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THE ART OF EXCEEDING: Building High-Performance Athletes

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Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes


Pre-Order Now- Only $2.99 Release Date July 16

THE ART OF EXCEEDING: Building High-Performance Athletes

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Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes is now ready to pre-order the E-book version for a Special New Release Price of Only $2.99

Embracing Your Identity

THE ART OF EXCEEDING: Building High-Performance Athletes

Click Here to Pre-Order your E-book Copy

Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes is now ready to pre-order the E-book version for a Special New Release Price of Only $2.99

The following post is an excerpt from THE ART OF EXCEEDING: Building High-Performance Athletes.

Embracing Your Identity

Each individual brings a unique set of physical attributes, personality traits, and playing preferences to their game. As you progress in your journey, embrace your superpowers and tailor your performance style to align with your strengths.

“Be smart enough to find yourself and brave enough to be yourself.”

Frank Giampaolo

1 Building Your Identity

Staying true to yourself emphasizes the importance of authenticity in developing an identity. Training to play the systems that align with your personality profile maximizes potential. Embracing your personality enhances enjoyment and fulfillment.

2 Finding Your Game

Your identity begins with choosing the right style of play that fits your personality and body type. A typical battle cry from parents and coaches is, “Play Your Game!” Knowing your true identity is your game. Practicing in the manner you’re expected to perform is called “situational training.”

Training your response to typical situations requires you to know who you are? What reoccurring situations cause difficulty? Listing and embracing your unique responses to those “moment” is finding your game.

3 Developing Your Signature Shots and Strategies

Signature Shots and patterns are your go-to preferred plays. Exposing your strengths is a proactive approach. Everyone has signature shots; applying them on big moments is a great strategic intention. Plan on spending a lot of time strengthening your weapons.

4 Leveraging Innate Qualities

Identifying your strengths begins with reflecting on the four pillars (techniques, athleticism, mental and emotional). Begin by deciding to capitalize on your strengths in the four pillars of your game. Addressing weaknesses starts with an honest assessment of the game’s four pillars. Work with your coaches to design targeted training programs to overcome those weaknesses.

5 The Impact of Mental and Emotional Alignment

Embracing the development of your software components is a crucial aspect of peak performance. Identify and understand the strengths and weaknesses of your mental (thinking) and emotional (feeling) components. Hire an experienced mental coach to help align your playing style with your personality, which leads to quicker gains.

As you build your competitive identity, stay true to yourself. Nurture a style that brings joy and fulfillment to your game.

By combining individuality with strategic adaptability, you’ll create a distinctive playing style that sets you on the path to success in the world of high-performance.


THE ART OF EXCEEDING: Building High-Performance Athletes

Click Here to Pre-Order your E-book Copy

Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes is now ready to pre-order the E-book version for a Special New Release Price of Only $2.99

The following post is an excerpt from THE ART OF EXCEEDING: Building High-Performance Athletes.

The following is the contents of The Art of Exceeding Volume One. Enjoy, Frank

Building High-Performance Athletes
Volume One




PLAYBOOK 1: Discovering Your Game                

PLAYBOOK 2: The Philosophy of Competition   

PLAYBOOK 3: The Morning Mastery Plan           

PLAYBOOK 4: The Paradox of Habits                  

PLAYBOOK 5: From Champions to Leaders        



From Champions to Leaders

THE ART OF EXCEEDING: Building High-Performance Athletes

Click Here to Pre-Order your E-book Copy

Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes is now ready to pre-order the E-book version for a Special New Release Price of Only $2.99

The following post is an excerpt from THE ART OF EXCEEDING: Building High-Performance Athletes. Enjoy, Frank

From Champions to Leaders

Sports and Leadership

Let’s peek into Jake and Katie’s past. Fifteen years ago, they were battling to the top of the national tennis scene. I asked them to try something revolutionary as they developed strokes and athleticism. I asked them to buy into developing their life skills, character traits, and moral compass. Their process is what I want to share with you. I asked these two youngsters if I could train them like they were already an 18-year-old college star. They agreed, and here’s their story:

1.1 Transferrable Skills

Jake wasn’t just an athlete; by age 13, he was already a strategist, problem solver, and decision-maker. A future leader was born as he honed these transferable life skills through years of practice and competition.

1.2 Beyond the Game: Life Skills

Sports, like life, demands resilience in the face of setbacks, perseverance in the pursuit of improvement, and grace in both victory and defeat. These qualities, instilled in Katie, were the building blocks of character that extended far beyond the boundaries of her tennis career.

1.3 The Foundation

Developing skills to compete successfully on the court also sets a foundation for success off the court. Skill sets such as discipline, time management, and the ability to handle pressure are foundational skills that lay the framework for sports and life.

1.4 The Moral Compass

Honesty, integrity, and respect for opponents are not just empty words; they are the guiding principles of sportsmanship. Each day, Katie nurtured the importance of fair play. This moral compass, developed and reinforced throughout her tennis career, transitioned her to her spot as the youngest CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

1.5 The Vision Ahead

There are incredible similarities between Jake and Katie’s tennis and their future leadership success. Let’s look deep into the principles, ethics, and responsibilities that accompany leadership in sports. You’ll explore the skills that champions acquire, and leaders live by.

1.6 Developing Soft Skills

The following lists a dozen hidden skills that winners like Jake and Katie possess. Throughout your years developing your athletic skills, it’s wise to look into these invaluable tools to help you along your journey from an athletic champion to a happy, successful leader in life:

  1. Active Listening and Empathy
  2. The Ability to Inspire Others
  3. Flexibility and Adaptability
  4. The Ability to Build Trust
  5. Strong Communication Skills
  6. Positivity And Reliability
  7. The Ability to Motivate Others
  8. Connecting With Others Authentically
  9. Recognize Others’ Achievements
  10. Leading By Example and Creating Unity
  11. Open And Transparent Communication
  12. Gratitude, Appreciation, Caring and Kindness

Take a few moments to think deeply about these soft skills and how they’ll help you maximize your potential.

As you look into the past of Jake and Katie, this playbook will inspire and empower you to be accountable because you’ve got the potential for this type of future as a top leader. Look into your future. Fifteen years from now, these experiences will have shaped the course of that amazing leader that you’ll see when you look in the mirror.


Look back to 1.6 in From Champions to Leaders, Developing Soft Skills. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you grade yourself on these skill sets? Being a leader in sports and life requires these invaluable tools.

The Philosophy of Competition

Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes is now ready to pre-order the E-book version for a Special New Release Price of Only $2.99

Click Here to Pre-Order your E-book Copy

The following post is an excerpt of The Art of Exceeding.

The Philosophy of Competition


This Playbook, The Philosophy of Competition, illuminates the inner world of competition. By exploring the wisdom of the ancient Stoics, you’ll navigate competition challenges with clarity and composure, enhancing your personal growth.

The ancient Stoic philosophers provided valuable insights into the underlying nature of modern-day competition. By embracing stoic principles, you can change how you engage in competition, ensuring that it becomes a source of growth, self-improvement, and, ultimately, fulfillment.

Stoicism, a school of philosophy originating in ancient Greece, offers valuable insights into how you’ll navigate competitions in the future. The Philosophy of Competition encourages you to cultivate these ancient virtues in your progression into the higher levels of the sport.