Tag Archives: Coach Frank Giampaolo

Red Flags

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting

Red Flags

A red flag is a signal that goes off when something’s not quite right. A commonality in sports is when the students’ words often don’t match their actions. Their words say, “I want to be a professional athlete,” and their actions say, “I don’t want to actually work for it.”

If your athlete brings internal drama and is unpleasant and frightening to be around on match days, the family is in for a world of uncommon hurt.

Solution: Here are a dozen red flags we do not see in the top competitors. Be honest as you read the list of common stumbling blocks. Do any sound too familiar?

  1. Inconsistency in effort
  2. Entitlement issues
  3. Inappropriate anger issues
  4. Lazy choices/poor decisions
  5. Avoids solo training
  6. Negative attitude
  7. Faulty nutrition habits
  8. Poor sleep habits
  9. Substandard time management
  10. Lack of gratitude
  11. Second-rate preparation
  12. Chooses mediocrity

An age-old saying provides insight: “There are contenders and pretenders.” Which do you have?

If you have a pretender, it may be in everyone’s best interest to put an end to the weekend drama’s and enjoy a normal life with a normal child.

Performance Anxiety

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting

Performance Anxiety

Performance anxiety affects every competitive athlete at one time or another. Without proper understanding, it crushes enjoyment, causes devastating losses, and destroys self-confidence. Your athlete’s anxiety symptoms may include a racing heart rate, rapid but shallow breathing, dry mouth, trembling hands, nausea, and blurred vision.

Reduce your athlete’s anxiety by helping them practice in the manner they’re expected to perform. Prepare them properly for long tournament days of pressure by reminding them to focus on what could go right.  As your athlete confronts their fears and learns ways to handle the below common stressors, they’ll develop resistance. Resiliency comes from facing fears.  As I’ve mentioned, they need exposure, not avoidance.

Solution: Discuss how managing common performance anxieties pays off. These common performance anxieties include:

  • Fear
  • Nervousness
  • Choking
  • Panicking
  • Tanking
  • Overcoming Lapses and Concentration
  • Self-Doubt
  • Self-Condemnation.

Start by asking your athlete to describe their description of these topics. Then ask them to Google any topic that relates to them. Next, ask them to YouTube those topics to better understand how common they are in sports and life. Lastly, ask them to write a brief paragraph describing the issue and their very own plan to conquer the anxiety.

Emotional Toughness

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting

Where Attention Goes … Energy Flow

The mind creates deeply engrained pathways that instantaneously cultivate solutions or complications to similar situations. This law of attraction either hyper-focuses your athletes at crunch time or completely derails them when it matters most.

So, what mental habits are your athletes forming? Some athletes with a short fuse have trained themselves to default instantly to frustration first. Once behaviors become automatic routines, athletes perform those actions repeatedly without being mentally aware of the conduct. The acronym is ANTS (Automatic Negative Thoughts.)

So, how do we help our athletes recognize the hidden factors that influence their behavior?

Solution: If their negative energy is winning the power struggle, here are seven ways for them to lessen pessimism.

Decreasing ANTS by:

  1. Not Assuming the Worst Will Happen
  2. Avoiding the Words: Never and Always
  3. Recognizing Distorted Thoughts and Feelings
  4. Take a Bathroom Break to Reenergize
  5. Let Go of Past Mistakes
  6. Refocus on Exposing Your Strengths
  7. Flip Your Attitude to Gratitude

Kill the ants (Automatic Negative Thoughts) in their Brain.

Athletes often win or lose in their minds before they win or lose in reality. Where attention goes … energy flow is a tremendous mantra for any athlete struggling against themselves in the heat of battle.

Overthinking Mechanics

Overthinking Mechanics

We, tennis teachers, are notorious for giving tons of technical advice. We tend to provide too much information to our clients than not enough. I’m guilty of this myself. Parents listen and digest these mechanical tips and “assist” by obsessively reminding their athletes on match days.

Overemphasizing perfect mechanics creates a constant flow of corrections in your athlete’s mind. If the parent’s or coach’s dialog is a continual stream of problems to be fixed, the athlete is most likely to be thinking about all that is broken in a match, and this is a catastrophic mindset. It’s our primary job as parents to build confidence. If your athlete is on high alert for what is broken, they will not be able to find the mindset needed to compete effortlessly in their peak performance zone.

Solution: Teach your athlete that one of the biggest obstacles in matches is overthinking their mechanics. While quickly adjusting technique is fine, the constant over-analyzing stops their positive flow of energy.

A better mindset in matches requires seeking excellence versus perfection.

Nobody’s perfect. Rafa and Serena aren’t perfect so, why should your child be perfect? All of your player’s strokes are not going to be perfect all of the time. Junior athletes are going to make good and bad decisions, to boot! Educate your athlete that it’s not the errors but how they react to them that matters most. After all, your athlete’s thoughts and judgments, good or bad, are self-fulfilling.

Concentration and Focus

Regulating Focus

There will be stages in your athlete’s future matches when they face dramatic obstacles, from creative line callers to those who flip the score to opponents well-trained to get under their skin. Your athlete needs to preset their protocols in the form of routines to combat future gamesmanship. Regulating their attention around their performances will help them overcome the drama that comes with some matches.

Most importantly, mentally tough athletes need concentrated focus in-between points to desensitize the drama and navigate the match. This emotional strength, of course, is the non-hitting portion of their match performance. In between points, your athlete needs to pay close attention to three areas of their Between-Point Rituals (BPR). They include self-awareness, opponent awareness, and score management. Self-awareness and opponent awareness are based on paying attention to the patterns and tactics of the athlete and their opponents. Score management allows the athlete to modify their aggressiveness based on the score.

Solution: Ask your athlete to take their between-point rituals very seriously. Mentally tough competitors rely on the non-hitting time on-court. Most thinking, perception, memory, learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making happen in-between points. On rare occasions, athletes need to call audibles mid-point.

Most intermediate athletes have focused exclusively on their hardware for years with their technical coaches. If they’ve got great form but aren’t getting the results they’re capable of, it may be time to reroute some attention to their software development.

Changing Inner Belief

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting
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Changing Inner Belief

Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Teach your athlete that we all have empowering and destructive beliefs. Remind them that the power of positive inner belief will become thoughts that guide their new actions.

It’s important to note: Athletes can’t outplay their belief system, so if they think they can or can’t, they’re usually right.

One of the reasons that it’s challenging to change emotional habits is that the athlete is usually loyal to them only because they’ve believed in them for so long. Changing their perspective will take commitment from the athlete, parent, and coach. If your athlete is willing to improve their inner belief at crunch time, these ten tips are for you.

Solutions: Parents, please ask your athlete to utilize the following tips:

  1. Choose inner dialog and positive self-talk that boosts confidence versus the standard negative monologue that derails confidence.
  2. Please list of all your unique strengths, then one by one, appreciate them.
  3. Employ SMART goals which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Reminder: Winning every time isn’t a smart goal.
  4. Develop a skill each day. Inner belief comes from growth.
  5. Seek new inspiring mentors as trusted advisors.
  6. Nourish your inner belief by exchanging pointless social media with informative YouTube posts regarding confidence and belief.
  7. The human mind magnifies the bad. So, review the matches you were clutch under pressure versus those you gifted away.
  8. Focus on what could go right versus what could go wrong.
  9. Remember: Where your focus goes, energy flows.”
  10. If you’re going to have an attitude, make it gratitude.

Changing inner belief begins with these ten simple reminders.

Comfort Is Where Dreams Go to Die

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting

Comfort Is Where Dreams Go to Die

Let’s use an archer’s bullseye target as an analogy to illustrate the growth cycle of an athlete. The target rings have several colors. The black outer ring represents your child’s comfort zone. The inner blue rings represent the fear zone. The red-colored ring represents your athlete’s mastery zone. The inner circle or bullseye is yellow, representing the management zone. Top athletes have to manage the tools they’ve mastered. Common issues occur when the athlete would rather remain moderately uncomfortable yet safe instead of dealing with the uncertainties that would make a real change in their life. I recommend asking your athlete to repeat this saying:

“If I Keep on Doing What I’ve Always Done…I’m Gonna Keep Getting What I Always Got”

Solution: Improving your athlete’s performance starts by understanding the growth cycle. Athletes must be ready and willing to leave their Comfort Zone and step into their Fear Zone. Only by passing through the Fear Zone can Mastery be attained. After skills are mastered, managing those skills takes place. The pathway:

“Comfort Zone … Fear Zone …Mastery Zone …Management Zone”

My mentor, the late Vic Braden, said this a thousand times: “Once the pain of losing to another inferior opponent overrides the pain of change, the prognosis is good for quick improvement.” If change is still more painful, growth is stalled.

Tennis Thriving Versus Suffering


The Psychology of Tennis Parenting



“Don’t be upset by the results you didn’t get with the work you didn’t do.”

Izzy is a tall, quintessential California girl. When she walks into a club, heads turn, looking like the real deal. At age 16, she appears to be a WTA superstar in the making. Her father is sure that she’ll be on tour soon. Her coaches shake their heads because she looks like she could be world-class, but they know, at this rate, she won’t.

Unfortunately, with her current mindset, she’s spiraling downward. You see, she wants the rankings without the hard work. The rewards and not the struggle. The prestige, not the process. Izzy’s in love with the fan fair, not the fight. To Izzy, suffering is felt as a personal defeat. Having to work hard is something naturally gifted athletes don’t have to do. Sadly, triumph doesn’t work that way.

Solution: Izzy will have a shot at greatness if she buys into hard work and discipline. A less physically gifted athlete with a better work ethic will outperform a more physically talented athlete with a weaker work ethic. For all athletes, including the physically gifted, properly handling the pain of training determines success. Who you are is defined by how hard you are willing to work.

The Argumentative Athlete Tennis


The Psychology of Tennis Parenting

The following post is an excerpt from The Psychology of Tennis Parenting.



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The Argumentative Athlete

For most teens, argumentativeness is more a reflex than an angry choice. Typically, high-performance athletes believe their knowledge of their sport exceeds their parent’s knowledge. Hence, giving them a perceived advantage over their parents. Turning damaging arguments into healthy disagreements is an emotional strategy. The lesson learned is that everyone can get their concerns heard and considered. Parents can find these arguments puzzling. You’ll help athletes regulate their emotions and solve problems by teaching them how to respond better.

Solution: Nurture the ability to postpone and censor their responses to advice. This key self-awareness trait will serve your athletes well on and off the tennis courts. Here are some tricks to get them started:

  • Digest the substance of the request.
  • Recognize when emotions are running the show.
  • Take a break.
  • Avoid criticizing before responding.
  • Set the ego aside and choose your battles.
  • Formulate evidence before stating your case.
  • Offer solutions versus pointing out flaws.
  • Disallow the blame game.
  • Confront the subverting of the conversation.


Remember, even though your athlete’s tennis skills are mature, their emotional regulating skills are likely still under development.

Tennis Mind Set Matters 2


The Psychology of Tennis Parenting

The following post is an excerpt from The Psychology of Tennis Parenting.




Decisions Not Situations

Mark is a very athletic junior from Florida. He has a wicked serve and a pre-stretch, compact forehand reminiscent of Agassi, but he performed poorly in matches. Through video analysis, I determined it was clear that Mark’s match decisions were the cause of his match failures. Here’s what I found charting his match.

Mark’s mechanics were reasonably solid, but his reckless shot selection caused the lion’s share of his unforced errors. Mark won 68% of the points that he played inside the court. Unfortunately, he played most of the match from 10 feet behind the baseline. From the backcourt, Mark won 36% of those points. His chosen court position wasn’t exposing his strengths.

In the first set, Mark allowed fear to control his mind during mega points, abandoning his strengths and pushing to be careful. He choked after building a comfortable lead due to his lapses in concentration. After dropping the lead in set one and losing the set, Mark started set two in a destructive mindset, racing through points. His self-doubt and negative self-talk were on full display. While he occasionally played brilliant pro-level tennis, his lack of mental and emotional training was running rapid.

Mark’s hardware skills were good, but his software skills needed development. His decision-making skills applied between-point and during changeover routines were non-existent. Every choice an athlete makes will either push him toward their goals or pull them away from them. These choices are part of the athlete’s software components.

Solution: The best way for Mark to improve his results is to shift his focus to new software development. Strategically Mark would be wise to use his strengths more often, especially on big points. Mark hit approximately 50% forehands and 50% backhands. A 75%/25% ratio would be beneficial. Also, from the tactical side, Mark should be attempting 70% of his first serves with his huge kick serve instead of the flat bomb that rarely hits its mark. Emotionally, between points, Mark needs to keep unwanted, contaminating thoughts out of his mind by keeping his mind filled with his performance patterns of play. Mark’s outcome wants trumped his performance needs, as seen in his lack of routines and rituals.

For Mark, I recommended that he fill his mind with solutions rather than a laundry list of problems. Being solution-oriented is the mindset that matters in competition.