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The Soft Science of Tennis


Released July 7

Pre-order your eBook for Only $2.99


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Pre-Order eBook Special Only $2.99


Release Date: July 7, 2018! 

Pre-order your eBook for ONLY $2.99

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Soft Science of Tennis_3D_Cover_version5

CONTENTS of the Soft Science of Tennis


Chapter 1: Creating an Exceptional Culture
Chapter 2:  Sharpening Healthier Communication
Chapter 3:  Effective Listening
Chapter 4:  Nonverbal Communication
Chapter 5:  Personality Based Training
Chapter 6:  Benefits of Personality Profiling
Chapter 7:  How the Brain Affects Performance
Chapter 8:  Assisting the 4 SP Typographies
Chapter 9:  Assisting the 4 NF Typographies
Chapter 10: Assisting the 4 NT Typographies
Chapter 11: Assisting the 4 SJ Typographies
Chapter 12: Physical Skills Versus Life Skills
Chapter 13: Why Character Building Matters
Chapter 14: Life Skills Maximize Athletic Development
Chapter 15: The Importance of Nurturing
Chapter 16: Overriding Negative Past Belief Systems
Chapter 17: Building Coachable Athletes
Chapter 18: Eliminating Internal Judgment
Chapter 19: Changing Fixed Mindsets
Chapter 20: Managing Fear and Risk
Chapter 21: Developing Confidence & Self Esteem

Proper Preparation Rewards Emotional Aptitude Part 3

The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude In Sports NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order


In regards to spectacular preparation, let’s check in with Evan, the super-achiever, and Jarrod, the talented underachiever.


Proper Warm Up & Stretching Routines

Evan: I “YouTubed” a Tiger Woods interview. He said he hits the range before each round and systematically warms up every club in the bag. Just in case it’s needed. That made sense to me. I begin with 10 minutes of dynamic stretching and incorporate a full hour customized warm-up routine before even leaving for the event site.

Jarrod: Dude! I’m still putting my socks on when jumping into the car. At the site, I skip that silly dynamic stretching routine. It’s kinda weird.  I only need a quick 5 minute warm up as the game begins. I practice in practice sessions, not on match day.


Morphing into a Warrior

Evan: At the event site, I choose to stay away from the random texting and the typical “hanging out” with the guys. Instead, I focus on shifting from a normal teen into an athletic warrior. I understand that getting into character and remaining in character for the duration of the battle is critical.

Jarrod: As soon as I arrive on site, I jump out of the car and rush over to the other players to trash talk each other’s Pokemon Go scores. Sometimes we get the nerve to talk to the chicks.


Opponent Profiling

Evan: I like to arrive early and leave late on tournament days. I’m interested in scouting other athletes. I think it’s meaningful to identify their strengths and weaknesses. I like to see what makes different opponents freak out.

Jarrod: Man, I’ve got zero interest in wasting time. They should be scared of ME! My natural athleticism is all I need to win every event. If I don’t win, it just wasn’t my day. I’ve just got to play better next time.


Key Performance Review with the Coach

Evan: Well, you know. I like to call you before my match because I want insurance that I’m completely ready for battle. I enjoy systematically double checking my mechanical “to-do” list, my top patterns list, my relaxation ritual routine, and my alternate game plans to use if the opponent shifts tactical styles. This assists me in performing confident and calm in the heat of battle.

Jarrod: I don’t feel I need to consult a coach. Basically, I already know all I need to know and I want to prove it to everyone. Look, some people have it…some people don’t.



Proper Preparation Rewards Emotional Aptitude Part 2

The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude In Sports NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order



In regards to spectacular preparation, let’s check in with Evan, the super-achiever, and Jarrod, the talented underachiever.


Equipment Preparation

Evan: I have a checklist of my requirements. I actually begin packing my extra shirts, uniform, socks, shoes, water, Gatorade, power bars, fruit, band-aids and athletic tape the night before. I sleep better knowing everything’s prepared.

Jarrod: Evan, you’re such a dork!  The last time I even saw my bag was when I left it in the trunk of mom’s car.



Evan: I wake up early but before I get out of bed, I calmly visualize my skill sets for 15 minutes. I focus on proper mechanics, athletic movements and spacing, my mental game strategic plans and my positive emotional composure rituals. I feel that by pre-programming the subconscious, I’ll be more likely to perform later in the zone.

Jarrod: I typically sleep in as late as possible. If I do have extra time, I love playing Pokemon Go. I skip the visualization exercise you ask me to do. Let’s be honest…I don’t need that stuff!


Proper Nutrition and Hydration

Evan: I schedule the time to enjoy a healthy breakfast approximately 2 hours prior to my competition. I did some research and understand that good carbohydrates are the preferred source of energy for expanded muscle contraction and brain function. I like to apply preventative medicine to ensure that there’s little chance of a poor performance.

Jarrod: Breakfast is not my thing. I eat when I’m hungry. Hey, remember, we watched a video review of my game? You showed me how I struggled with lethargic play, decreased strength and reaction time, low endurance, slow cognitive processing speed, basic problem-solving skills, and violent negative emotional outbursts…Wait…so you’re saying that not eating may have had something to do with it?


Performance Anxieties and their Solutions

The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude In Sports NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order


Common Performance Anxieties and their Solutionsea-in-sports4a_final


Evan: I’ve learned the hard way that perfectionism is like lugging around a duffle bag full of 100 lb. weights. I thought it would make me stronger but all it does is keep me from flying. What a waste of time and energy!

Jarrod: I’m hypercritical. I should be perfect because everyone always told me how brilliant I am.  If I don’t finish #1 every time, I believe I’m a failure. I’ve been told I’m defensive towards criticism, but the ones criticizing me are usually wrong.

Frank’s Tips: Perfectionism is toxic self-abuse. The very best athletes in every sport are only excellent… Not Perfect. Aim for 90% versus 110%.  This allows for wiggle room, while still being consistently excellent.


Negative Self-Talk

Evan: I remember you had our whole family play the FLIP IT game. Remember? Every time someone said a negative comment the rest of us would say “flip it!”  Man, we told Jarrod to “flip it” like a thousand times!

Jarrod: Oh yeah, but remember? Dad was worse than me! Every sentence out of his mouth started with:  “The problem is…” I’m actually only negative when things aren’t perfect.

Frank’s Tip: We listen to ourselves more than any other person. This is due to our inner dialog. Are you constantly lifting yourself up or tearing yourself down? Our inner chatter should sound like we’re talking to someone we love.


Strengthening emotional aptitude requires focusing optimistically on improving performance anxieties by applying the suggested tips. For most athletes, the likely cause of experiencing anxiety is emotionally experiencing failure …in advance.


The Replacement Series Video #7: Playing Keep Away

The Replacement Series Videos is a series of video drills that focus on simple yet highly effective ways to replace the old school, warn out drills with new, unique, fresh tennis tips. Following is a YouTube link to The Replacement Series Video #7: Playing Keep Away

Frank Giampaolo

The Replacement Series Videos TIP #7: Playing Keep Away

Frank demonstrates the benefits of practice keep away versus playing catch.



The Replacement Series Video Tip #4: Non-Dominant Hand

The Replacement Series Videos is a series of video drills that focus on simple yet highly effective ways to replace the old school, warn out drills with new, unique, fresh tennis tips. Following is a YouTube link to The Replacement Series Video Tip #4: Non-Dominant HandFrank Giampaolo

Tip #4: Non-Dominant Hand 

Frank demonstrates how and why using the non-dominant hand improves the 2- handed backhands. Click Here to View


The Replacement Series Video Tip # 3: Mini Tennis

The Replacement Series Videos is a series of video drills that focus on simple yet highly effective ways to replace the old school, warn out drills with new, unique, fresh tennis tips. Following is a YouTube link to The Replacement Series Video #3 Mini Tennis
Frank Giampaolo

The Replacement Series Video Tip 3: Mini Tennis

Frank discusses the mini tennis serve & return drill. Click Here to View


Changing a Fixed Mindset

The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude In Sports NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order

Frank Giampaolo

Changing a Fixed Mindset

Ideally, every time you hear your old, pessimistic, fixed mindset making excuses for you, acknowledge that just maybe your fixed mindset is mirroring your own false insecurities, stunting your growth and limiting your opportunities.

Having a growth mindset requires the willingness to try new solutions. Below are six common scenarios that play out in the minds of many athletes. Athletes have to replace their old pessimistic thoughts with new optimistic thoughts. When the fixed mindset states something negative, the newly improved growth mindset should answer with a positive solution to the problem.

Fixed-Mindset says, “Maybe I don’t have the talent. I shouldn’t waste my time training 100%.”

Growth-Mindset answers, “Even if lose a bit now, with a customized development plan and effort I can build the skills necessary to succeed.”

Fixed Mindset says, “Confrontation is so intimidating and frightening. It’s scary and unsettling.”

Growth Mindset answers, “High-performance sports are confrontational, but it’s not personal, it’s the nature of the environment.”

Fixed Mindset says, “What if I fail… I’ll be seen by peers, friends, and family as a failure.”

Growth Mindset answers, “Most successful athletes have failed hundreds of times throughout their career. Failure is a natural part of growth.”

Fixed Mindset says, “If I fake an injury or don’t try, I can protect my ego and keep my dignity.”

Growth Mindset answers, “Lying to myself is an automatic failure. Where’s the integrity in that?”

Fixed Mindset says “If I can’t be perfect, there’s no use in trying.”

Growth Mindset answers, “Champions in every sport are simply excellent not perfect. I’ll shoot for that. Perfectionism is toxic.”

Fixed Mindset says, “It’s not my fault. The coach doesn’t like me. My parents are pushing me…”

Growth Mindset answers, “Solutions stem from developing life skills like taking responsibility, persistence, resiliency and better organizational skills. What can I do to progress?”