Tag Archives: tennis training

Tennis: Unleashing the Warrior 

Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes
E-Book Special New Release Price of Only $2.99
Click Here to Order your E-book Copy


Unleashing the Warrior 

“Athletes who conquers their inner demons are the mightiest warriors.”

The warrior within is like fire. Controlled fire can heat your home and cook your meals. However, uncontrolled fire can burn the house down. Trust the warrior within and  turn that fight into a force that serves you rather than destroying you.

Recognizing the Warrior 

The warrior within represents the innate desire to compete, the hunger for victory, and the fighting spirit within you. It’s the fuel that drives you to push through uncomfortable moments. However, if left unchecked, the warrior can become uncontrolled leading to impulsive decision making and erratic performance.

Embracing Controlled Aggression

Aggression is a double-edged sword in tennis. On one hand, controlled aggression can be a potent weapon, allowing you to take charge of the match, dictate play, and dominate opponents. On the other hand, uncontrolled aggression can lead to unforced errors, loss of focus, and emotional volatility. Learning to embrace and channel controlled aggression requires a delicate balance of intensity and composure.

Breath and Focus

Proper breathing is a powerful tool for centering and calming the warrior. Deep, intentional breathing helps maintain a state of focus and presence, allowing you to perform freely. By practicing mindful breathing techniques, you’ll find a sense of calm amid the storm of competition and make more clear headed decisions.

Playing to Strengths 

Understanding your strengths and applying them is a crucial aspect of channeling the warrior within. Identifying and capitalizing on your natural abilities, allows you to leverage those strengths and gain a competitive edge.

Embracing Challenges

Instead of shying away from difficult opponents or tough situations, the warrior embraces them as fun challenges and opportunities for improvement. Facing adversity head-on strengthens the warrior and cultivates mental resilience.

Finding Flow 

Flow is a state of optimal performance where you’re fully immersed in the match. Your actions effortlessly flowing and your minds completely absorbed in the present moment. Finding the flow state and not sabotaging it requires dancing with the angels not the devils. 

The devil wants to steal your peace of mind. A brave athlete looks the devil in the eye and tells him “NOT TODAY”. By knowing that no one you know works harder than you, you can stand your ground when the Devil’s at your door and not let them in. 

Tennis-The Subconscious vs. Conscious Mind

Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes
E-Book Special New Release Price of Only $2.99
Click Here to Order your E-book Copy


The Subconscious vs. Conscious Mind

“If you don’t manage your subconscious mind, your opponent will manage it for you.”

Inside every athlete lies a formidable battle between the subconscious and conscious mind. The subconscious mind operates at an instinctive level, tapping into intuition and automatic responses, while the conscious mind is analytical, judgmental, and often interferes with the flow of performance. 

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is a vast reservoir of knowledge, skills, and experiences that have been absorbed and stored over time. It operates effortlessly, executing movements and making split-second decisions without conscious effort. Playing “in the zone” occurs when athletes access this subconscious state, allowing their instincts and intuition to guide their actions.

Flow and the Subconscious Mind

Flow is a state of optimal performance where athletes feel fully immersed in their actions, time seems to slow down, and their performance reaches an extraordinary level. Flow arises when the conscious mind takes a backseat, allowing the subconscious mind to take control. To achieve flow, athletes must learn to quiet the conscious mind and trust in their abilities.

Staying Present

The conscious mind often dwells on past mistakes or worries about future outcomes, pulling the player out of the present moment. By staying fully present, athletes can remain connected to their subconscious mind. Techniques such as mindfulness and deep breathing, can help redirect attention to the present moment and prevent the conscious mind from taking over.

Trusting Intuition

The subconscious mind has a remarkable ability to process information and make split second, correct decisions based on past training experiences. Trusting this intuitive guidance is crucial for allowing the subconscious mind to take the lead.

Letting Go of Judgment 

The conscious mind is prone to judgment, self-criticism, and over analysis of every action. This constant evaluation can disrupt the flow state and hinder performance. Let go of judgment by focusing on the process rather than the outcome. Being performance minded, you’ll free yourself from the constraints of the conscious mind.

Rituals and Routines

Rituals and routines can help athletes transition into a subconscious, autopilot frame of mind. Proper pre-performance rituals create a sense of familiarity and prepare the mind for entering the flow state. Between point resetting rituals help maintain focus and keep the conscious mind at bay.

7  Repetition Of Sets 

Consistent practice matches help ingrain competitive skills such as remaining in the subconscious mind. These “dress rehearsals “ free you from minimizing the interference caused by the conscious mind. 

The battle between the subconscious and conscious mind is ongoing. Cultivate a deep awareness of this internal struggle and make a conscious effort to quiet the conscious mind, allowing the wisdom of the subconscious to guide your performance.

Tennis: The Fear of Mistakes

Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes
E-Book Special New Release Price of Only $2.99
Click Here to Order your E-book Copy

The Fear of Mistakes

James stood at the baseline, ready to serve. The stadium lights cast a sharp glare on the court, intensifying the pressure of the moment. He could feel his father’s eyes, his coach’s expectations, and the weight of his outcome desires bearing down on him once again.

A whirlwind of doubt swirled in his mind as he prepared to begin his service motion. What if I double-fault? What if I miss? What if he crushes his return? The fear of making a mistake gripped him like a vice. James was so scared he could feel his muscles tighten as he visualized catastrophe. James double-faulted and gifted a winnable match away.

1 The Paralyzing Grip of Fear

The fear of mistakes is a formidable opponent in competition- the voice that whispers in your ear, warning you of the consequences of a misstep. For James and many competitive tennis players, fear can be paralyzing. It steals the joy from the game, erodes confidence, and sabotages performance.

2 Mistakes as Learning Tools

But what if I told you that mistakes are not your enemy? In fact, they can be your greatest allies. It’s a perspective shift that James had to learn the hard way. James had always viewed mistakes as failures, as evidence that he wasn’t good enough. But as he continued to battle the fear of mistakes, I challenged his thinking. I taught him to see mistakes not as failures but as invaluable learning tools. It took about a month for James to reframe his mindset.

3 The Power of Resilience

Every double fault and every netted volley became an opportunity to grow and improve. James learned that resilience was the key to overcoming the fear of mistakes. It was about bouncing back stronger after mistakes and possessing the grit to keep fighting his fears.

4 Good Mistakes

It’s time to shift your mindset from fearing errors to learning to identify good errors versus bad errors. James learned that If he’s attempting to boldly hit the correct shot the moment demands and fails to execute, then it’s a good error and acceptable.

5 Bad Mistakes

A bad mistake occurs when you miss a reckless shot. When you are attempting the incorrect shot in the situation, you’re in. James now recognizes that his poor choices are bad mistakes. Learning the difference is essential throughout your journey toward improvement.

6 Playing to Your Strengths

Tennis is a game of diverse skills and abilities, and recognizing where you excel is a game changer. When you understand your tennis identity, you can play a game style that is customizable to you. Exposing your strengths in big points is the catalyst for peak performance.

“I wonder about all the things good athletes miss out on when they allow fear to stop them. When they run from fear, they don’t take the chances that would change everything.” 

So, as we look into the depths of the fear of mistakes, remember that it’s not about avoiding errors; it’s about embracing the difference between good and bad errors. It’s about deciding on your tennis identity and practicing with your strengths in the manner in which you’re expected to perform.

Becoming Your Team Leader

Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes
E-Book Special New Release Price of Only $2.99
Click Here to Order your E-book Copy
The following post is an excerpt from The Art of Exceeding

From Champions to Leaders:

The distinction between champions and leaders becomes most apparent when we examine the role of a team leader. While winning is a testament to an athlete’s skill, the ability to inspire, guide, and unite a team is what earns long-term success, which is the hallmark of a true leader in the game of life. Let’s look back at Katie and Jake’s secret skills.

1 Defining Leadership

Leadership in sports transcends the boundaries of simply winning. It involves an understanding of one’s role as a captain of a team. Here, we explore Katie’s core principles that defined her as a leader:

  • Vision: Katie set a vision that extended beyond individual success. She was able to articulate her needs, fostering unity and shared purpose.
  • Empathy: Katie understood the needs and concerns of her team members, from coaches to parents to hitting partners. She showed empathy and provided the support needed.
  • Responsibility and Accountability: Katie took ownership of her on-court sessions, mental training sessions, and off-court gym routines. She was accountable for her actions and decisions, recognizing that her choices impacted the entire entourage and her tournament success.
  • Fair Play: Ethics are the guiding light of a leader, and Katie had it in spades. She was honored with the USTA Sportsmanship Award several times for her fairness, honesty, and sportsmanship.

2 Ethics and Responsibility

In round 2, Jake played Calvin, who had a poor reputation. On court 16, with no referee in sight, Calvin made a few questionable calls. Jake stared him down with the eyes of an angry predator. Then, he walked away to reset his mindset from the drama Calvin was trying to create. Jake wins the next three games and takes the match in his hyper-focused play.

Leadership in tennis comes with a set of ethical responsibilities. These responsibilities include:

Inspiring Integrity: Jake leads by example, demonstrating that success is achieved through fair play and integrity.

Sportsmanship: Jake was nurtured by his folks to embody sportsmanship. He respected opponents, officials, and other parents, setting a standard of conduct for everyone to see.

Mentorship: Jake always tried to chat with the younger players. He shared insights and enjoyed goofing around with the next generation of champions.

3 The Role of Negotiation Skills

Negotiation skills are pivotal for a leader. Leaders navigate these discussions effectively when negotiating a training schedule with coaches or resolving conflicts within the family unit. When approached with fairness and open communication, negotiation fosters a harmonious environment.

4 The Power of Positive Influence

Katie’s influence extended far beyond the game. She later used her platform as a top college athlete to raise funds to resurface the local park’s eight tennis courts. Katie inspired the broader community. Through her actions, she demonstrated that leadership is not just about winning; it’s about making a positive impact.

5 Navigating Relationships

High performance demands great relationships—between athletes and coaches, parents, opponents, and the unique sports community. Leaders excel in building and maintaining these relationships, understanding that collaboration and respect are essential for sustained success.

We discovered that athletic champions become life champions by embracing their leadership roles. Katie and Jake had those qualities that set them apart. They both had effective communication, the nuances of negotiation, and the emotional intelligence required to manage complicated relationships with their peers, who were friends and rivals.


As your team leader, you are responsible for building and maintaining relationships. Collaboration is essential for long-term success, and navigating positive relationships is a life skill worth developing.


Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes
E-Book Special New Release Price of Only $2.99
Click Here to Order your E-book Copy


Frank has been working privately with players for decades and has designed a very successful customized player assessment to assist athletes, parents, and coaches in maximizing potential. This assessment is now available remotely.

This advanced mentoring system provides direction and solutions to peacefully maximize the athlete’s physical, mental, and emotional ability. If the athletes are not getting the results they’re capable of, now’s the time to put proven systems in place to maximize potential at the quickest rate. You can choose between a 1-month mentorship or a 3-month mentorship program. Both include the following:

Personality Profiling: We’ll dive deep into the athletes’ genetic predispositions and uncover why their unique brain design motivates them to do what they do, say what they say, and think the way they think.

Detailed Game Analysis: We will build the athlete’s athletic identity. By analyzing game day videos, we’ll design patterns of play to expose strengths and hide weaknesses.

Custom Action Plan: After getting to know your game and goals, I’ll create a step-by-step process to improve your hardware (biomechanics, athleticism) and software (mental, emotional) skill sets.

Private, Weekly Remote Sessions: 1 hour with the primary sports parent and one hour directly with the athlete (2 hours per week) via Zoom, FaceTime, or WhatsApp.

Unlimited Plan Revisions: We’ll track progress through performance reviews and design game plans customized for fast, weekly improvement.

Direct Email and Text Support: I’ll always be a quick message away to ensure every question gets answered and you know what to do every step of the way.

QuickStart Assessment Handbook: This systematic resource will be completed together to align the parent, coach, and athlete.

If you’re ready to partner on the next evolution of your athlete’s journey, choose the 1-month or 3-month package plan. This offer is a limited-time opportunity to act now to reserve your space.

1-Month Mentorship: Regular Price $1600. Special Book Offer $1,200

3-month Mentorship: Regular Price $4,800. Special Book Offer $3,600

1-Hour Consultation/Assessment: Regular price $200

To Book Sessions, Call or Email Frank Giampaolo:

(949)933-8163; fgsa@earthlink.net

Morning Mastery Sample Schedule

Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes
E-Book Special New Release Price of Only $2.99
Click Here to Order your E-book Copy
The following post is an excerpt from The Art of Exceeding

The Morning Mastery Plan: Morning Mastery Sample Schedule

How you start your day greatly improves your progress. Beginning your day with healthy training habits and reinforcing your mental framework goes a long way in how you think, feel, and act in competition.

The following is a suggested sample of a new weekly routine. Take a few moments to look over the playbook samples and customize your weekly morning mastery routines. I recommend committing to the appropriate progressions for a week and then deciding if this information could help you maximize your potential at a quicker rate.

1 The Principle of Progression

If you’ve never trained before school or work, I recommend gradually increasing the duration or intensity of your training to see growth. These principles of progression are standard as you reset your body’s ability to rise and shine earlier.

2 Circadian Rhythms

Your body’s internal clock is naturally aligned with your routine of sleep. Your new sleep schedule will disrupt your circadian rhythms at first. Within the first week, you’ll adjust your sleep schedule and feel normal waking up an hour earlier.

3 Start with Lighter Progressions

Let’s start with an easy 15-minute, low-risk session on a topic of your choosing. Then, gradually build up to the second progression of 30 minutes of dedicated attention. A 30-minute session allows for quick recovery when you’re short on time. Adjust as you progress to a 45-minute session and then to the 60-minute session described below.

4 Sample: 60-minute Weekly Schedule

  • Monday: 15 Minutes: Mental Rehearsals, 15 Minutes: Cold Shower, 15 Minutes: Exercise, 15 Minutes: Gratitude Journal
  • Tuesday: 15 Minutes: Research, 15 Minutes: Cold Shower, 15 Minutes: Exercise, 15 Minutes: Mindfulness
  • Wednesday: 15 Minutes: Mental Rehearsals, 15 Minutes: Cold Shower, 15 Minutes: Exercise, 

15 Minutes: Gratitude Journal

  • Thursday: 15 Minutes: Research, 15 Minutes: Cold Shower, 15 Minutes: Exercise 15 Minutes: Mindfulness
  • Friday: 15 Minutes: Mental Rehearsals, 15 Minutes: Cold Shower, 15 Minutes: Exercise,

15 Minutes: Gratitude Journal

Remember, leaving your comfort zone and your comfortable bed is a choice that fuels the growth you seek. Ignoring morning rituals keeps you stagnating while the other top contenders are improving. Resistance will be there, but don’t let your old choices and habits stop you. Ask yourself if the pain of losing to people you should beat is painful enough to get you out of bed and get busy.


Let’s put an early morning plan into action. Start with an easy 15-minute early morning routine. Stack these 15-minute sessions together for one week. By doing so, you’re stacking momentum. Even after one week, you’ll feel the benefits of the early bird challenge.

The Habit Advantage

Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes
E-Book Special New Release Price of Only $2.99
Click Here to Order your E-book Copy
The following post is an excerpt from The Art of Exceeding

The Morning Mastery Plan: The Habit Advantage

Athletic success depends on an athlete’s athletic ability, choices, and habits. Bad choices and habits prevent success entirely. Your daily habits powerfully influence your performance in competition.

It’s time to explore the power of consistent habits. Welcome to the habit advantage. The art of transforming your new actions into habits.

8.1 The Science of Habit Formation

As you repeat intentional actions within your morning routine, you’re navigating through the stages of habit formation. The key is to stay mindful of the routine-reward cycle- a reward follows each routine. Every behavior triggers some reward. The more any routine is used, the more solidified that particular habit becomes.

8.2 The Choice of Consistency

Consistency is the heartbeat of all mastery. When you consistently engage in these intentional actions versus skipping your morning routine, you’re paving the way for these actions to become habits deeply ingrained in your daily athletic development.

8.3 The Cascade of Benefits

As your new actions become habits, you’ll discover benefits beyond your morning routine. Your consistent efforts shape your mindset, enhance your focus, and amplify your self-worth. The habits you cultivate in the early hours set the tone for your athletic career and overall success in life.

8.4 The Evolution of Goals

Your goals and aspirations are not static; they evolve as you evolve. You’ll witness the power of alignment as you weave intentional actions and habits into your morning routine. However, there may come a time when your goals shift, requiring you to recalibrate your routine. Be open to reassessing your goals and adjusting your practices accordingly.

8.5 The Constant Companion

You will embrace flexibility as a constant companion to sustain your routine momentum. Be open to experimentation, exploration, and trying new practices. The beauty of your morning mastery lies in its adaptability.

8.6 Embracing the Journey

As you explore the morning reset, remember it’s about the transformative process. Fueled by intentional actions and nurtured through consistency, you’ll lock in your new, improved commitment to excellence.

Embrace the advantages of your new habits. You’re designing your true athletic persona with each intentional action that becomes a habit. Embrace flexibility as a pathway to continued growth and transformation. Allow yourself to discover new practices, adjust time blocks, and explore different methods that suit your evolving needs.


Consistent thoughts create the habits and choices that earn the results- good or bad. Consistency is the heartbeat of all mastery. The consistent positive habits you cultivate in the early hours set the tone for your day. Ultimately, consistency is a choice that requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to prioritize what matters most to you. By making a conscious decision to be consistent and taking proactive steps to maintain regularity, you can achieve your goals and create lasting positive change in your life.

Frank Giampaolo’s Coaching Mentorship


Frank has been working privately with players for decades and has designed a very successful customized player assessment to assist athletes, parents, and coaches in maximizing potential. This assessment is now available remotely.

This advanced mentoring system provides direction and solutions to peacefully maximize the athlete’s physical, mental, and emotional ability. If the athletes are not getting the results they’re capable of, now’s the time to put proven systems in place to maximize potential at the quickest rate. You can choose between a 1-month mentorship or a 3-month mentorship program. Both include the following:

Personality Profiling: We’ll dive deep into the athletes’ genetic predispositions and uncover why their unique brain design motivates them to do what they do, say what they say, and think the way they think.

Detailed Game Analysis: We will build the athlete’s athletic identity. By analyzing game day videos, we’ll design patterns of play to expose strengths and hide weaknesses.

Custom Action Plan: After getting to know your game and goals, I’ll create a step-by-step process to improve your hardware (biomechanics, athleticism) and software (mental, emotional) skill sets.

Private, Weekly Remote Sessions: 1 hour with the primary sports parent and one hour directly with the athlete (2 hours per week) via Zoom, FaceTime, or WhatsApp.

Unlimited Plan Revisions: We’ll track progress through performance reviews and design game plans customized for fast, weekly improvement.

Direct Email and Text Support: I’ll always be a quick message away to ensure every question gets answered and you know what to do every step of the way.

QuickStart Assessment Handbook: This systematic resource will be completed together to align the parent, coach, and athlete.

If you’re ready to partner on the next evolution of your athlete’s journey, choose the 1-month or 3-month package plan. This offer is a limited-time opportunity to act now to reserve your space.

To Book Sessions, Call or Email Frank Giampaolo:

(949)933-8163; fgsa@earthlink.net

The Power of Habits

Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes
E-Book Special New Release Price of Only $2.99
Click Here to Order your E-book Copy
The following post is an excerpt from The Art of Exceeding

The Paradox of Habits: The Power of Habits

“Good Habits will motivate you to train even when you’re not motivated.”

Frank Giampaolo

Habits are the invisible threads that weave your days together. They are the actions you take without conscious thought. Whether you realize it or not, your choices and habits are the architects of your athletic career.

1 The Role of Habits

At their core, habits are a form of automatic behavior- actions you perform subconsciously. They have the power to shape your game in profound ways, both positive and negative. Think of the daily choices and habits that define your days.

2 Habits Shape Your Development

Now, let’s consider the impact of habits on your development. Imagine two individuals with identical goals. One strives daily for success, and the other wastes time. What sets them apart? It’s often not a matter of intelligence or athletic ability but rather their habits—their daily choices.

3 Routines Are Habits

True competitors have developed routines that drive them toward success. Conversely, those trapped in unproductive habits repeat behaviors that hinder progress and cause pressure.

4 A Commitment to Change

The journey from unproductive to productive habits is a path of self-discovery and transformation. It requires awareness, intention, and a commitment to change. You possess the power to shape your destiny through the choices you make each day.

In this playbook, we’ll discover how to identify unproductive habits that hold you back, break free from their grasp, and replace them with habits that lead you toward productivity and fulfillment. A skill to consider is leaving your ego out of the equation. An unhealthy ego halts open-minded growth. Healthy ego allows improvement to flourish.


Take the time to identify the routines that drive you towards success and those unproductive habits that trap you in a stagnant loop and commit to change. Be patient because breaking long-held poor habits takes time, energy, and commitment.

Tennis- Breaking Unproductive Patterns

Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes
E-Book Special New Release Price of Only $2.99
Click Here to Order your E-book Copy

The following post is an excerpt from The Art of Exceeding

The Paradox of Habits: Breaking Unproductive Patterns

“Choices lead to habits. Habits become skills. Skilled athletes are seen as gifted. They’re not more gifted; they’re just more disciplined.”

Frank Giampaolo

As we continue your journey toward greater productivity, we dive deeper into the art and science of breaking free from these unproductive patterns.

1. The Nature of Habit Formation

Here’s the mechanics of habit formation. Habits are not easily discarded because they are etched into your brain’s neural pathways. They’re like well-worn paths in a forest, comfortable and familiar. Breaking free involves rewiring your brain, forging new pathways, and replacing them with stronger ones.

2. Strategies for Breaking Unproductive Habits

  • Mindfulness

Mindfulness allows you to pause and assess your actions, making it easier to intervene before a habit takes hold and allowing you to stay focused on the here and now.

  • Set Clear Intentions

What components of your game need improvement? Do you truly falter in competition due to your underdeveloped hardware (mechanics and athleticism) or your software (mental and emotional) skills? Having a clear purpose is a powerful motivator.

  • The Replacement Theory

When you feel the urge to engage in an unproductive habit, consciously stop and replace it with a new, intelligent alternative. It is very challenging to stop a bad habit without substituting it with a better choice.

  • Start Small

Break the poor habit into smaller, more manageable steps- making the process less daunting and allowing you to experience small wins along the way, boosting your confidence.

  • Modify Your Environment

Alter your surroundings to make engaging in unproductive habits more challenging. For example, if you’re trying to reduce screen time, keep your devices out of reach or create designated tech-free times.

  • Bad Influences

One of the most damaging things you can do is pay attention to the wrong people. Are the people you’re following going nowhere fast? If so, you have to excuse yourself from the presence of those individuals wasting your time. 

  • Seek Support

Share your goals with a mental coach. Experienced individuals who understand the developmental pathways provide a clear, customized developmental plan, encouragement, and accountability.

  • Practice Self-Compassion

Breaking poor habits is challenging, and setbacks are common. Treat yourself kindly, forgive occasional slip-ups, and focus on replacing poor choices with better ones.

  • Track Your Progress

Keep a journal or use a habit-tracking app to monitor your progress. Tracking your progress will help you identify patterns, celebrate successes, and adjust your approach.

3. Overcoming Resistance to Change

Resistance is a natural response to breaking free from the comfort of old habits. Your brain will resist change because it’s wired to seek familiarity. Focus on the benefits of change rather than the discomfort of the process.

4. The Science of Habit Transformation

Neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself, is your ally in breaking unproductive habits. Whenever you choose the new behavior over the old one, you strengthen the neural pathways associated with the new habit.

5. Dismantling Unproductive Habits

Breaking unproductive habits is a process of change. By persistently applying your new choices, you’ll successfully dismantle unproductive habits and pave the way for greater success.

It’s time to take the first steps toward breaking free from unproductive patterns. Transformation is within your reach. Hopefully, you’ve identified unproductive patterns and learned that replacing them is your job. Please understand that transformation doesn’t begin with others, it begins with you.


Transformation requires discipline. Top athletes adhere to rigorous training schedules. Maintaining peak physical condition demands disciplined habits such as proper nutrition, sufficient rest, and hydration. Discipline enables athletes to set clear, achievable goals and stay focused despite distractions. Could you be more disciplined to achieve your goals?