The following post is an excerpt from the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible
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Preparing the body for the upcoming competition should be a major priority. Serious players seeking peak performance and injury prevention should incorporate a customized stretching routine.


“Current sports science research suggest that elevating the core body temperature is recommended before dynamic stretching begins.”


Pre-Match Stretching Routines

Customizing their routines is a great way to assist your athlete in being accountable. If your player does not have a fitness trainer, I suggest asking them to formulate their very own dynamic stretching routine by using Google: YouTube dynamic tennis warm up routines.

Pre-match warm-up routines will be an important part of your athlete’s match day stretching regiment. Dynamic stretches help warm-up and elevate core body temperature.

Pick two lower body dynamic, mobile stretching routines.  (These are tennis-specific movements aimed to prepare your lower body for the actual demands of match play.)

Pick two upper body dynamic stretching routines. (These prepare your shoulders arms and core for the demands of a high performance match.)


Post-Match Stretching Routines

Post-match static stretching routines are used during the cool-down phase. While standing or sitting still, elongate muscles and hold the position. This allows the muscles to be stretched farther in order to increase range of motion.  Once again, assist your athlete in being accountable. I suggest asking them to customize their very own static stretching routine by using Google: YouTube static tennis warm up routines.

Pick two lower body static stretching routines. (These are tennis-specific rituals aimed to cool down their lower body after the actual demands of match play.)

Pick two upper body static stretching routines. (These cool down their shoulders, arms and core after the demands of a high performance match.)


Benefits of Stretching:

  • Improves range of motion
  • Reduces the risk of injuries
  • Reduces post-match soreness
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Increases power


“Part of an elite players entourage is an off court tennis specific trainer. Consult a certified trainer to customize your athletes stretching routines and rituals.”



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