Tag Archives: emotional and mental tennis

Sharpening Healthier Communication- Part 3

The following post is an excerpt from Frank’s newest book, The Soft Science of Tennis.

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Sharpening Healthier Communication


I Want To Be More Positive But What Do I Say?

Most parents and coaches want the very best for their children and students. However, finding the perfect words of comfort are not always easy, especially after competition. Regardless of the variations in personality profiles, parents and coaches alike need to reinforce the athlete’s efforts with sincere non-judgmental encouraging words. The following is a list of insightful statements athletes need to hear after competition:

  • I love watching you play!
  • I’m so proud of you.
  • I’m impressed by your skills.
  • I’m so grateful to be your parent.
  • You are so brave.
  • It’s so fascinating to watch you solve problems on court.
  • You are so creative and skillful.
  • I so admire your ability to stay focused on the court.
  • It is so fun for me to watch you compete.
  • I can’t wait to hear what you think about the match.
  • I admire your courage to compete.
  • Your optimism is contagious- I love when you smile.
  • This is my favorite part of the week.
  • I love being your parent and/or coach.


Research shows that performing in the future as the Alpha competitor stems from a positive belief system.  Your words become their inner dialogue. Emotional aptitude is a learned behavior. Your child’s optimism and growth mindset should be molded daily. (Coach’s Note: Please send the above insightful list to the parents of your athletes.)

All the great coaches I’ve met have a strong need for connecting and belonging. Positive communication is vital for a happy, longstanding career. Exceptional communication builds better relationships, mutual respect, and trust which leads to success. Superior coaching is the art of changing an athlete in a non-dictatorial way.

The student-coach connection improves with effective communication via verbal and nonverbal communication channels. The following chapters will uncover several excellent recommendations for coaches and parents to immerse themselves in the art of listening.


“When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.”

Dalai Lama

Introduction into The Soft Science of Tennis

The following post is an excerpt from Frank’s newest book, The Soft Science of Tennis.

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Let’s begin by using a computer analogy, if strokes and athleticism are the athlete’s hardware, mental and emotional skills are surely the athlete’s software.

We all know that mental toughness and emotional resolve are critical in competition. The Soft Science of Tennis is specially designed to improve the mysterious software skills. With this groundbreaking book, respect is developed, and trust is earned as coaches and parents create an exceptional culture, sharpen stronger communication techniques, and connect with each student at a much deeper level.

The Soft Science of Tennis identifies each athlete’s individual personality profile and unique cerebral design. Throughout these pages, we’ll expose how your athlete’s inborn genetic predispositions affect their behavioral attributes and on-court competitive characteristics.

Getting into the student’s world requires the open-mindedness to embrace how the student’s genetic predispositions impact their match play.


“You must first get into their world to change their world.”


This book challenges coaches, athletes, and parents to recognize that preferred learning styles and training requirements are unique to each athlete.

The science of profiling personality isn’t new or even unique. Today there are dozens of profiling programs including Disc, Social styles, Predictive Index, Profiles Int., HBDI, Strengthfinder, Keirsey Temperament, TTI, Human Metrics, and MBTI to name a few. These models all share in helping us better connect and communicate. The Soft Science of Tennis applies the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator because it is the most widely recognized profiling application in use around the world.

MBTI is a registered trademark, and inside this book, I am simply sharing my unique, tennis-specific understandings of their application.

Brain design awareness enhances our ability to customize our teaching approach to the different personality profiles found in the sport. While there are many interpretations of personality profiling, The Soft Science of Tennis aims to share techniques that I’ve found highly successful in my 30 years of coaching tennis.

Also included is the importance of nurturing positive character traits and life skills, and why developing a healthy moral compass matter. This soft science book dissects how to conquer essential performance anxieties such as overriding negative belief systems, eliminating internal judgment, and building coachable athletes.


“In the coaching field, there is more to the story than teaching fundamental strokes. An athlete’s negative emotional state can and will derail great game plans and exquisite strokes.”


Rounding out this book, are several chapters uniquely focused on how to change fixed mindsets, managing fear, and risk, and developing confidence and self-esteem. These are some of the favorite topics of high IQ coaches attending my conferences around the world. Consequently the question, “Why doesn’t anyone else teach this stuff?” has become a reoccurring theme of discussion among coaches and parents alike throughout my travels. Within these pages, it is my goal to share everything you didn’t even know…you needed to know about the soft science of tennis.