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Essential Skills Champions Develop

Ten Techniques Junior Tennis Championships Develop  0623P_5063

“A Junior Champion is much more than a gifted athlete”

By Frank Giampaolo


John Kolouski (The name has been changes to protect the guilty.) has the Babolat Pure Drive, strung with natural gut on the crosses and polly on the mains… just like the pros. He sports the latest “Nadal” Nike shirts, shorts and shoes. His 8-pack racket bag even says “TOUR TEAM” on it. Man, he even goes to a $40,000 a year tennis academy. At first glance, he looks like a sure bet for the pros.

Now let’s look at Johns’ regiment a little deeper. John loses early every event in an implosion of negative behavior. Hummm… why?

There is nothing more common than young, talented athletes that are Weak Competitors. After reading the following Ten Essential Hidden Skills of a Champion, ask yourself if there are any similarities between John and your tennis phenom?

Ten Essential Hidden Skills of a Champion:

  1. Champions face their fears versus avoiding them. If you ask John to play a practice set against a younger retriever he has 100 excuses why he can’t and won’t play.
  2. Champions have swagger which is truly different than fake, empty confidence. John willingly practices his primary stroke production and then routinely SKIPS his weekly regime of off-court training sessions, closing out set rehearsals, and secondary stroke practice. Empty confidence shatters under the slightest bit of pressure.
  3. Champions are strong competitor’s not just good athletes. Set up a great sparring session for John and he’ll tell you “No thanks…I’m good! …I already hit back and forth to a partner today.”
  4. Champions do everything to prepare properly. John often stays out late the night before a big event; he doesn’t make time for a real breakfast; he doesn’t organize his tournament bag; and he only hits for maybe 10 minutes before the match. And he believes he is ready.
  5. Champions know that they will lose more than they will win. John believes that he should win every match he plays.
  6. Champions develop problem solving confidence, perseverance, determination and work ethic. John just focuses on stationary strokes, week in, week out.
  7. Champions have self-belief and a positive outlook. John wears his ball cap backwards and twirls his racket confidently at the start of each tournament, until he begins to play. Then like clockwork, he loses focus, misses a few easy shots and then morphs into an “Emotional Basket Case” every weekend. John only has one game style- hard hitting baseliner.
  8. Champions develop several game plans, emotional solutions to common problems, agility and brain speed. John is brain washed into believing that if he perfects his primary strokes every day, he will go pro.
  9. Champions understand that controlling their adrenaline and concentration wins matches. John believes that he is the one and only gifted, athlete out there and that should be enough to sky rocket him to success. When his opponents begin to challenge his game, he folds emotionally and mentally.
  10. Champions spot tendencies and control the energy of the match. John simply hits the shots that feel good to him versus hitting the shots that feel uncomfortable to the opponent.

In conclusion, it’s important to understand that there is nothing more common than extremely athletic individuals with weak competitive skills. This is why, to the untrained eye, it appears that the better “looking” athlete should win. As you all know, it is not the case.

Once solid fundamentals are developed, the art of winning stems from repetition of competition.  “Practice in the manner you’re expected to perform” is the motto champions follow. Training with competitive or simulated stress drills will improve match performance.

Thank you for visiting, Frank

Contact: Frank Giamapolo

Building Confidence

The following post is an excerpt from The Tennis Parent’s Bible.  Thank you, Frank

Maximizing Tennis Potential with Frank Giampaolo

Confidence is Like Friendship 

A meaningful friendship is founded on time, energy and hard work.  The same components are found in true confidence.

Lack of confidence issues such as self-doubt and/or a negative self-image arise from how athletes view past experiences. Often, when asking an adolescent what happened during competition they reply “I don’t know, I’m horrible!”

Getting to the root of the issue is done by organizing tournament experiences using match logs. Champions have experienced losing hundreds of times more often than your junior player. The difference is how they view it.

So, how should your daughter view tournament competition? Junior tennis tournaments in general should be viewed as information gathering missions. Success lies in doubling your child’s level of competence every six months. They have to be twice as good as they were six months ago. Replace focusing on winning with focusing on improving every week.

Lack of confidence is a common issue. It sneaks into every athlete in every sport. Lack of confidence usually occurs when:

  • Not training or being trained improperly
  • Injured or illness
  • Returning to the game after an injury or illness
  • Underperformed in recent competition
  • Burnt out
  • Players in a slump may be under achieving in more than one of these issues simultaneously.

Rebuilding Confidence

Confidence is a progressive spiral of positive input which leads to positive attitude. True belief and trust is earned by doing everything in your power to be the best you can be. So let’s first look deeper at ten common stepping stones that will rekindle your child’s confidence:

  1. Re-commit to Getting Fit

Tennis specific speed, agility and stamina are key. Cross training is terrific.  Hit the gym, hit the track and get physically stronger!

  1. Clear the Mind

Re-focus on tennis! Teens can get derailed by numerous factors. School, parties, peer pressure, other sports, hobbies, shopping…etc.

  1. Proper Nutrition/Hydration

It takes just 1-2% dehydration and the body is impaired mentally and physically. This could take effect with blurred vision, mental confusion, headaches, cramping etc. As for proper nutrition, the body needs high quality protein and carbohydrates at the right time to function most efficiently.

  1. Customize the Instruction

“Practice in the manner in which you are expected to perform”. Build a game plan around exposing your child’s strengths while hiding her weaknesses. Customize her style to her brain and body type.

  1. Promote and Educate Independence

Independent problem solving promotes confidence on and off the court. Even though some parents think they are helping, it may be wise to slowly stop doing everything for your little phenom.

  1. Surround Them with Supportive People

Positive coaches, trainers and friends with character are key. Is her new boyfriend pulling her focus in a new direction? Do her new friends at school want to party and shop all the time? Is his coach pessimistic or negative?

  1. Help Others

Ask your daughter to assist the local food bank once a month and feed the homeless. Seeing the positive attitude of someone less fortunate reminds them of their terrific fortune.

  1. Avoid Negative Comments

This is any advice or stimuli that are perceived as unfavorable. The key word here is perceived. We find that derogatory comments, tone of voice, body language or even facial expressions can tear down a sensitive player’s confidence.

Examples: A friend telling your daughter “You play Amanda next? Oh no… Nobody ever beats her. She won two nationals and is ranked in the top 5!”

A coach saying ” You’re going to run 20 laps if you miss another backhand. Just do it right!”

A parent saying after a tournament loss “You always make so many errors, maybe you should quit!”

  1. Proper Warm Up and Pre Match Routines

Confidence comes from rituals. Warming up all the primary and secondary strokes. This includes swing volleys short angles, top spin lobs…etc. Proper nutrition, hydration, scouting, visualization, and going for a short run before you go on the court.

  1. Perfectionists Set the Bar Too High

Unrealistic expectations kill confidence. Parents, just because your son won last week’s tournament, don’t expect him to win every one from now on!

Players, a sure fire way to disable your confidence is to expect perfection. Even if you are in the zone for a while, it is a borrowed experience. No one owns the zone. No one stays in the zone and lives there year around.

Parents, ask your player to read through these ten common confidence busters. Do any of them apply to your child? If so, customize a plan to erase them from their preparation and performances!

Thanks for visiting, Frank Giampaolo

Contact: Frank Giampaolo

Training Zonal Tennis

The following post is an excerpt from The Tennis Parent’s Bible.  Thank you for visiting, Frank Giampaolo

Frank Giampaolo

Modern Zonal Tennis

Mastering Zonal Tennis is essential for the most successful tennis career, whether it is playing junior tennis, collegiate tennis, country club tennis or professional tennis, players that choose proper shot selection (laws of zonal tennis) advance at a quicker rate. The following questions and answers may help you understand the importance of zonal tennis.

Question: “I must have spent $10,000 on lessons, forehand, backhands, serves…all the strokes.   I look like a pro during lessons, but in real match play, I stink! I can’t even beat Mildred on the super senior squad. Why?”

Frank: The quick answer is that your loses are most likely due to poor shot selection and not stroke technique. There are four causes of unforced errors in match play: Stroke Mechanics, Shot Selection, Movement/Spacing and Emotional/Composure.  The most common cause of errors in match play is poor tactical choices or shot selection.

Another interesting tidbit is that the human brain can’t consciously fix stroke mechanics while playing in the zone. Try shifting focus away from your own back-swing and follow-through and onto zonal tennis. Hitting balls short into your opponents court  or continuing to hit a ball your opponent is hitting winners on is the equivalent of asking them to beat you.

Question: “Do retrievers have all the trophies due to their elegant strokes or their well-developed shot selection skill sets?”

Frank: The player with the smartest shot selection is usually the winner. Reduce your errors by applying Zonal Tennis: the use of proper air zone and court zone tactics. Note: Be aware that exceptions shadow every rule, so use your court sense in match play.

Air Zones

The Air Zones refer to the height at which the ball travels above the net. Your court position dictates the height your shot should be traveling above the net.

The Three Air Zone:

  1. Aim 2-3 feet above net when positioned inside the court.
  2. Aim 3-5 feet above the net when positioned on the baseline.
  3. Aim 8-10 feet above the nest when positioned ten feet behind the baseline.

Unforced errors and short balls multiply dramatically when players choose to ignore the laws of the air zones.  Thanks, Frank Giampaolo

Contact: Frank Giampaolo