following post is an excerpt from Frank’s newest book, The Soft Science of Tennis. Click Here Soft Science of Tennis_3D_Cover_version5


Why Character Building Matters

 Jenny’s a full-time student at the First Strike Tennis Academy in Southern California and has been for nine years. In her own words: “I’m stuck, I’m SCTA ranked in the upper 80’s and going nowhere fast.” Jenny’s father is also frustrated with her tennis because he knows Jenny is a gifted athlete and he feels her academy is letting her down, despite the incredible amount of money he shells out to them each month. Jenny and her father both believe she is capable of achieving better results. 

The coaching staff at First Strike had convinced Jenny that she was doing everything she was supposed to do and to be patient and she would see results soon. Jenny confided in me that her motivation was gone and she was ready to hang up her rackets. She then broke down in tears as she revealed that although she’s good in practice, in competition her competitive grit, patience, and effort have abandoned her. She looked down and sobbed, “I’m just so tired of being average.” Jenny’s father interrupted and confessed, booking this session with you was our last resort.”

It didn’t take long to uncover the White Elephant on the court, which was the fact that Jenny has been training inefficiently for almost a decade.

Our initial conversation began with me asking Jenny some fundamental tennis developmental questions. “Since you’re telling me you know all too well how to be average, let me ask you an opposing question: Can you tell me how not to be average?” Jenny said, “Um…to do more training than my peers?” I smiled and said, “What’s even more important than the quantity of training?” “I don’t know… the quality of the training?” she responded. I agreed wholeheartedly. I then asked Jenny what she thought the difference was between group drilling and a customized developmental plan. “Well,” she said. “I guess a customized developmental plan focuses on individual needs versus group activities. I said, “Right again sister!”

I asked Jenny about her tennis goals. She perked up and said, “It used to be to play D-1 Tennis at Stanford but …” “Ok, great!”  I jumped in. “Now what is your customized weekly plan to make it a reality? What are you doing week-in and week -out that is setting you far apart from your peers?” … (Crickets) “Let me ask you another way, has your only training been in the academy format? …More silence. I gave it the dramatic one minute pause, which to her must have felt like an hour.

I sat back, took a deep breath, and said, “I see the problem. Jenny, you don’t have a customized plan. A goal without a customized plan isn’t a goal at all …it’s simply a dream.” I explained to Jenny that everyone has dreams, but a dream isn’t going to come true without a specific weekly customized developmental plan. Jenny’s eye’s brightened, and I saw her beautiful smile for the first time.

“I believe you owe it to yourself to attack your tennis development from a new perspective. Let’s hit a few balls so I can see your strokes and movement.”

So we hit a few baskets of balls as I identified her strengths and weaknesses in her primary and secondary strokes. We then sat down and went to work designing her customized weekly planner based on her efficiencies and deficiencies within her four main components: strokes, athleticism, mental and emotional. Our evaluation session was a mind-blowing revelation to Jenny and her Dad. No one had ever actually dissected Jenny’s game, let alone provided customized solutions for improvement. Our first day together went by quickly as we evaluated and improved her tennis IQ, her emotional aptitude, her organizational skills and we made adjustments in her deficient coaching entourage.

Jenny didn’t need to groove her stationary strokes or to run more laps around the track. She needed to apply life skills, positive character traits and a renewed belief in herself. Throughout our few days together, I identified the direction of training required and simply motivated her to be accountable for organizing her very own training regimen. She applied solid character traits such as the determination to devise an innovative, customized weekly blueprint. She was open-minded and humble throughout our sessions. Strong character traits are needed to champion tennis and life.

Within six months of completely modifying her training regimen, life skills, and positive character traits Jenny achieved a top 10 SCTA ranking and went on to play D-1 College ball. (The names have been changed to protect the guilty).

Building character in young athletes is essential to the success of the athlete on and off the court. Positive character not only assists the athletes on the court but guides them as they make the world a better place. An excellent character is a secret precursor of winning. It drives performance, which accelerates results. It’s the heartbeat of The Soft Science of Tennis. Sadly, in today’s generation, many parents assume that the coaches are teaching positive character traits and critical life skills, while coaches believe that it’s the parents who are educating these essential skills and sadly it’s a missing link in developing athletes.

“Excellent character is the secret precursor of winning. It drives consistent training which accelerates results.”


Character counts, so what is character? It’s a combination of the athlete’s emotional qualities, beliefs, and values. Great character isn’t a genetic predisposition. Humans aren’t born with great character. Good character is a learned skill set with well nurtured emotional enhancements. One’s character, good or bad shines in all its glory when the athlete competes and under duress. Developing character molds the athlete’s inner dialog, which either pumps them up or tears them down on a daily basis.


“The underlining effectiveness of a parent or coach lies in their ability to develop positive character skills.”


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The Power of Choice

The following post is an excerpt from Frank’s newest book, The Soft Science of Tennis. Click Here 

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The Power of Choice

Positive character motivates the athlete to forge ahead. Negative character allows the athlete to give up. A critical question in our sport is “How do we teach our athletes to handle losses?”

A modern term used in sports psychology is Posttraumatic Growth (PTG). Psychologists apply the term PTG to describe a positive psychological change that can result from a traumatic experience, such as athletic failure. Though losing may not seem like a tragic event to some, to others competitive losses can be mentally and emotionally crippling.  PTG methodologies help clients through difficult situations by encouraging them to take responsibility with the power of choice.

The athlete can choose to fight or retreat. Tennis champions actually lose and lose often throughout their career. The athletes who choose to use their scar tissue as motivation to fight and endure the athletic pressure persevere and reach the top. Admirable character opens up the athlete to forge ahead instead of shutting down and giving up.


“You need to develop a thick skin” is a common mantra for strong character building. It’s an effective defense to the critics. Trust me, the most common way you know you’re rising above the crowd is when others begin to trash-talk and criticize you solely because of their petty jealousy. If athletes aren’t able to take criticism, they should stay home, lie on the couch and stop improving immediately!”


In regards to character, actions speak louder than words. Parents and coaches need to remember that they are modeling character and that their actions have a more significant impact than their words. It is the role of parents and coaches to create a positive environment for ideal character building. Build character and lead by example:

  • It’s cool to be kind so choose kindness.
  • Vulnerability is a courageous character trait and not a weakness. So embrace vulnerability.
  • Share successes and failures. Share your story as a learning tool.
  • Laugh and joke as you apply humor to your daily training sessions.
  • Give credit to others for your success.
  • Compliment others daily on everything and anything.


“Invest more time and energy in your positive character building, and you’ll witness your athletes
modeling positive behavior.”


Character Traits

Character and a solid moral compass are part of the athlete’s foundation, which dictates behavior and facilitates success. The same is true for a successful coaching business; the character traits found in a champion are the same character traits that provide the foundation of a sustainable business.

20 Essential Character Traits Worth Educating

Print the following 20 Essential Character Traits and review with your athlete. Discuss how each trait affects their personal tennis development.

  • Motivation: The reason or reasons for attaining your goals.
  • Trustworthiness: The ability to be relied on as honest or truthful.
  • Gratitude: The appreciation of actions and benefits bestowed upon you.
  • Accountability: The condition of being responsible for your actions.
  • Commitment: The position of being dedicated to your cause.
  • Respectfulness: A curious regard for others feelings or situation.
  • Grit: Strength of character; courage and resolve.
  • Integrity: Having a strong moral compass and principles.
  • Innovative: Applying creative problem solving and advanced thinking.
  • Competency: The ability to perform efficiently and successfully.
  • Honesty: Acting with fairness and righteous conduct.
  • Loyalty: A strong feeling of support or allegiance to your supporters.
  • Ethics: The morals and principles that govern your behavior.
  • Patience: The capacity to tolerate delay or suffering without getting upset.
  • Desire: A deep feeling of acquiring something or wishing for it to happen.
  • Effort: The amount of energy put into an attempt.
  • Sincerity: The quality of being free from pretense and deceit.
  • Open-Mindedness: The willingness to consider new ideas without prejudice.
  • Unselfishness: The desire to accept the needs of others before your own.
  • Humble: Showing a modest estimate of your importance.


So does the participation in sports help build praiseworthy character traits? Yes, but an athlete’s character must be first introduced, nurtured, and developed by parents and coaches. The essential character traits demonstrated on-court in competition were first gained off-court. These traits were nurtured by choice …not by chance.

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More Industry Testimonials

The following post is an excerpt from
Frank’s newest book,


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“Frank’s positive attitude and his ability to see tennis from different angles make his insights fresh and unique. In The Soft Science of Tennis, Frank once again shows us different, powerful pathways to success.”

Eliot Teltscher, Irvine, California Top #6 ATP player, Former managing director of the USTA Player Development Program



The Soft Side of Tennis is filled with insight and inspiration to help you reach your potential. In this extraordinary book, Frank Giampaolo shows you how to successfully utilize your skill set by developing a positive mindset.”

Roger Crawford, Sacramento California, Host of Tennis Channel’s Motivational Monday’s, Best-Selling Author-Hall of Fame Speaker
The Soft Science of Tennis is not just another tool in your toolbox but another complete toolbox that every coach and parent should read. As in any sport, technical and physical abilities will not flourish until mental capabilities grow and strengthen. Frank takes you through the effective steps of how to assist your athletes in developing a strong and positive mindset. Any coach or parent trying to help a player who is striving for excellence must read this book. This is definitely a book that I will purchase for the entire High-Performance coaching staff at CDL.”

Dean Hollingworth, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, WTA Trainer, CSCS, MTPS Director of High-Performance Club CDL


“Great book! I believe this is going to help a lot of coaches and players. It should be part of the mandatory curriculum as a teaching professional. The four parts of a performance paradigm are physical, equipment, technical, and mental. This book is a must for the mental side of the athlete. If you’re into building champions of life and on-court this book is a must.”

Dr. Sean Drake, Oceanside California, Performance Director at TPI

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The Soft Science of Tennis Testimonials

The following post is an excerpt from
Frank’s newest book,


Click Here to ORDER!  

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“This is an absolute must read book for all coaches and professionals. Frank really knows his stuff!”

Allistair McCaw, Ft Lauderdale, Florida, World renowned sports performance and mindset coach, speaker, and author.


The Soft Science of Tennis is filled with golden nuggets of wisdom that can be implemented to achieve peak performance on and off the court. As a high-performance coach, I am fascinated and downright obsessed with helping players, parents, and coaches. This book is a game changer! Frank has done a masterful job of going deep into the how communication, self-talk, and understanding personality types impact performance. I strongly recommend The Soft Science of Tennis to anyone interested in going to the next level.”

Jeff Salzenstein, Denver Colorado, Founder of Tennis Evolution, Former Top 100 ATP Singles And Doubles Player, Stanford All-American, USTA High-Performance Coach, and co-creator of The Connection Game


“I recommend that every USPTA and PTR professional should read this book. It will help them be more successful in their business and personal life. I am going to have all my pros read it. Thanks, Frank for making our industry grow!”

Doug Cash, Seymour, Indiana Cashflowtennis


“Frank Giampaolo’s ability to share his real-world tennis experience provides coaches and parents a toolbox for Effective Communication! The Soft Science of Tennis provides a practical Game Plan to help our athletes. Problems are identified; their causes isolated and specific Action Steps recommended. Who could ask for more?”

Dr. Bryce Young, Hilton Head South Carolina co-author of The Courtside Coach: A Personal Mental Trainer for Tennis Players and Mental Coach for 300 university teams


“Frank is in front of his time as a coach. By writing a book dedicated to the soft skills of being a tennis coach, Frank demonstrates his enormous experience and understanding of what it truly takes to be an extraordinary coach. The soft skills are without a doubt a neglected area of coaching that is essential to the effectiveness of coaching. In this book, Frank dissects the area and provides an easy to understand framework of how you can better your soft skills.”

Adam Blicher, Odense, Denmark, Sports Psychology Consultant, Awarded Coach of the year, Danish National coach, Host of the highest rated Tennis Coaches Podcast on iTunes.


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The Soft Science of Tennis

The following post is an excerpt from Frank’s newest book, The Soft Science of Tennis.

Click Here to pre-order before July 7 for only 2.99!  

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During the past three decades, the business of tennis coaching has become much more scientific. Biomechanics, technique, and technology have changed the hardware (strokes and athleticism) for the better, yet, the software (mental and emotional) have been routinely ignored.

I was fortunate to begin my career at The Vic Braden Tennis College as a tennis instructor. Back in the 1980’s stroke production was the focal point. As I opened and directed tennis colleges throughout the country, I had the opportunity to work with top nationally ranked athletes and touring pros. It was then that I realized that although stroke production was fundamental to the game of tennis, it was by no means the whole story. I found that the athletes with sound hardware (strokes and athleticism) and under-developed software (mental and emotional components) struggled in competition. So, for the past 20 years, I’ve immersed myself in the study of the athlete’s competitive software.

When Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded Google in 1998, they believed that only techies understood technology, so they set the companies hiring algorithms to employ computer science students from elite Universities. Fifteen years later Google began Project Oxygen to test their hiring methods. The conclusion of the research project shocked everyone. Among the seven most valued qualities of Google’s top employees, technical expertise came in dead last. Interestingly, what proved more important to their corporate culture were SOFT SKILLS.

The following are the seven essential personality traits Google prioritizes in their hiring process:

  • Effective Coaching Skills
  • Effective Communication and Listening Skills
  • Empathy and Support for Others
  • Effective Critical Thinking Skills
  • Effective Problem Solving Skills
  • Ability to Connect Across Complex Ideas
  • Technical Expertise

Since exposing these findings, Google takes soft skills very, very seriously.

Like Google’s search engine business, most of the tennis teaching industry assumes that hard skills (biomechanics and tennis technical knowledge) are most important. This book intends to share insights as to why soft skills matter and their significance may be more important than we were led to believe. The beliefs of athletes are directly influenced by their interactions with coaches and parents. After all, great coaching requires great collaborating, which is at the heart of The Soft Science of Tennis.

This book is designed to improve our tennis specific soft skills that are the behaviors that enable us to connect more efficiently. Soft science characteristics are learned behaviors, and when properly nurtured lead to more effective and harmonious development of our athletes.

In the two years, it took me to research and write this book, the one reoccurring theme throughout this journey was “invest in the person, not just the player.” Whatever industry your athletes choose, whichever position they desire, they’ll take their soft skills with them for the rest of their life.

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Last Day of Special Price!

The following post is an excerpt from
Frank’s newest book,


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ONLY $2.99 eBook Through July 10

The following post is an excerpt from
Frank’s newest book,


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SALE price through July 10

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