Tennis -Building Common Purpose

Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes
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The following post is an excerpt from The Art of Exceeding

From Champions to Leader: Building Common Purpose

The spotlight often shined brightly on Jake’s tennis achievements. He was celebrated as a nation singles champion several times. Yet, behind Jake stood a team—a dedicated group of coaches, trainers, mental coaches, and hitting partners. Jake had the ability to build a sense of common purpose among his entourage, which turned out to be his hallmark as a tremendous leader.

  1. The Tennis Ecosystem

High performance is not a solitary pursuit; it’s a complex ecosystem of interconnected roles and responsibilities. While Katie was the central figure, her journey was supported by a network of professionals contributing to her development and success. Katie’s team consisted of:

Technical Coaches: Architects of her biomechanics.

Mental Coaches: The mental aspect of tennis is as critical as the physical. I helped Katie manage stress, organize her customized developmental plan, and develop her keen mindfulness.

Off-Court Trainers: Fitness and conditioning were integral to her performance and off-court trainers ensured she was in peak physical condition.

Hitting Partners: These practice partners simulate tournament conditions, helping Katie refine her tennis identity, competitive mind, and top patterns of play.

Very few succeeds on their own, and you’d be wise to follow Katie’s lead. You’re the team leader on your journey to the top.

2. The Leader’s Role

Katie’s journey from junior champion to international leader begins with recognizing that she wasn’t alone in her pursuit of excellence. Katie wasn’t just a player but a team captain, responsible for uniting her coaches toward a common goal.

3. Defining a Unified Vision

Leadership in sports starts with creating a shared vision. This vision encompasses the collective aspiration of the entire team. Let’s reunite with Jake and see how he managed his team. The following are three of his leadership skills:

Empowering the Team

    Jake understood that team members are experts in their respective domains.  By arriving early and often staying late, Jake inspired his coaches, trainers, and hitting partners.  Jake’s actions alone motivated his team to give the training session their very best.

    Communicating Effectively

    Athletic leaders excel in communication, and Jake was no exception. He listened to feedback from his team, asked questions, and ensured that everyone was aligned with the week’s objectives. After matches, Jake reflected and took improvement notes, and on Sunday night after tournament play, he sent them to his team, which ensured clear and concise communication about the upcoming week’s developmental plan.

    Navigating Challenges

    Every team faces challenges and setbacks. Jake’s father nurtured him to navigate adversity. Jake worked hard on his problem-solving and maintained a positive attitude even in the face of defeat.

    4. The Power of a United Team

    A team with a common purpose is a force to be reckoned with. A united team will provide the support and guidance you need to overcome hidden obstacles. Moreover, it creates an environment where the entire team thrives.

    5 You’ll Get Better Together

    Your best efforts are far more likely to happen when you have a cohesive team and like-minded peers. Research says you become the average of the people you spend time with, so choose your coaches and friends wisely.

    As we delve deeper into the world of Jake and Katie, it becomes evident that true champions are not just those who stand alone with a trophy but those who stand at the helm of a unified team. There’s a power both Jake and Katie share. They knew that tennis was a hidden team sport and that they were the captains of their tennis teams.


    Put together your entourage of coaches- technical coaches, mental coaches, trainers, and sparring partners. This united team should push you out of your comfort zone and assist you with achieving the results you’re capable of achieving.


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