Tag Archives: line calls

Bad Line Calls

The following post is an excerpt from The Tennis Parent’s Bible.  Thanks for visiting, Frank Giampaolo

Frank Giampaolo Maximizing Tennis Potential Junior Tennis

Q: Is gamesmanship new to the game?

Frank: Let me share a story regarding Jack Kramer. Back in the 1990’s I had several opportunities to chat with the legend. One of our topics was regarding these “creative line callers”. Jack said that back in his youth, (in the 1930’s) as a top ranked junior, he estimated that there were an average of 6 bad lines calls for most of his competitive matches. Remarkably, that number of creative line calls remains the same.

Experts agree it’s not only the number of “gamesmanship” issues per match that determine the outcome of the match but the ability or inability to recover and persevere. Gamesmanship is found in every age division, from the 10 and under beginning crew to the national level juniors to the ladies leagues all the way up to the 90 and up division of competitive play. The point being is that it isn’t going away, so parents and coaches would be wise to assist the athletes with the solutions needed to overcome these difficult situations.

Contact: Frank Giampaolo