Seven Early Morning Routines

Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes
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The following post is an excerpt from The Art of Exceeding

The Morning Mastery Plan: Seven Early Morning Routines

The Morning Mastery Plan sets the tone for the day, allowing you to control your schedule rather than your schedule controlling you. As you start each day with intentional improvement goals, you’ll prioritize your time and increase your productivity in your training.

Each ritual holds its own magic, offering a unique key to unlock the door to a world of benefits. Consider applying these seven topics as you customize your morning reset.

Ice Shower

        Studies show that a 90-second ice-cold shower has many hidden benefits. It boosts the immune system, increases circulation, reduces muscle soreness, improves alert attention, and reduces stress levels.


        When you journal yesterday’s improvements, you can live them twice! It improves memory, organizes goals, promotes self-awareness, boosts emotional intelligence, increases motivation, and reduces anxiety. Journaling tracks progress and allows you to understand yourself better.


        Being mindful focuses on the here and now with an attitude of acceptance. It allows decompression and increases emotional regulation and deep breathing. It lowers your heart rate and reduces anxiety and stress. And it improves memory recall, intelligence in planning, and stronger relationships.


        Increasing your general athleticism is incredibly important. Benefits include overall energy, strength, and endurance. Exercising before school or work provides better focus and improves attention and problem-solving. It releases stress, improves your mood, and adds a sense of accomplishment, giving you an optimistic outlook for the day.


        A visualizing routine aligns your mind with your performance goals. It improves mental toughness and relaxation and regulates anxiety. It improves confidence, memorization of mechanics, and your pattern plays. It helps focus on your solution protocols of resetting rituals. Mentally rehearsing a task beforehand enables you to cope with stress and successfully deal with your challenges.


        This ritual expands your knowledge and understanding of hidden solutions. It fosters accountability and self-advocacy. It improves critical thinking and goal clarity. It provides better methods to get better results.


        Gratitude is not just a feeling; it’s also a choice. Taking the time to appreciate what you have to shift within your mindset. It promotes optimism, problem-solving, and enjoyment. It reduces stress and improves self-esteem and motivation. Choosing a grateful approach increases happiness and kindness. It also builds better relationships and communication skills. It makes you less likely to take your opportunities for granted.

        These time-tested morning routines provide psychological and physical benefits that contribute to your success. By applying these skills for one week, you begin to stack momentum. The cumulative effect then comes into play. Morning mastery sets the tone for a more positive career on and off the playing arena.


        Start your mornings with these three-morning routines:

        1. Gratitude Rituals: Start your day by saying three things you’re grateful for.
        2. Practice Self-Love: Acknowledge and appreciate your strengths, accomplishments, and journey.
        3. Count your Blessings: Take stock of what you have rather than focusing on what you lack.


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