Effective Listening- Part 1

The following post is an excerpt from Frank’s newest book, The Soft Science of Tennis.

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Effective ListeningSoft Science of Tennis_3D_Cover_version5


The modern challenge of parenting and teaching tennis players is to let go of thinking like a repetitive “paint by the numbers” painter and to look at developing an athlete as a form of art. Teaching is art because each student is an original canvas.

Famous artists paint unique, one-of-a-kind subjects and so should you. Don’t be another painter, be an artist because teaching is art. If you’re a “paint by the numbers” coach or parent, chances are you, and your athletes will never really be in high demand. Average parenting or coaching skills often produce average athletes. If you’re a coach, think about the athlete’s needs. Who wants to be an average athlete? No one! If you’re a parent, your child doesn’t need a well-intended yet mediocre tennis parent making the journey more difficult. They need a high IQ leader.


We are taught how to read & write efficiently but not to speak and listen effectively.”


The genesis of The Soft Science of Tennis for any parent or coach is to learn to be an effective listener. Effective listening is the ability to quietly give one’s undivided attention which creates a more profound bond. Excellent communication between the athlete, coach, and parent is more than the typical dominating disciplinarian versus submissive student. Being listened to and understood is one of an athlete’s greatest desires.


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