Morning Mastery Sample Schedule

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The Morning Mastery Plan: Morning Mastery Sample Schedule

How you start your day greatly improves your progress. Beginning your day with healthy training habits and reinforcing your mental framework goes a long way in how you think, feel, and act in competition.

The following is a suggested sample of a new weekly routine. Take a few moments to look over the playbook samples and customize your weekly morning mastery routines. I recommend committing to the appropriate progressions for a week and then deciding if this information could help you maximize your potential at a quicker rate.

1 The Principle of Progression

If you’ve never trained before school or work, I recommend gradually increasing the duration or intensity of your training to see growth. These principles of progression are standard as you reset your body’s ability to rise and shine earlier.

2 Circadian Rhythms

Your body’s internal clock is naturally aligned with your routine of sleep. Your new sleep schedule will disrupt your circadian rhythms at first. Within the first week, you’ll adjust your sleep schedule and feel normal waking up an hour earlier.

3 Start with Lighter Progressions

Let’s start with an easy 15-minute, low-risk session on a topic of your choosing. Then, gradually build up to the second progression of 30 minutes of dedicated attention. A 30-minute session allows for quick recovery when you’re short on time. Adjust as you progress to a 45-minute session and then to the 60-minute session described below.

4 Sample: 60-minute Weekly Schedule

  • Monday: 15 Minutes: Mental Rehearsals, 15 Minutes: Cold Shower, 15 Minutes: Exercise, 15 Minutes: Gratitude Journal
  • Tuesday: 15 Minutes: Research, 15 Minutes: Cold Shower, 15 Minutes: Exercise, 15 Minutes: Mindfulness
  • Wednesday: 15 Minutes: Mental Rehearsals, 15 Minutes: Cold Shower, 15 Minutes: Exercise, 

15 Minutes: Gratitude Journal

  • Thursday: 15 Minutes: Research, 15 Minutes: Cold Shower, 15 Minutes: Exercise 15 Minutes: Mindfulness
  • Friday: 15 Minutes: Mental Rehearsals, 15 Minutes: Cold Shower, 15 Minutes: Exercise,

15 Minutes: Gratitude Journal

Remember, leaving your comfort zone and your comfortable bed is a choice that fuels the growth you seek. Ignoring morning rituals keeps you stagnating while the other top contenders are improving. Resistance will be there, but don’t let your old choices and habits stop you. Ask yourself if the pain of losing to people you should beat is painful enough to get you out of bed and get busy.


Let’s put an early morning plan into action. Start with an easy 15-minute early morning routine. Stack these 15-minute sessions together for one week. By doing so, you’re stacking momentum. Even after one week, you’ll feel the benefits of the early bird challenge.


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