Pre-Set Emotional Match Protocols

“The Triangle between player, coach, and parent is full of speed bumps and sharp curves! Everyone wants to accelerate and speed ahead to the supposed finish line. Too often what should be a fun and rewarding journey gets forgotten. kudos to Frank for providing a road-map to developing a better young tennis player, and a better relationship with their coaches and parents forever.

This is a great resource for every coach who wants to develop great players and most importantly, responsible young adults.”Chuck Gill  USPTA

Chuck Gill, President USPTA



The following post is a Q & A excerpt from the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible available for pre-order now! (Pre-order yours with Amazon and email Linda the receipt at and get two free gifts for immediate download.)
Click Here to Order


QUESTION: My child is scared to call an umpire onto the court. How can we help?

Frank: As I’ve addressed throughout this book, pre-setting the emotional match protocols are as important as developing motor programs for mechanical strokes.  The solution to dealing with on-court controversy (such as calling an umpire to the court.) should already be pre-wired before the match begins.  Be sure your child is clear about the actual rules and regulations of competitive play. This requires reading the rules and regulations of the game.  Once your child is aware of the official protocol of calling an umpire to her court, she will be more confident in her proactive action.  Remind her that she works too hard to allow cheaters to steal what is rightfully hers.  Calling an umpire onto the court is demanding fair play.


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Repetition and Developing Athletic Royalty

“If you’re a parent who thinks you already know all there is to know…hold on, because you’re in for a bumpy ride.  This book is like turning a light on in a darkened room. I highly recommend it to any parent or coach serious about maximizing player potential.”Angel-186x300

Angel Lopez, USPTA Master Professional, PTR Certified, Angel Lopez Tennis Academy



The paperback version of The Tennis Parent’s Bible is now available for pre-orders. (Pre-order yours with Amazon and email Linda the receipt at and get two free gifts for immediate download.) Click Here to Order


The following post is a Q & A excerpt from the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible.

QUESTION: Why is repetition so important in developing athletic royalty?

Frank: Most professional coaches view repetition as the godfather of mastery. Repetition is essentially motor programming.

Developing a motor program begins with a thought, which is messaged through the nervous system, down the spinal cord and into the muscular system. The more we pre-set the protocols the more it “grooves” the pathways. So, the more familiar the habit, the easier it is to execute the proper protocol during match play.

Repetition doesn’t just involve the physical strokes. It also applies to the athletic, flexible skills movements, the cognitive processing skills and emotional responses. All four of these components need appropriate, deliberate repetition.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re actually doing it, imagining it or observing it, you are developing a pathway.”

Neurological-connections are strengthened by repetition. One of the most important keys to repetition is to “practice in the manner in which you’re expected to perform.” Often, improvements are maximized through manipulating the exercises with variations. Examples include:

AthleticismVarying the direction, physical reps and/or sets.

Strokes– Varying the strike zones, tempo and/or movement.

EmotionalVarying the performance anxieties and their pre-set solutions.

Mental– Varying the different patterns used to beat the different styles of opponents.

Applying each of the four components under stress effortlessly requires an intuitive process. What appears to be a natural talent is actually a learned behavior through repetition. Mastering each component requires repetition.

It’s important to note that repetition isn’t always good. Repeating the same old flawed mechanical stroke or repeating the incorrect emotional response to stress is only ingraining that flaw deeper, making it harder to fix later.

Contact Frank Giampaolo

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How to Spot Tennis Burnout

“A must have, compelling read. The second edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible is a go-to guide to raising world class athletes & young adults. I highly recommend it.”PETE QUOTE PHOTO

Peter Smith, USC Men’s Tennis Coach, 5-Time NCAA Champions


The following post is a Q & A excerpt from the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible available for pre-order now! (Pre-order with Amazon and email Linda the receipt at and get two free gifts for immediate download.) Click Here to Order

QUESTION: How do we spot tennis burn out?

Frank: Did you know that even the very best in the business don’t stay in their “Optimal Performance State” year around? ATP and WTA tour professionals rarely play more than three events in a row. They need the critical “down” time to re-charge, heal and fix flaws.

It’s not in your child’s best interest to force them to try to stay in their peak performance state 365 days a year. Taking a week off to re-charge the physical, mental and emotional batteries may help your child peak when it counts most. This is part of the periodization cycle. Yes- taking time off may help them to be more committed and focused when their tennis training commences- leading to better results.

NOTE: The number one reason junior players’ report that they want to quit tennis is due to overzealous parents unknowingly pushing them past the healthy limits.

While developing high performance athletes, I am constantly on high-alert for the warning signs of burn out. The signs of burn out can be physical, mental or emotional. Let’s look at some typical signs to assist you in knowing when it’s time for your athlete to take a break from their tennis quest.

20 Signs of Tennis Burn Out:

1) Multiple injuries.

2) Reduced flexibility in their body.

3) Complaining about fatigue.

4) Reduced concentration.

5) Fear of competition.

6) Lack of emotional control.

7) Poor judgment.

8) Decreased opponent awareness.

9) Negative verbal or physical outbursts.

10) Pessimism.

11) Lack of motivation to practice or to hit the gym.

12) Unwillingness to compete in a tournament.

13) Poor equipment preparation.

14) Appearing slow and heavy with no energy.

15) Lack of anticipation and agility.

16) Short attention span.

17) Inability to concentration.

18) Lack of concern about performance goals.

19) Low patience.

20) A sense of hopelessness.

In my opinion, if your child is showing several of the above negative signs and seems to be in a downward spiral, it may be in their best interest to put down the racquets for a while. A true contender can only stay away for a short time. Parents, allow them to heal. Then slowly re-start a deliberate customized developmental process.

SPECIAL NOTE: During your child’s time off court, encourage them to stay in physical shape by enjoying non-tennis cross training.

Contact Frank Giampaolo

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Countering Gamesmanship

“Even if you think you are an ‘expert’ tennis coach or parent, you need to read this book.”JOHAN QUOTE PHOTO

Johan Kriek, 2-time Grand Slam Champion Australian Open




The following post is a Q & A excerpt from the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible available for pre-order now! (Pre-order with Amazon and email Linda the receipt at and get two free gifts for immediate download.) Click Here to Order


QUESTION: What forms of gamesmanship should my daughter expect in tournament tennis?

Frank: “Creative Line Callers” or cheaters, unfortunately play a major role in tennis. Back in the 1980’s I had several opportunities to chat with the legend: Jack Kramer. He said that in his youth, (in the 1930’s) he estimated an average of 6 bad lines calls per competitive match. Remarkably, that number of “creative” line calls remains the same.

“Experts agree it’s most often not the number of ‘gamesmanship’ issues per match that determine the outcome but the ability or inability to recover
after the drama.”

Gamesmanship is found in every age division, from the 10 and under beginning crew to the national level juniors to the ladies leagues and all the way up to the 90 and up division of competitive play. Cheating does not go away… so parents and coaches would be wise to assist the athletes with the solutions needed to overcome these difficult situations.

“Counter gamesmanship tactics are learned behaviors.”

Communicating about possible/probable scenarios and pre-setting your child’s correct response (protocols) is a great start.  Rehearse the solutions by setting up scenarios whereby the form of gamesmanship is discussed and your child has to verbally rehearse their response sequence. Many parents and players are unaware that counter gamesmanship tactics are a learned behavior. Before we provide solutions, let’s review the top cheating antics found in tennis.

Top 10 Antics to Expect in High Level Tennis:

1) The opponent cheating on line calls (especially on game points.)

2) The opponent’s excessive stalling between points.

3) The opponent changing the score.

4) The opponent belittling your child.

5) The opponent taking several extended bathroom/trainer breaks.

6) The opponent displaying temper tantrums and slamming & breaking racquets.

7) The opponent fighting with their parents and/or referees during the match.

8) The opponent’s entourage heckling/belittling your child.

9) The opponent accusing your child of making bad line calls/cheating.

10) The opponent receiving coaching from a parent or coach through the fence.

Developing a protocol to handle each of these antics is an important learned behavior (mental and emotional.)  Organizing the solutions to these antics is a form of preventative medicine. The reason why each of the above top 10 forms of gamesmanship work so well is that secretly pull your child’s focus away from their essential performance goals and into the drama they create.

Cheaters prey on the weak which are those competitors with underdeveloped mental and emotional skills. Inexperienced players fall victim to gamesmanship as they get sucked into the drama and forget about the task at hand.

Contact Frank Giampaolo

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Are You Quantifying Performances?

The following post is an excerpt from the 2nd edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible- available now for pre-order on Amazon. (It will be available in both print and ebook versions by the end of the month!)  Click Here to Pre-Order



Match Logs Quantify Performances

Parents, let me fill you in on a typical junior-coach, post-match conversation. While it’s nice to assume that there is post-match analysis going on, it honestly sounds something like this:

Coach: “So, how was the tournament last weekend Joey?’

You’re child: “Sucked”

Coach: “Why?  Tell me about it”

You’re Child: “I lost…”

Coach: “Did you hit your performance goals?”

You’re Child: “I don’t know?”

Coach: “Well, did you enjoy competing?”

You’re Child: “NO… I lost remember…”

Match logs are simply organizational tools used to assist your youngster in understanding and critiquing their match performance. Match logs are designed to be completed by the player. Self-assessment is important. The athlete often has a very different view of their performance than the parent watching the very same match.

Coaches want to know how the child felt about their performance and “the devils in the details!” Future improvement relies on detailed match analysis. These match logs are great conversation starters for the player-coach post-match training sessions. Begin by asking your child to complete a personalized assessment of their performance after each match. Use the match log found in Section VII Customized Player Evaluation section as a sample blue print to customize your very own.


Contact: Frank Giampaolo

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The Tennis Parent’s Bible 2nd Edition Available for Pre-Order

“This book is a must read for any parent with a child who’s serious about competing in Tennis – or in any individual sport.”

Jon Wertheim, Exclusive Editor, Sports IllustratedJOHN QUOTE PHOTO




The following post is a Q & A excerpt from the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible available for pre-order now! (Pre-order yours with Amazon and email Linda the receipt at and get two free gifts for immediate download.)

QUESTION: Why does my child play great in practice but horrible in matches?

Frank: Here’s the scenario that plays out at every club around the world.

Friday, the day before a local junior event, John the young hitting pro carefully feeds balls waist level, in Nathan’s perfect strike zone. Nathan doesn’t even have to move and hits like a champ. The pro is essentially playing “catch” right to little Nathan. On the way home, Nate says, “Man, I’m on fire! Tennis is easy! Forget the open tourney, I’m going pro!”

Saturday morning rolls around and little Nate’s opponent isn’t as nice as the club’s assist pro. His opponent’s playing “keep away” from him…not catch! His opponent is wisely keeping balls above Nathans shoulders out of his primary strike zone. He’s hitting away from Nathan instead of right to him! Nathan goes down in flames. After the match Nate says, “I don’t get it, I was on fire yesterday.

Practicing in the manner in which you are expected to perform is a battle cry heard at my workshops daily. There is a totally different set of skills that provide “competitive” confidence versus simply hitting.

“The essence of a champion doesn’t simply lie in their strokes but in their head and heart.”

No question, developing sound fundamentals is a critical element of success. However to improve your child’s ability to perform under stress, it is in their best interest to switch from 100 percent stroke repetition practice to include metal/emotion strategy repetition. Organize a meeting with your athlete’s coach and ask him/her to replace some of the fundamental stroke production hours with mental/emotional skill set development.black_ebook_design2

Contact: Frank Giampaolo
Cell: (949)933-8163

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Excerpt from the Second Edition Tennis Parent’s Bible

“Frank is quickly becoming one of the games most respected and influential teachers. As the coach of a #1 WTA player, I recommend The Tennis Parent’s Bible to anyone serious about developing a champion.”

Sam Sumyk, Former Coach of Victoria AzarenkaSAM QUOTE PHOTO




The following post is a Q & A excerpt from the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible available for pre-order now!

QUESTION: Why is avoiding performance anxiety in practice bad?

Frank: Avoiding stress in practice only magnifies a player’s performance anxiety during future competition. This avoidance keeps competition scary and uncomfortable and fuels the athlete’s lingering self-doubt.

“Players are actually increasing their anxieties by dodging their fears.”

Every time a player side steps their issues, the thoughts of possible failure multiply into a serious lack of confidence and self-esteem. Their apprehension and fear of competition will actually increase until they agree to stop avoiding their fears.

Psychologists report that the central nervous system decreases its arousal state with extended exposure to the same stimuli. In other words, if one’s nervous system isn’t overly aroused any more… it stops experiencing excessive performance anxiety.

Familiar things get boring. This is human nature. So, the best way for players to alleviate their performance anxieties is through exposure not avoidance.

If your child has performance anxieties, ask them to review with their coach the below facts regarding avoiding anxiety:

Five Avoiding Anxiety Consequences:

1) Avoidance eliminates exposure and experiencing the harmless reality of a tennis match.

2) Avoidance clutters the mind and steals any real analysis of the facts.

3) Avoidance eliminates repetition and the chance to see the event as actually routine.

4) Avoidance stops the practice of the actual protocols so there is no mastery of skills.

5) Avoidance kills true mastery and mastery is what decreases future failures.

Another way to look at the effects of avoiding anxieties is that it magnifies ignorance and multiplies fear, nervousness, uncertainty, distress and disorganization. Although confronting performance anxieties is difficult, it’s the exposure that brings empowerment. So, exposure is the most potent medicine for performance anxiety.

Contact: Frank Giampaolo

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Second Edition of Tennis Parent’s Bible

The following post is a quote for The Second Edition of the Tennis Parent’s Bible.  Ebook Amazon pre-orders are now available (Click Here) Over 500 pages of invaluable information to maximize your child’s athletic potential !!!


“A first-class book from a first-class coach. Frank is an encyclopedia of tennis knowledge, has extraordinary talents to share and is a model of professionalism. When all of these components come together, an excellent book such as The Tennis Parents Bible appears.

By educating yourself, your children will have better results. This book is a must read for parents to understand how to educate themselves and to appreciate the extensive process they, their children and their coaches are undergoing while their children are developing their tennis skills.”

Shaul Zohar, Manager, Kiryat Shmona Israel Tennis Center

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