On-Court Self Analysis

The following post is an excerpt from the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible NOW available through most on-line retailers!  Click Here to Order




One of the “HIDDEN” skills to winning matches is the ability to appropriately respond to adversity. Reacting in a suitable fashion to a stressful situation is a “Master Mental and Emotional” skill essential to winning more matches. You may have terrific strokes, but if you continually self-destruct under stress, you won’t get the results you are capable of getting. Below you will find ten “secrets” to stop mid match implosions.  I encourage you to keep these action plans in your tennis bag because you never know when you may need a little support.

Self-Destruction Solutions:

1) When you are donating points with first or second strike errors, simply focus on hitting three balls clean straight down the center of the court. You’ll go from handing the opponent the trophy to making them earn a seven ball rally. Trust me, this really works!

2) While being too eager to see your beautiful shot, you sneak a peek early, pull out of the strike zone and shank balls off the frame. A great tip is to simply say “plant” when the incoming ball lands on your court and “turn” as you begin to uncoil the kinetic chain into the ball.  Trick yourself into thinking that you can see the ball “hit” the strings of your racket. Wa-la! No more shanks!

3) Future thoughts are a common enemy of high quality tennis. Thinking ahead to the award presentation, their new ranking or what their friends are going to say when they beat this seed is a sure fire path to “Loserville.”  Focus on the present execution of your performance patterns versus the post-match outcome drama.

4) Mistakes often lead to anger. Anger leads to increased ball speed. Increasing ball speed leads to more errors.  To steady up, sometimes match the opponents ball speed until you get your game back to a controllable level. Yes, champions often simply match the ball speed.

5) Use the tactics found in applying the proper air zones and court zones. Understanding zonal tennis will greatly reduce the sheer numbers of unforced errors.

6) Another critical function of reducing the “avoidable” error is the proper use of offense, neutral and defensive choices.  Pro tour studies show that professionals hit on average 60% neutral, 20% offence, 20% defense.  Match play video analysis of intermediate juniors show an average of 80% offence, 15% neutral, 5% defense. Hum…no wonder the unforced error count is through the roof!

7) Most juniors use changeovers to watch the other matches, check out that cute chic or guy over by the fence, watch cars go by or even spot the American airlines jet overhead. Proper internal changeover rituals would be to simply think two games back, fix flaws and design proactive plans, then organize how they will be using the information during the next two games.

8) If you’re self-destructing and want to respond to adversity like a champ, copy Serena.  She reads her notes during matches to relax and stay focused. She’s earned a few bucks playing this game and seems to have a future.  Haha!  You should have your notes prepared and actually choose to pull them out and read them if needed.

9) As the “deer in the head light’ spaced out look comes across your face, remind yourself that you can break free of all this panicking by taking a few “swoosh” shadow swings. Be aware that one of the first fundamentals to shut down are your quick little steps. Move your feet and use verbal and physical triggers to re-gain composure.

10) On a parental note, often a large portion of the stress that inhibits your child’s peak performance is unknowing caused by you.  Stress causes poor brain function and tight muscle contractions. Are you successfully de-stressing your athlete on game day?


Training how to handle ADVERSITY is a major contributor to a champion’s success. I often remind intermediate athletes that they have to be comfortable…being uncomfortable. Spending a couple hours each week for the next month focusing on a few of their solutions may be the exact protocol your athlete needs to salvage a routine match that has gone south.




Frank Giampaolo


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Athletic Life Lessons

The following post is an excerpt from the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible NOW available through most on-line retailers!  Click Here to Order



With summer around the corner, many parents and players will be spending more time together traveling to tournaments and continuing to develop tennis skills.  This is a perfect time to review the below life lessons that you as a parent and/or coach are also teaching throughout your player’s tennis journey. Thanks, Frank



Choosing to embark on this journey has lifelong benefits. It is widely known that the participation in the game of tennis cultivates life lessons. Tennis is an individual, elite sport that breed leaders.

“Congratulations for developing leadership qualities in your child.”

Communicating the important life lessons gained through tennis is a critical part of the tennis parent’s job description.

The Game of Tennis Inspires the Following Leadership Skills:

  1. Time management
  2. Adaptability and flexibility skills
  3. Ability to handle adversity
  4. Ability to handle stress
  5. Courage
  6. Positive work ethic
  7. Perseverance
  8. Setting priorities
  9. Goal setting
  10. Sticking to commitments
  11. Determination
  12. Problem solving skills
  13. Spotting patterns and tendencies
  14. Discipline
  15. Understanding of fair play and sportsmanship
  16. Development of focus
  17. Persistence
  18. Preparation skills
  19. Dedication and self-control
  20. Positive self-image

Without these important character skills, success on and off the court, simply won’t happen.  You see, achieving results requires thousands of hours of deliberate customized practice.  Without the above life skills, a deliberate developmental plan doesn’t happen.

Life skills lead to Process lead to Results

My favorite life lesson of the top 20 is persistence. As a coach, to see a talented player without persistence or the willingness to sacrifice and work hard is my worst nightmare! That is why at the junior levels it is often the slightly less talented who are willing to pay the price with smart work that earn all the trophies.

“Nothing is more common than unsuccessful tennis players with tons of physical talent.”

Finding a way through a tough opponent even though you’re having a bad day is persistence. Staying in the correct side of your brain even when things are clearly not going well is persistence. Staying engaged until the very last point is persistence. Now you know my favorite life lesson. What’s yours?


Frank Gimapaolo

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On Court Emotional Evaluation

The following post is an excerpt from the International Player Evaluation. Get this eBook and 4 other tennis eBooks all for only $25.00 through the Memorial Holiday!    Click Here to Order

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The below On Court Emotional evaluation should be completed by the player, coach and parent.  Together, as a team, identify any weak emotional issues and devise a plan to strengthen the weaknesses.

Good Luck! Frank




  • Between Point Rituals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Change Over Rituals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Mistake Management: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Plan & Implement the Plan: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Designing Proactive Patterns: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Understanding Frustration Tolerance Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Temperament (Controlling your emotions): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Distraction Control: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Quieting the Mind: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Adapting/Problem Solving: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Controlling Lapses in Concentration: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Controlling Nervousness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Controlling Self Condemnation (Negative self-talk): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Controlling “Bad” Anger: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Limiting Unforced Errors: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Handling Cheaters/Gamesmanship: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Mentally Being In the Past/Present/Future: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Mega Point Control: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Mini Mega Point Control: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


List the Top 3 On-Court Mental issues to work on this year:




Write your Personal Action Plan:


CONTACT: Frank Giampaolo

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Perfect Strokes?

The following post is an excerpt from the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible NOW available through most on-line retailers!  Click Here to Order

The following post is a common blunder committed by many players, parents and coaches- believing perfect stroke production must first be mastered before learning to compete. This theory will not maximize potential at the quickest rate! Read on…

Thinking Perfect Strokes are Mandatory

Legendary star Andre Agassi states in his book that he was still learning how to volley when he retired. John McEnroe is quoted as saying “Nobody has perfect strokes; it’s what you do with what you’ve got that counts!” They simply competed with their secret weaknesses.  Learn how to expose your strengths and hide your weaknesses.

Parents, players and coaches who are waiting for every stroke to be perfect before they begin to compete are missing the boat.  Every national champion I’ve ever coached had holes in their game as they held up the gold ball.  The trick is learning how to compete with imperfections.

Even if your child did possess perfect strokes on the practice court, performance anxieties will occasionally cause strokes to break down at stressful stages of an event. Dealing with the reality of imperfect strokes is part of the mental, emotional components of the game.

May e-Book Bundle Special – CLICK HERE

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CONTACT: Frank Giampaolo

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SUPERSIZE Your Practice Sessions

The following post is an excerpt from the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible NOW available through most on-line retailers!  Click Here to Orderblack_ebook_design2


The following post is taken from Section IV- Practice Session Dramas:

QUESTION: How can we help supersize practice sessions?

Frank: Below I have created a checklist of solution to help Super-Charge Practice Sessions.

Stop hitting without accountability.

Hitting without accountability is like spending money with an unlimited bank account. Juniors perceive they hit better in practice because they are not aware of the sheer number of mistakes they are actually making. They remember the 10 screaming winners they hit, but forget about the 50 unforced errors they committed in the same hour.

Change the focus in practice sessions.

Concentrate on skill sets such as shot selection, patterns, adapting and problem solving, spotting the opponent’s tendencies, tactical changes and between point rituals.

Quit being a perfectionist!

Trying 110 percent promotes hesitation, over- thinking and tight muscle contractions. If you must worry about winning, focus on winning about 66 percent of the points. Yes, you can blow some points and allow your opponent a little glory and still win comfortably.

Replace some of the hours spent in clinics with actual matches.

Do you want your child to learn how to play through nervousness and manage their mistakes? Do you want them to get better at closing out those 5-3 leads? Do you want them to actually beat that moonball/pusher in the third set?

Players must begin to address their issues in dress rehearsal before they can expect them to win under pressure. Playing great under stress is a learned behavior. Practicing under simulated stress conditions is the solution.

“The challenge is to get comfortable being uncomfortable.”

Rehearse doing what you’re scared of doing. Take the tougher road less traveled. One of my favorite sayings is “If you want to get ahead of the pack, you can’t hang in the pack.”

This goes for parents as well. Obviously dropping your child off at the group lesson then going shopping for shoes is way easier than finding practice matches, charting and/or paying a college hitter to play sets. But ask yourself, is taking the convenient way out stunting your child’s growth?

CONTACT: Frank Giampaolo

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Legal Gamesmanship Tactics

The following post is an excerpt from the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible NOW available through most on-line retailers!  Click Here to Order

QUESTION: Should athletes employ legal gamesmanship tactics?

Frank: Yes, athletes should employ gamesmanship tactics-but legal gamesmanship tactics ONLY!  Winners in all sports routinely apply physical, mental and emotional tactics. It is your athlete’s job as a competitor to profile the opponent and spot and attack their vulnerabilities. This is the art of being a competitive warrior. Let’s look at the ways top ATP/WTA professionals apply emotional warfare to control the match dynamics.

“Adaptive gamesmanship is perfectly legal. It requires doing what it takes within the rules that govern the competition. It’s an acceptably, healthy use of the competitive fire.”

Forms of Legal Gamesmanship:

1) Intimidating with an aura of confidence.

2) Dominating play by running their top 7 patterns and staying on script.

3) Going to the towel (Time Management) before each mega point, after they have committed two unforced errors in row, after a long winded point to lower their heart rate and to cool off an opponent who is on fire.

4) Apply between-point and change-over rituals to control the speed and tempo of the match.

5) Taking legal bathroom breaks to change the energy of the match.

6) Taking legal trainer breaks to attend to minor aliments when the opponent has all the energy.

7) Looking to break the opponent’s rhythm as they control the tempo of the match.

8) Remaining silent and composed. This makes them appear to be unflappable under stressful situations.

Employing an Alpha attitude is an important characteristic in competitive athletics. An Alpha-like confidence comes across in an athlete’s composure, demeanor and facial expressions. By mastering the legal forms of intimidation, an athlete controls the competitive situations.

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CONTACT: Frank Giampaolo

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Cardio Tennis Training Coming to Southern California

The following post is in support of an upcoming TIA Cardio Tennis Training Session in
Southern California.
(The Tennis Industry Association, the not-for-profit trade association for tennis)

For more information: Click Here

Upcoming Cardio Tennis Training Course
May 22, 2016

Course Location:

Lindero Hills Country Club
Agoura Hills, CA
Sunday – May 22

Course Hours: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Special Comments: Please come dressed and ready to participate in the on-court instruction and demonstrations.

This course teaches the fundamentals of Cardio Tennis and everything you need to know to make it a success at your facility. Cardio Tennis education will include classroom, on court training and peer teaching. After participating in this workshop you will have a strong understanding of the following:

  • What is Cardio Tennis, its purpose and benefits
  • The six components of Cardio Tennis
  • Key ingredients of a healthy curriculum
  • The importance of heart rate monitors and how to use them
  • Proper warm-up activities, Cardio games and drills, cool down activities and cardio blasts
  • Drill based vs play based exercises
  • How to market and make money with Cardio Tennis

Attendees of the Cardio Tennis Training Course will gain the proper experience and techniques for:

  • Recommended feeding approaches
  • Running an ideal Cardio Tennis class
  • Working with players of different skill and ability levels
  • Working with players with injuries
  • What it’s like to wear a Heart Rate Monitor

Contact: Michele Krause for more information:

Cardio Tennis Global Education Director


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Player Evaluation

The following post is an excerpt of the International Player Evaluation. (Also in the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible.) The International Player Evaluation is now available in a Special May e-Book Bundle only at  Click Here to get yours!


Frank’s customized evaluation is meant to uncover your player’s strengths, weaknesses and current knowledge of the game. Then, along with your team, the information can be used to set a plan in motion to destroy your player’s weaknesses.

How many tools does your player currently carry into a tournament match? Most players list a hand full. After completing this evaluation booklet, you will uncover hidden tools needed to compete at the higher levels. (One example listed below.)


  • Lateral Movement (Side to side): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Up & Back Movement (Forward & back): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Aerobic Fitness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Anaerobic Fitness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Ability to Accelerate/Decelerate: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Speed/Agility: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Strength (Upper body/core/lower body): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Body Coordination (Gross motor skills): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Hand-Eye Coordination (Fine motor skills): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Flexibility/Stretching: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Anticipatory Speed: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


List your Top 3 Off-Court Training areas to focus on this year:





Write your Personal Action Plan:

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Overlooking Goal Setting

The following post is an excerpt from the ebook- Blunders and Cures. Blunders & Cures by Frank Giampaolo


BLUNDER: Overlooking Goal Setting

Goal setting and organizational plans should be used as soon as you enter into the competitive phase. After an event, plan on setting some goals as you schedule your upcoming lessons. Sit down with your entourage to review your performance at an appropriate time. This analysis will provide your “Blue Print” for the upcoming weeks’ worth of lessons and clinics.

There are four basic sides to your game that need to be developed religiously. Examples include:

  1. Technical: (Example: Slice backhand)
  2. Tactical: (Example: How to beat a moonball/retriever)
  3. Movement/Fitness: (Example: Develop core strength and stability)
  4. Emotional/Focus: (Example: Practicing closing out 5-2 leads)


At all levels of competition, matches should be viewed as an information gathering session. The overall objective is to maximize your potential at the quickest rate. Winning comes from experience and experience comes from both winning and losing.

CURE: Identify an area in your game that can be improved upon in each of the four sides of development.

  1. Technical:
  2. Tactical:
  3. Movement/Fitness:
  4. Emotional/Focus:


Define a plan of attack for each of the 4 skills identified. Evaluate the plan after its implementation and determine if the plan is working? Adjust as necessary but continue to train on the skills you need most.

Ask Yourself?

Did you find one flaw per category you wish to improve? Di you set aside time to review your list with your coach and devise a plan on working to improve your identified weaknesses? Do you have a style of opponent that you hate to play? Have you ever taken a month and focused on developing the tools to actually beat that particular style of opponent? Or do you do the same drills week after week and hope for different results?


Frank Giampaolo

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College Tennis Scholarships

Special E-Book Bundle:

For the Month of May
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The following post is an excerpt from How to Attract a College Athletic Scholarship.

“Buyers” Market Versus “Sellers” Market
In the college athletic world, being in the “buyer” market means college coaches from prestigious universities across the nation will be begging your child to attend their schools. This is a result of the player’s (and their parent’s) focusing on developing the skills of a champion from an early age. Athletic royalty takes commitment and passion years before college. Assisting your child to build their physical, mental and emotional tool sets early will ensure that coaches will be selling you and your child on the merits of their athletic and academic programs and not the other way around.
FUN FACT: On a personal note, building a champion in her early teens saved us approximately $240,000 K on our daughters USC education. Build it first and they will come.
If on the other hand, you and your child have failed to prepare early for college athletics, college coaches will most likely not be searching your child out- hence your child will be in the “seller’ market.
What’s the “sellers” market?
In this situation, the seller’s market refers to the job of “selling” your child’s possible athletic value to college coaches, along with the thousands of other talented but unproven athletes vying for the leftover scraps of scholarship funds. If you think the task of “selling” your child’s skills is tough, wait until you have to write those dreaded big checks for their education. So I’ll say it again, build a champion and they will come. I recommend reviewing the essential material in the book: Raising Athletic Royalty.
SPECIAL NOTE: I want to clarify that developing athletic royalty skill sets usually begins well before the athletes reaches their teens, whereas, initiating the college search process usually begins the freshman year of high school.


Frank Giampaolo

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