Handling Adversity- Part Four

The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude In Sports NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order



Hardships in sports prepare you for the Real World

There is no success in high-performance sport without hardships. Hardships are actually the lessons needed to prepare athletes for success in the real world.

Strength doesn’t come from winning, it comes from the battle.


A study published in The Journal of Personal & Social Psychology reported that individuals who experience normal adverse events have better overall mental health than individuals with no real history of misfortune. I’ve found this same scenario to be true with athletes. Many talented athletes who are coddled and pampered by parents and coaches in their youth have difficulty in handling adversity in their teens. These junior athletes are sheltered from the exact problem-solving skills they need in order to thrive at the higher levels. This lack of resiliency is an especially important life skill needed for success. In a sense, resiliency is like a “psychological immune system” which aids athletes in coping with the hardships that come with competing at the higher levels of sports.


“What doesn’t Kill you… makes you stronger”

                                                         Friedrich Nietzsche


Coaches and parents of athletes should be fostering resiliency on a daily basis. I suggest that you re-visit your test scores in section one and customize your developmental pathway.


Life skills Transcend Sports

My daughter, Sarah was a top tennis player in her teens.  She won ten National titles, was ranked #1 in the US and played the US Open by age 15. One of her emotional skills developed through sports was perseverance. Fast forward 10 years and she calls me, “Dad, I just closed a half a million dollar deal- in my new sales position.  OMG, this is so much easier than pro tennis! I just called the CEO every Tuesday for two months and BINGO! ”

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Handling Adversity- Part Three

The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude In Sports NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order



Question: Why do athletes need to experience gamesmanship?

Evan: Well, gamesmanship tactics teach you that if you don’t stay in your performance side of your brain, you’ll get sucked into your opponent’s drama. Not all gamesmanship is cheating. Legal gamesmanship is part of the art of winning.

Jarrod: OMG, I get cheated almost every tournament. I get to the point where I don’t care about the game… I just want to punch’em in the face! Remember that time I got into it with Lorenzo?


Question: How do you spot an athlete struggling with adversity?

Evan: Well, I look for nonverbal communication… You know, body language and facial expressions. A dominating opponent with positive body language is inflating their energy and systematically deflating yours. In competition, I work hard on presenting myself as the alpha male.

Jarrod: Dude, he asked about spotting emotionally weak opponents… Geez! I’m good at spotting those meek kids. I’m the intimidator, not the intimidated! Often against emotionally weaker guys, the outcome is decided before the game even starts. I love it when the other dude has slumped shoulders, looks down, talking to the floor, as we prepare for the match. You can see and feel their look of surrender a mile away.


Question: Why is emotional aptitude important in high-performance sports?

Evan: Your opponent isn’t always just the other competitors. It’s between the ears. It’s battling your own demons. Sometimes half of me is saying “Keep Fighting” but the other half is saying “Forget it… They’re too good.”

Jarrod: My old coach taught me that if your fundamentals are better and if you’re the stronger athlete… You’ll win. I used to believe him but now… I’m not so sure. Does needing emotional training from a coach means I’m weak?


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Handling Adversity- Part Two

The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude In Sports NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order



Champions view handling adversity in a different light. They understand that winners have taken the time to develop their emotional muscles. They’ve been through the fires and have come out stronger. Hardships must not be avoided but embraced.  Please realize that athletes who seek greatness need bitter rivals, demanding coaches, bad referees, and even those cheating opponents because they all require the athlete to push beyond their comfort zones. These experiences help them later perform at a higher level under intense pressure.

With distance comes clarity. After a difficult experience, athletes discover that their seemingly horrific experience actually motivated them to improve by training and preparing more efficiently. Handling hardships stoke the competitive fire. That is why this section is important in regards to emotional aptitude.


Becoming comfortable handling conflict is emotional aptitude.


So I sat down again with my students, Evan and Jarrod. We discussed unfair hardships and here’s what they had to say.


Question: Why do athletes need rivals?

Evan: Rivals are actually secret partners in a different uniform. They’re the motivational force every athlete needs. My rival’s improvements push me towards my own improvement.

Jarrod: That’s stupid! Dude, I’d have so many trophies, if it weren’t for you. Besides, I think life would be easier if all my opponents were horrible.

Question: Why do athletes need demanding coaches?

Evan: Demanding coaches push you further than you think you can go. They have a vision of who you can be. They teach respect … respect for yourself, the equipment and others. Demanding coaches can be positive, fun loving … BTW- A screaming, abusive coach does not motivate me!

Jarrod: Hum… I’ve got no respect for those old fashion, drill sergeant negatrons. My old coach only pointed out the problems. Every training session was him telling me why I stink. I don’t remember him offering solutions… Only pointing out mistakes and why I’m a loser.

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Handling Adversity

The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude In Sports NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order


ea-in-sports4a_finalThe Emotional Science of Handling Adversity


On Any Given Weekend

Friday night, as a favor to a friend, I met with a family to discuss their daughter’s NCAA golf experience. I listened politely as these very frustrated and mystified parents spoke about their daughter’s lack of play time. “Karen’s the best athlete on the squad, yet she’s riding the bench for the second straight year. Why won’t the coach play her? We’re paying over $50 grand a year for her to play and incoming freshman are playing ahead of her!”

I asked Karen about her preparation. Specifically her pre-season summer training regimen. Sadly, her developmental plan resembled that of a part-time hobbyist and not an elite college athlete. Most college level athletes are spending the summer playing tournaments and putting in about 20 hours a week of deliberate, customized training, Karen clocked in a whopping ZERO tournaments and 3-4 hours a week on the driving range over the entire summer. When I ask her why she didn’t feel she needed to train over the summer, she responded, “I’m better than my teammates already… I can out drive all of them…why bother?”

On closer inspection, Karen and her parents believe Karen’s superior fundamentals should place her in the starting lineup. But fundamentals are only part of the equation. Fast forward to the start of the golf season and Karen is missing routine 4-foot putts, her wedges are erratic, she can’t hit off a moderate 10-degree slope or out of the sand effectively. To make matters worse, her frustration tolerance is next to zero, so every round she finds a convenient excuse for her poor competitive performances and systematically implodes. Her toxic match day behavior is a result of a poor developmental plan resulting in emotional mayhem. This negative combination is pushing her college coaches to simply wash their hands of her and quietly hope she quits. Unfortunately, neither Karen nor her parents were aware of the importance of developing emotional aptitude in addition to her solid fundamental development.

Come Saturday morning, I found myself at a client’s little league baseball game. Mikey is a talented ball player. He’s a strong hitter with a .400 batting average. He’s also a fluid pitcher with a cannonball like fastball, a wicked curveball, and a lethal slider. Unfortunately, for the third time this season, Mikey got tossed out of the game by the fifth inning. You see Mikey, at age 12, confronts both adult authority figures and teammates, curses at them and telling them they’re clueless. All Mikey hears is how he’s light years ahead of everyone and his dad routinely belittles anyone that says otherwise, including the umpires! Mikey could be a high school baseball superstar and even enjoy an NCAA career if only he was taught how to handle adversity and emotional aptitude.

Sunday rolls around, and I’m at the girls 18’s Southern California sectional tennis tournament. On Court #1 Sammy is so fearful of confrontation that she played 12 out balls losing a close battle 4-5, 6-7. It’s not that Sammy needs glasses. Sammy’s emotional issue is that she’s scared of confrontation. She wants everyone to like her and so she gifted away the match.

Court #2 was another tightly contested match. Kayla was up in each set 5-2 and on both occasions traded in her offensive “playing to win” style and attitude for a super careful “playing not to lose-just don’t blow it” style of play. Sadly, Kayla lost another close winnable match 5-7, 5-7. Kayla’s emotional issue is that she doesn’t trust herself. Her lack of confidence and self-belief caused her to abandon her beautiful winning style if play – just when she needs it the most.

Court # 3 wasn’t much different. Michelle is probably the most physically talented gals in this top tier event. She possesses every tool in a world-class tennis player’s tool belt. Unfortunately for Michelle, she also has a toxic condition called perfectionism. By performing absolutely excellent, Michelle earns a comfortable 4-1 lead. Michelle spots her opponent’s vulnerable court position and defensive strike zone and bolts forward for a routine swing volley. Unfortunately, her shot catches the net tape as she loses a winnable point. Michelle proceeds to slam her racket to the cement and let out a blood-curdling scream “AAHHH … I SUCK!!!… WHY??” After dropping this singular point, Michelle is crushed because, in her mind, she has now blown a perfect day and only perfection is acceptable. Now Michelle is in full meltdown mode and drops the next 3 games in under 9 minutes. The match was completely in her control but because of her false belief system, she not only gifted her opponent back into the match, but she also rekindled the opponent’s self-belief. Thanks to Michelle’s emotional flaw, instead of a routine 6-2 win, she was battling a 4-4 dogfight.

The key for these solid athletes is to understand that it’s not their athleticism that’s letting them down. It’s their lack of emotional aptitude. Emotional aptitude is the learned behavior that athletes need to nurture in hopes of overcoming the onslaught of hardships that come along with the glory of greatness. Solid athletes seeking to maximize potential need to design coping skills customized to their own personal inner demons.

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Game Day Performance Anxiety Solutions

The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude In Sports NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order


ea-in-sports4a_finalGame Day Performance Anxiety Solutions


  • Arrive early, stretch and undergo a thorough physical warm-up routine.
  • Recognize that pre-event anxiety is normal. Excess adrenaline can be burnt off by going for a run before competition.
  • Prepare mentally and emotionally by visualizing your peak performance plays and patterns.
  • Discuss performance goals and not outcome goals. Performance goals include running the correct plays and patterns the moment demands.
  • Outcome goals include the ramifications of winning or losing. By pre-setting the correct performance-based state of mind, athletes have a much greater chance of performing in the zone.
  • Avoid poor performances by utilizing proper nutrition and hydration.

During the Event:

  • Focus on your performance goals rather than the outcome of the event.
  • Choose to stay in your optimal performance state of mind.
  • Fake it until it becomes natural. Replace negative thoughts with positive visualization.
  • Perform in the matter you’ve been trained and to choose to stay on your performance script for the duration of the event.

Post Event:

  • Relax and recover. An athlete needs to recuperate. Downtime wards off burnout and is essential for long-term progress.
  • Review the event when emotionally ready to accept constructive criticism. Juniors, remember that the game is an information-gathering mission to aid you in long-term growth.
  • Agree upon a time to review the performance and make a developmental action plan to improve strengths and weaknesses.


Positive Game Day Inner Dialog for Athletes

Staying on your script requires constant positive self-talk.  In the heat of competition, an empty mind is susceptible to becoming contaminated with unwanted, negative thoughts. Staying in your optimal, peak performance state of mind requires the management of your inner dialog/thoughts. Positive dialog examples include:

  • I’m Shooting For Excellence, Not Perfection
  • I’ve Got Strokes, Athleticism, Mental & Emotional Skills
  • I’m So Grateful That I Get to Participate
  • I’m Performance Oriented Not Outcome Oriented
  • I Love Solving Problems in Competition
  • I’ll Walk into the Club Like I Own the Place
  • I’ve Morphed into An Athletic Warrior
  • I Admire My Courage to Compete
  • My Optimism Is Contagious
  • This Is My Favorite Part of the Week

I suggest picking a few positive statements from the above list and rehearse your own inner dialog. Research shows that performing in the future, as the “Alpha Competitor,” stems from continuously, nurturing your inner belief. Emotional aptitude is a learned behavior.  An athlete’s optimism and growth mindset should be molded daily.

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Proper Preparation


The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude In Sports NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order




Prepare Properly

If you want to make your own good luck, look towards your future athletic competitions as opportunities and bring to these opportunities exquisite preparation. When proper preparation and opportunity meet, the athlete will shine. The solution to developing one’s emotional muscle stems from copying one of the twins. I bet you already know which one it is. In case you are still unclear, let’s review a typical match day- starring our friend, Jarrod.


Spectacular Preparation Preceded Spectacular Performance

Jarrod, Evans younger brother by 9 minutes, is a very gifted athlete but a bit unevenly developed.  Emotional aptitude is his most unnatural component and so far he’s not interested in improving it. Jarrod would sabotage his tournament performances before they even began. Of course, Jarrod believed that his poor starts weren’t his fault. They were just plain bad luck.

The night before an away event in Indianapolis, I called Jarrod to discuss the incoming storm and the news reports of the morning flood-like conditions. “Jarrod, let’s plan on leaving earlier tomorrow.” He replied “Nah… I want to sleep in. We’re good”. Fast forward to the next morning. The plan was to meet in the hotel lobby for breakfast at 8:00 am.  It is now 8:158:30 … and still no Jarrod. It turned out he decided to skip breakfast before his day packed full of 6 hours of intense National competition.

So, we began the hour drive to the site. Visibility through the windshield was about 20 yards due to the pelting storm. All we saw for an hour and forty-five minutes were brake lights. This, along with him deciding not to put fuel in his gas tank caused unnecessary unspoken anxiety. An hour into the drive Jarrod said, “I’m so hungry”.

Thirty minutes away from the event I gently reminded him to begin his visualization routine. Leaving the “normal” teenage headspace behind and morphing into the character of a warrior. As I began to remind him again about the emotional benefits of pre-game visualization Jarrod talked over me saying, “I’m fine,” as he decided he didn’t need it and reached over from the passenger seat and turned up the rap station on the SUV’s stereo. Memorizing rap lyrics and tweeting friends were more important to him than the mental imagery of ensuring a peak performance in his upcoming match.

Arriving on site late meant that instead of casually enjoying a relaxed 45 minute warm up. Jarrod now had only 15 minutes to rush through his fundamentals. This brought about feelings of being underprepared which is a confidence killer. As the tournament director blew the whistle for the players to gather, I asked him if he remembered to prepare his equipment, drinks, ice, towels, etc.  Jarrod said, “Oh, can you get me a water… And find me a towel?”


Preparing properly for battle doesn’t guarantee victories, but choosing to neglect proper preparation sabotages one’s chance of performing at peak potential.


Jarrod’s athleticism didn’t cause another loss. The loss was caused by his lack of emotional aptitude, as seen in his distorted thinking and behavioral patterns in preparing for his event. Needless to say, Jarrod’s game was off from the beginning. He never recovered and went down in flames.

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Proper Preparation Rewards Emotional Aptitude Part 3

The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude In Sports NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order


In regards to spectacular preparation, let’s check in with Evan, the super-achiever, and Jarrod, the talented underachiever.


Proper Warm Up & Stretching Routines

Evan: I “YouTubed” a Tiger Woods interview. He said he hits the range before each round and systematically warms up every club in the bag. Just in case it’s needed. That made sense to me. I begin with 10 minutes of dynamic stretching and incorporate a full hour customized warm-up routine before even leaving for the event site.

Jarrod: Dude! I’m still putting my socks on when jumping into the car. At the site, I skip that silly dynamic stretching routine. It’s kinda weird.  I only need a quick 5 minute warm up as the game begins. I practice in practice sessions, not on match day.


Morphing into a Warrior

Evan: At the event site, I choose to stay away from the random texting and the typical “hanging out” with the guys. Instead, I focus on shifting from a normal teen into an athletic warrior. I understand that getting into character and remaining in character for the duration of the battle is critical.

Jarrod: As soon as I arrive on site, I jump out of the car and rush over to the other players to trash talk each other’s Pokemon Go scores. Sometimes we get the nerve to talk to the chicks.


Opponent Profiling

Evan: I like to arrive early and leave late on tournament days. I’m interested in scouting other athletes. I think it’s meaningful to identify their strengths and weaknesses. I like to see what makes different opponents freak out.

Jarrod: Man, I’ve got zero interest in wasting time. They should be scared of ME! My natural athleticism is all I need to win every event. If I don’t win, it just wasn’t my day. I’ve just got to play better next time.


Key Performance Review with the Coach

Evan: Well, you know. I like to call you before my match because I want insurance that I’m completely ready for battle. I enjoy systematically double checking my mechanical “to-do” list, my top patterns list, my relaxation ritual routine, and my alternate game plans to use if the opponent shifts tactical styles. This assists me in performing confident and calm in the heat of battle.

Jarrod: I don’t feel I need to consult a coach. Basically, I already know all I need to know and I want to prove it to everyone. Look, some people have it…some people don’t.



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Proper Preparation Rewards Emotional Aptitude Part 2

The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude In Sports NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order



In regards to spectacular preparation, let’s check in with Evan, the super-achiever, and Jarrod, the talented underachiever.


Equipment Preparation

Evan: I have a checklist of my requirements. I actually begin packing my extra shirts, uniform, socks, shoes, water, Gatorade, power bars, fruit, band-aids and athletic tape the night before. I sleep better knowing everything’s prepared.

Jarrod: Evan, you’re such a dork!  The last time I even saw my bag was when I left it in the trunk of mom’s car.



Evan: I wake up early but before I get out of bed, I calmly visualize my skill sets for 15 minutes. I focus on proper mechanics, athletic movements and spacing, my mental game strategic plans and my positive emotional composure rituals. I feel that by pre-programming the subconscious, I’ll be more likely to perform later in the zone.

Jarrod: I typically sleep in as late as possible. If I do have extra time, I love playing Pokemon Go. I skip the visualization exercise you ask me to do. Let’s be honest…I don’t need that stuff!


Proper Nutrition and Hydration

Evan: I schedule the time to enjoy a healthy breakfast approximately 2 hours prior to my competition. I did some research and understand that good carbohydrates are the preferred source of energy for expanded muscle contraction and brain function. I like to apply preventative medicine to ensure that there’s little chance of a poor performance.

Jarrod: Breakfast is not my thing. I eat when I’m hungry. Hey, remember, we watched a video review of my game? You showed me how I struggled with lethargic play, decreased strength and reaction time, low endurance, slow cognitive processing speed, basic problem-solving skills, and violent negative emotional outbursts…Wait…so you’re saying that not eating may have had something to do with it?


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Proper Preparation Rewards Emotional Aptitude Part 1

The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude In Sports NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order



Invest in Success


At the higher echelons of every sport, sheer talent is not enough. Success requires intelligent groundwork. Success is the ability to enjoy peak performance level of play under the stress of competition. Proper game day preparation is a sure fire way to maximize success. Confidence under stress is earned through great foresight. This is where life skills come into play.


Quality preparation reinforces confident performance.


There is nothing more common than talented athletes with minimal work ethic. It’s the physically gifted individuals who typically believe they are too good for silly things like proper preparation or the development of the mental and emotional components. Ironically, it’s those same athletes who have embarrassing meltdowns come game day. The lack of emotional aptitude in competition can truly be avoided with the acceptance of real preparation. Improper, halfhearted, unintelligent game day preparation is responsible for thousands upon thousands of losses every week. Of course, spectators don’t see the inadequacies in an athlete’s preparation, they only see a negative emotional “basket case” performing.

In regards to spectacular preparation, let’s check in again with Evan, the super-achiever, and Jarrod, the talented underachiever.



Evan: I’ve realized the hard way, that it’s not just what you do…it’s when you do it. Dismantling a flawed mechanical component the day before a big event is crazy. I now know when to groove and build confidence with my game versus when to add new tools. Proper periodization is essential.

Jarrod: Yeah, remember when I went to that new high-performance gym the day before that tournament?  Man, I woke up the next morning for my tournament and couldn’t even lift my arms to put on my shirt or barely sit down, I was so sore. I suppose that was the wrong time to try a new workout routine. Is that what you mean by periodization?


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Podcast – How to Use Neuro Priming


Check out Frank’s talk radio podcast with Ian of
Essential Tennis


TOPIC: How to use neuro priming?

CLICK HERE to Listen

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