The Science Behind Success

Frank’s New Release- The Art of Exceeding: Building High Performance Athletes
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The following post is an excerpt from The Art of Exceeding

The Morning Mastery Plan: The Science Behind Success

Highly successful people are rarely satisfied with their competence. They possess a growth mindset and believe there is always room for improvement—these high achievers continuously look for growth opportunities.

Your old choices and habits were likely the leading cause of your outcomes. In the realm of achievement, patterns emerge that reveal a connection between actions and results. Let’s peek into the realm of science, where we unravel your new morning mastery plan and its impact on your path to even greater success.

1 Exchanging Habits

As you practice your morning reset, you’re not just resetting your morning but forging habits that will weave into your new identity. Each morning, you reinforce the neural pathways leading to greater focus, clarity, and intentionality.

2 The Birth of Better Habits

At the heart of rituals lies the concept of new habit formation. As psychologists and neuroscientists have discovered, habits are like well-worn trails in the forest of your mind. They develop over time through a loop of cue, routine, and reward, carving neural pathways that make the new behavior increasingly automatic.

3 The Ritualistic Nature of the Human Brain

Whether conscious or subconscious, rituals hold a fascinating grip on your behavior. The human brain is wired to repeat patterns and routines. These new morning routines are the repeated behaviors that will help you maximize your potential.

4 The Neurochemistry of The Morning Reset

When you engage in morning activities that align with your values and goals, your brain releases dopamine—a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This routine creates a positive feedback loop that strengthens your inner belief in your abilities.

5 Stacking Motivation

Over time, the morning reset becomes more than just a better start to your day. It becomes a source of intrinsic motivation. As you experience the benefits, a powerful positive reinforcement cycle fuels your confidence and commitment.

5.6 Overcoming Resistance

Resistance often emerges when you break old patterns and establish new ones. Your brain naturally tends to resist change, seeking comfort in familiar routines. Understanding this resistance is vital to navigating it and acknowledging that resistance is a normal part of anyone’s growth process.

You’re not just resetting your morning but shaping your new reality. Your new belief system is born, leading to your desired success. Morning rituals create a new lens through which you perceive your development. Embrace your morning mastery routines and watch your interactions, solutions, and daily training skyrocket.


Your new morning routine creates a positive feedback loop that will strengthen your confidence. Every athlete wants to be more confident in competition. Confidence does not miraculously appear; it is developed. Plan to increase your morning routines from 15 to 30 minutes, then to 45 minutes and then to 60 minutes. By doing so, you’re shaping your new reality.


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